Red Sox - 000 200 070 - 9 10 0Schilling was superb (7-6-0-1-4, 100).
Angels - 000 000 001 - 1 8 0
Ortiz and Manny hit back-to-back home runs to start the fourth.
After Schilling got out of a small jam in the 7th, Boston sent 11 men to the plate in the top of the eighth: Lugo walked, Pedroia doubled to left (3-0), Youkilis hit a sac fly to center (4-0), Ortiz singled to left, Manny walked and Ellsbury pinch-ran, Lowell doubled to left (5-0), Drew hit into a FC, no out (6-0), Varitek doubled to left center (7-0), Crisp singled to center (9-0), Lugo popped to first, and Pedroia grounded into a FC at second.
ALCS 1 is Friday at Fenway!
Curt Schilling (3.87, 118 ERA+) / Jered Weaver (3.91, 111 ERA+)

Dustin Pedroia's left shoulder seems fine. He took batting practice on Saturday. Terry Francona: "He's fine. Actually, we expected him to be a little more tender than he was."
1 – 200 of 730 Newer› Newest»Babu!
Only 5 hours, 42 minutes til game time.... I can't wait.
Argh, I'm stuck with GDGD for a possible clinching game. Fortunately the rest of my work schedule goes very nicely with the postseason schedule. But today will be highly frustrating!
Wanted to find a finger-wagging gif. There must be one out there someplace.
Apparently, Joe Torre is now managing for his Job. Dun dun dun.
Win, or Else.
and for us Canadians, a happy thanksgiving (weekend)!
need to find a way to rig up some form of television in the kitchen. probably will either slingbox it or MLBTV...
In trying to fix my laptop screen, I busted it even further. It is dead until further notice. I am faced with the choice of watching the game on GDGD and hanging with you all or watching actual pictures on my tv.
right now I'm running out to the harvest festival. later.
Just As Evil Empire VS. Angels - NOON
Curt Schilling @ Jered WEAVER
The cynical asshole in me wants Jered Weaver to plant a 98 MPH fastball into the wrist of David Ortiz, forever ruining the guiding force behind Big Papi's monstrous swing. Then, with Weaver tossed, I envision Ervin Santana entering the game simply to plant a fastball into the bone of Many Ramirez' elbow, permanently shattering the connection that allows the future Hall of Famer's torso's animal strength to be transferred to his quick forearms when attempting to drive a ball deep.
This is another sign that Halos Heaven and the fanbase they say they're representing are clearly a bunch of douchebags.
Go fuck yourselves. Seriously, I have no hatred towards the Angels but for some reason you guys certainly have some irrational hatred towards Boston and the Sox. Once again, go fuck yourselves you OC Laguna Beach rich, spoiled pricks. Seriously brah, go fuck yourselves. Did the message sink in yet?
Ahhhhh now that the hate is done coursing through my veins, I wish the Sox and Indians a great game against their respective opponents.
for some reason you guys certainly have some irrational hatred towards Boston and the Sox
Maybe because we are 7 for our last 7 in playoff games against them, dating back 21 years?
Just a guess. :>)
We'll kick their ass in a regular game, we'll kick their ass in a brawl, and we'll kick their ass with a lineup of Hinske, Belly, Cash and Einstein.
Any which way, some LAAAAAAAAAAA asses are gettin' kicked today.
You say Halo, I say Goodbye!
...7 for our last 7 in playoff games...
Not to be picky but I do believe that is 8 for our last 8 (3 in '86, 3 in '04 and 2 this year).
Lets go Red Sox!
Lets go Red Sox!
Fortunately the rest of my work schedule goes very nicely with the postseason schedule.
Am glad that your schedule is working out. I on the other hand have a big problem next weekend. 23rd anniversary romantic get away planned by the B.H. Could be trouble in the old household if I bring the lap top!
Steinbrenner is of sound mind, as he is not happy with his team losing.
Great to see ya, Tommy!!!
8. yes.
... the one time i try to figure it out in my head and not look it up!
Angels Lineup:
Figgins, CF
Cabrera, SS
Guerrero, RF
Anderson, LF
Morales, 1B
Izturis, 3B
Kendrick, 2B
Rivera, DH
Napoli, C
Sox Lineup:
Pedroia, 2B
Youkilis, 1B
Ortiz, DH
Ramirez, LF
Lowell, 3B
Drew, RF
Varitek, C
Crisp, CF
Lugo, SS
Scioscia says Casey Kotchman is out because of "a non-baseball-related medical issue".
