
March 1, 2004

The Plan For Pedro. El Rey on Sunday's 49-pitch session: "I was actually shocked, especially throwing curveballs for strikes and not even make an effort to do it. I just hope tomorrow I'm not too sore." ... Trainer Chris Correnti: "It was unbelievable -- I don't know how he does it ... he threw a game-ready curveball. Last year, I thought he came in good, but this year he's better than ever. Have you felt his shoulder, his arm? He's stronger than he's ever been in his life. He's never been this strong before."

Martinez said he's back up to 193 pounds and feels comfortable. "Last year after the first half I knew I was in command of my physical shape. The way I finished the season told me I was all healed and ready to go." ... Dave Wallace: "To have only been playing catch all winter and then get on the mound and have that much control of his body and delivery, that's certainly a good sign of things to come." ... Martinez will have another side session, then two batting-practice sessions before his first start, perhaps on March 10 against St. Louis. ... P.S. In his 6 years with Boston, Pedro is 101-28 with a 2.26 ERA.

Tim Wakefield toyed with Gabe Kapler and Bill Mueller during batting practice, and Byung-Hyun Kim also had an impressive outing. ... ... Boston seems intent on giving Ramiro Mendoza another shot -- he had a light throwing session yesterday -- but he may start the season on the DL.

A David Ortiz BP bomb broke the left taillight of a dark green Oldsmobile Intrigue parked about 100 feet beyond the right-field fence. "I still don't know why they're still parking back there." The Herald reports the ball shattered the right taillight of Peter Chase's (media relations) car. ... Kevin Millar's second-half slump was due in part to his attempt to pull everything. "I don't like hearing I had a career year. A few numbers were up, but my average was down, my doubles were down, my strikeouts were up."

David Heuschkel talks to Scott Williamson. Theo: "October was a big step for him. He showed everyone that he's the guy you want on the mound in pressure situations against good teams. ... It might not always be the ninth inning. He's a weapon for us." ... Swilly: "I can always handle pressure. ... That whole [ALCS], I don't think you can go through anything more stressful than that series. In Yankee Stadium I retired all six guys I faced. And it wasn't like I was pitching against the slugs. I pitched to their big dogs." He's right, for the most part:

Game 1: 9th inning, Sox up 5-2: Giambi K, Williams 3U, Posada K.
Game 4: 9th inning, Sox up 3-1: Johnson K, Sierra HR, Dellucci K, Soriano K.
Game 6: 9th inning, Sox up 9-6: Giambi K, Williams P8, Posada 8.
Too bad Gump was saving him for Game 8.

LA Times: "A Touch of Evil Isn't So Bad." ... Joel Sherman, New York Post: "Yanks Need Javier To Keep Pace With Pedro."

When he was trying to make it in the big leagues, Dave Wallace sometimes slept on the floor of Philadelphia Inquirer sportswriter Frank Dolson. Gordon Edes asks: "Can you imagine any Red Sox player today grabbing some rug space at Shaughnessy's?" ... MTV's next Real World -- Pedro, Manny, Nomar and Varitek sharing a Fort Myers apartment with the CHB. Now that would be Must See TV!

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