Jackie of the Globe on Ortiz - "with his post season record I expect he will be walking a lot"
No kidding!
Schilling says he and Beckett "landed and we knew that the Indians had won the game on the way to the hotel. Our phones ran out of power at the end. And we literally stepped out of the car in front of the hotel and looked into the hotel bar. ... On my phone, it said, 'Manny put the ball in play.' And I looked at the TV and Manny had his hands up. We walked in the bar where there were a bunch of Angels fans sitting, and I was acting like a 2-year-old. I was just screaming. I don't think they were all that excited."
23rd anniversary romantic get away planned by the B.H. Could be trouble in the old household if I bring the lap top!
A romantic getaway in October... I wonder what that might be like! :)
A romantic getaway in October... I wonder what that might be like! :)
Well, if I take the Laptop I could give you play by play but then again I have this image of everybody reading it bent over a trash can puking. So, I think I will spare you the details, however, I have been informed that after check in we are scheduled for a pedicure.
#$!@#$ - have to leave for a birthday party, where there is no TV. OK, I'm going into radio silence and watching the whole thing on TiVo later. Ah, screw it, who am I kidding? I'll be sneaking peeks on my cellphone. But won't be chatting. Have fun!
lets go red sox, clap clap clapclapclap.
ok jd, time to out do yr bro.
If I go to the Red Sox main page and click for "Int'l Fans: Watch", I get the page to buy the post-season package.
If I go to MLB's scoreboard page and click MLBTV, I get the same thing.
But if I open Gameday and click "Watch Live on MLBTV", I get MLBTV!
CHB on Weaver - "OC type guy who is needed to save the season vs Schilling, I don't think he can do it".
CHB you do realize this KID has been pretty good in his two years?
on NL waiting until Thursday - "pitchers don't like the wait" No shit sherlock!
NESN - I know the Globe / NY Times owns a sizeable chunk of you but can you please every once in a while put on somebody who actually knows baseball? Please?
Yook is blogging again.
You mean it hasn't been statistically proven that "OC type guys" cannot win do-or-die games?
"the manny and paahhhpi show"
fucking whitebread suit.
Wow, TBS uses "Shipping up to Boston" as their intro. That's kind of unfair.
Now let's see what you got, Weava! Spin the wheel of fish!
I agree, terrible white-guy-esque job on the mispronunciation of Papi. (Can you be called a "suit" if you're an ex-jock, though?" Either way, terrible job.)
They have handed out "rally rackets" to the pseudo-fans at the Big A.
Stone - Boston power baseball.
Uh, Steve - Boston this year was 7th in the league in SB's and 8th in Home runs. Do your home work.
I think I may go with the mute today.
I feel like overall I don't mind TBS, but I have to believe that's strictly because they're not Fox. Granted, I missed game 2 because I was there.
These guys were WAY dumber in Game 2 than Game 1. Not sure why, but it was a huge drop off.
Game time---back in time for the first pitch!
Way to swing at one above the bill of the cap Youk.
yook sasahe. wtf?
I don't listen to the announcers---I can't seem to type, watch AND listen. So I don't listen.
well, they are swinging at pitches out of the strike zone today.
Outside, ump fell for crowd cheering. Oh well, we'll get to this guy next inning.
Weaver looked pretty sharp. I wish this was Jeff. I always liked his meltdowns.
That CSTB guy calls him "Weavie Stonder."
yeah unfortunately we got the worst guys tbs has to offer for this series.
watching all the other games, i didnt really seem to mnd the announcers, especially that guy that was doing the rockies games...;)
I think L is mired in work at work (!), but hopefully, she checks in soon. (Plus, I forgot to program the VCR at home.)
I have to be on a call at 5 PM -- hopefully not for long.
Any chance of this game going only 1:50?
hehe love the pic on the post today ;D
just turned sound on tv down, sound on radio UP! just can't roll with those dummies.
Way to waste one. I like that he's doing it right from batter one.
Under two hours is fine with me---if we win.
Where are the Angels' runs? Show me the Angels' runs! There are no Angels' runs!
wait im confused, was orsillo doing rockies or cubs games? my short term memory is shot...
coco positioned perfectly in lcf.
Okay, that can be expected from OCab. Now get two.
Why, oh why, did Theo let that guy go?
Orsillo did Rockies-Phils.
anyone else hate the "leadoff line"?
ocab is fun, but he cannot hit. has never really been able to hit.
yes, babu! of course ;)
OK, time for some hits for our side.
What is Vlad's problem? I mean, really, he's so awesome, why doesn't he fix whatever his crazy leg issues are instead of always hobbing around?
thanks jere.
ok, good inning schill
I beg to differ on the OCab can't hit comment. Ain't too proud to beg or whatever:)
12 pitches, 11 strikes for G38.
get us on the board, manny!
ocab is fun, but he cannot hit. has never really been able to hit.
I think he has bit better than any of his successors. But it's water under the bridge. I just liked the guy.
i got mlb-tv at work for the 1st time. yay!!!
no sound, but i get to actually watch in real time. just tuning in now, have to get caught up.
I guess this is a local Boston ad, but does anyone else find the 1-877WINDOWS9 jingle really creepy?
That's great, Laura! Hope work isn't too busy.
Let's go, Bad Manny!
Yeah Weaver. I do love facing guys named Weaver.
That should have said "hit"---not "bit"---in my post about Cabrera.
I think he has bit better than any of his successors. But it's water under the bridge. I just liked the guy.
O-cab made two errors in '04 off season.
1) He said he wanted Renteria money. Theo said why pay you that money when I can get Renteria
2) There are rumours / evidence that he caused some club house problems.
Still, I liked his hand shakes in '04!
YES! Go ,DOC!!
jesus don't scare me like that. Rally! Put this rally in your racket and stroke it. Or something.
oblique lookin' good.
Manny safe at 3rd! He bad man!!
That sucked J.D.
Oh, JD, that was lame.
Before I can even think about the next hitter Drew has already effed up royally. Fly ball's a run there. Ground ball ANYWHERE els else is a run!
Tek. be cool. Get someone home, please.
That ball went one foot for every 10 million dollars Drew makes.
hell of a hook slide and bag grab to avoid the tag from mmanny.
"That ball went one foot for every 10 million dollars Drew makes."
Jere, you are so above comments like that. Except about Drew, that is.
Tek has Sox K record for the season. At least he has a record.
YES! Go ,DOC!!
I put this comment thru before Weaver even looked in for the sign. Ah well, no surprises when you mod and watch mlbtv.
I am just prescient, Allan. I saw it coming.
come on coco!
This is weak. 2nd and 3rd no outs, we have to score. Tek needs to make contact.
L: Maybe I'm just watching a different Drew than you guys are, but that man just doesn't know how to play baseball, and for us to pay him that much, we should expect at least average ball from him.
OK, now the announcer is pissing me off. If Sox don't score now, it will propel Angels to victory?? What an assinine remark.
Crisp batting .091 vs Weaver. Not liking our chances here.
Amy: go for the mute. You'll enjoy the game more.
Jere: I'm watching the same Drew, but he's on my team, so I'm rooting for him, and I don't give a crap how much money he makes. The comment seemed unworthy of you.
Get out of the way ump!
DId they just suggest pitching around Coco? Man, that ball could've been a run. Bad luck.
FUCK. That's so annoying.
No score after 2, and we're up 2-0 in the series. You folks are too negative for me.
See you all later today, after we win.
Think of what we could've done with Drew's money had we just gotten some average schmoe to play right for like a third the money. WOuld've got the same production.
If Sox don't score now, it will propel Angels to victory??
haha what??? they really say the most dumb things ever.
ps. it wasn't demoralizing. let's not get carried away ;p
and for us to pay him that much
we should expect at least average ball from him.
His OPS+ was 108, so we did.
Varitek, who is $10 million, had an OPS+ of 106. Does Tek know how to play baseball?
As I have said before, Drew's on base % (.373) was barely lower than Lowell's (.378).
Need a quick inning here by Schill!!
Reggie!!! Too bad he was the worst b-ball player in the family.
bwaaahhh hah
us: the Red Sox. The money the Red Sox have. It's not an endless supply.
here comes the propelling.........
You can't just "think about what we would have done with the money" in an abstract way.
You have to go back to what the Sox needed, who was available, what other moves needed to be made, etc. You have to look at the exact context, not some dream world of who you might prefer at any given position.
And then again, you could just accept that this is the team you have, he's been on the team the whole friggin year, we were in 1st place throughout, best record in baseball, up 2-0 in the first round AND STOP COMPLAINING.
fuck you reggie miller
If Drew was catching the pitching staff every day as well as shitting the bed in the field, maybe I'd cut him some slack. If we got the 70 million dollar catcher, whoever that is, would he do better than Drew? I'd hope so.
I'm not negative or demoralized. I just find it frustrating to have a man on third with no outs and not bring him home.
*in the field and at the plate.
What are you seeing about Drew that you can defend? The guy's horrible.
Teflon Tek. Everyone making excuses.
you know that old bit about the guys in jail who know each other's jokes so well that they just say the number instead of telling the actual joke? we should do that.
if you want to beat the drew sucks dead horse into a further pile of pudding, maybe just type "7"
Maybe with some production out of the five hole all year we'd have been in much better shape.
Jere - I suppose you want Trot back?
whatever amy, its MORE than frustrating
I gave up 7 for this year.
At a boy defense!!!
Nice! DP!! Love our defense.
love that DP! ;))
Yeah but Drew's finding new and exciting ways to stink all the time, so just "7" wouldn't do. But, sure, why not.
redsock said...
you know that old bit about the guys in jail who know each other's jokes so well that they just say the number instead of telling the actual joke? we should do that.
if you want to beat the drew sucks dead horse into a further pile of pudding, maybe just type "7"
i'll have a crack at it
TROT'S hat wuz dirty!!LOL!!#111
I think we are agreeing, Nixon. I just haven't give up on the game, nor do I agree with the TBS jerk who said this will propel the Angels to victory. But frustrated? Annoyed? You bet.
garrett anderson has left the game.
Never wanted Trot to leave, actually. I feel like Drew only hurt us this year playing every day. I guess it's debatable whether we still would've won with Trot there.
One and done for Anderson.
Seriously, I have addressed the Drew thing here many times. I'm doing it anymore.
Until I do it again (in the future some time).
lol i can't believe the complaining. we have a 2-0 lead in the series, coming off of one of the most dramatic walk-offs in recent years. yankees are down 0-2. i mean, srsly. stfu ;p xo
redsock said...
TROT'S hat wuz dirty!!LOL!!#111
in comparison to
i mean, srsly. stfu ;p xo
Short sweet and to the point!!!
tdcg: i know!!!
a couple of lob and it's gloom and doom.
stone pronounces epstein like einstein.
yr negative energy makes kitty cry. for realz.
OK, once again I will show my ignorance, but what does STFU stand for?
no gloom and doom, just a failure to produce runs is all.
OK, once again I will show my ignorance, but what does STFU stand for?
shut the fuck up.
STFU - Shut the F*** Up
Got it. Never mind. I will STFU.
I have no doubt we'll win this game in spite of Drew. I'm not complaining about the team as a whole. I predicted a sweep. As Nixon33 knows, I was at Game 3 in ALCS til the end, telling the Yanks they were wasting their runs and I was like the only person besides Millar who thought we'd come back. I'm just a little pissed at this game right now, which I have a right to be. I'm not gonna sit and watch a frustrating playof game and say "hey, we won the division!" Gimme a break.
i wish the cubs had won so there'd be another game tonight after the yanks, i was getting spoiled w/ those triple headers!
amy yr so unscathed by the evil internet :)
in case anyone thought otherwise, i wasn't telling anyone to SU w/ or w/o a TF in there.
i just don't like watching a game with people who are really negative. so i'm watching by myself (and modding). 'sokay.
I am so tired of the High Life commercials. Of course it doesn't help that I hate Miller beer.
i like the bud lite real men of genius ads
I for one am not feeling negative. But I think expressing frustration is not the same as being negative.
As for the Drew stuff, I haven't engaged in that discussion since my repentance. I have no problem with any player on the team. That doesn't mean that I don't get frustrated by strikeouts, bad plays, etc.
backwards K mofo
Negative would be me saying, "Oh, here comes Drew, he's gonna get out," instead of the reality which is me always saying we will do well, get 'em next inning, we'll erase this 20-run defecit, etc.
But if Drew does something shitty, I'm gonna say something. I can't be the only one punching/throwing things when bad stuff happens, right?
whew. finally a K for curt :)
That pitch was to close to take nap, so stfu and sit down!!
Yes, Dietcokegirl, I feel like a relative newbie at times! However, I love decoding all the stuff, and years of IMing with my kids has helped bring me to the 21st century. Most of the acronyms I know, but that one was new to me. Guess my kids never told me to STFU!
Well, maybe my problem is with expression of frustration then. To me that distinction doesn't matter, b/c either way I don't enjoy it.
I'm not telling anyone else how to watch the game, what to say or not say. I just find it irritating, so it's better for me not to hang out, so I'm not.
I am so tired of the High Life commercials. Of course it doesn't help that I hate Miller beer.
i like the bud lite real men of genius ads
The only good widespread American beer I've come across is Sam Adams. And not because it's from Boston. That said, the real men of genius is pretty funny.
I for one am not feeling negative. But I think expressing frustration is not the same as being negative.
no, it's not. there's nothing wrong with that. it's just when ppl dredge up negativity at inopportune moments and over-negatize things that make me bristle ;)
"thats ok mr. buckner, we'll get em in '04. Now lets go out for ice cream and blow up some balloons! YAY!"
i'm kidding...
i like it when i see schill getting groundball outs.
good sign, obviously
I'm not telling anyone else how to watch the game, what to say or not say. I just find it irritating, so it's better for me not to hang out, so I'm not.
lol ;)
I can't be the only one punching/throwing things when bad stuff happens, right?
Well, I don't get physical, but I type my frustration out!
nix33, good thing you're not prone to exaggeration or anything, since that's exactly what's going on here.
/eye rolling
Sam Adams. And not because it's from Boston.
You are kidding me!
Bucknor you fragging suck.
THAT WAS CLOSE. he was safe
he was safe. move on.
I'm mainly frustrated because I can't watch the game, and I have the Angels radio station on Gameday Audio... about the outcome of the game- my confidence is high.
L-girl said...
nix33, good thing you're not prone to exaggeration or anything, since that's exactly what's going on here.
/eye rolling
haha very funny
they should put vlad on.
I don't really understand the Bucknor references... wanna fill me in? Is that a commercial or something?
L, assume we group what I call negativity and what you call it all together. Then realize that that stuff combined is still a very small percentage of my overall comments, which are primarily positive. Therefore, being here, at least with me, should be a good experience for you.
Guess they did put Vlad on. Was that semi-intentional? Seemed to be.
I don't really understand the Bucknor references... wanna fill me in? Is that a commercial or something?
Bucknor is the 3rd base ump. has nothing to do with commercials.
CB Bucknor, the 3rd base ump i believe
Sorry Jere, I think you are very negative in game threads. I know you are optimistic about the Sox overall, but in individual games you usually seethe with frustration.
I can't help it, I'm just not like that. I just watch and hope. Baseball is so full of frustration. I don't treat every at-bat like it's do-or-die.
Yeah Tek!!!
Watch out for those on-deck circles, Tek!
now that's demoralizing. haha ;)
Phew, good holding on there, Tek. Yes! Will that now propel us to victory, TBS man??
way to get out of it boys!
time to make weaver cry
"I think you are very negative in game threads"
I think the proof that you are wrong about this is there for the finding.
Well, you're the only person whose comments consistently drive me out. One time it was Tito giving someone a supposedly undeserved day off, another time a supposedly bad call on a stolen base, then there's always Drew. I'm perfectly willing to say it's me and not you. But that's the effect your gamethreading often has on me.
Guess they did put Vlad on. Was that semi-intentional? Seemed to be.
no, schill wanted that last pitch.
he isn't sharp, but he's getting out of jams. we needs to give him a lead i think ;)
i wonder if shonda is there?
Good catch by 'Tek.
BIG PAPI DONG!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh, gee, can we all just get along? Are we on edge because we are so close to clinching this series? Come on, Jere and Laura, let's get happy here about the game. We just stopped them from scoring, and there is
Bucknor is the 3rd base ump. has nothing to do with commercials.
Ah, ok...I bunched those two sentences together...
Sorry to drive you out. Not my intention.
Man, that homer was not nearly deep enough for me. hahhahahahhaa
Now, can we all just smile a bit?
Ortiz > Weaver
Did Papi run fast enough for you that time, jerk?
I saw Ish's post "big papi dong" in comments before I even saw Ortiz at the plate! Major delay - but worth it!!!!
same guy that did it to him last time
what was that about you not forgetting, weaver?
oh yeah papi had to remind you again.
Amy, I am not the slightest bit on edge. There's nothing to be on edge about! I'm just stating my preferences. That's all.
YES! Ha, I refreshed, saw Big Papi dong, and only then the Angels' broadcaster started calling the 'big fly'.
Alright, let's start kicking Weaver around.
Jere, I know that, thank you.
Laura, I meant those of us who may seem to have been a little whiny.
HOLY SHIT! Manny not to be out done. What a bad man!
Thanks Amy. I don't want to beat a dead horse either, so... bye-bye. Enjoy!
You're welcome, L.
Becker? Is Ted Danson a pitcher for the Red Sox? Oh wait, he was. Sam Malone.
Back to Back!!!! dong, dong, the witch is dead!!!
wow, cannot believe i predicted that
Love to see a Weaver with sweaty hair.
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