
April 16, 2005

Jeter: The Second Coming of Jackie Robinson

I'm a Red Sox fan, so I'm genetically predisposed to hate Derek Jeter, but what the fuck is this garbage? And on the anniversary of Robinson's first major league game? WTF? ... Seriously, WTF?

I swear that what follows is in the article:
Jeter closest we have to modern-day Jackie
Gary Gillette, ESPN

When we look around for a modern-day Jackie Robinson, one player stands out: Derek Jeter. In many ways, the parallels between the careers of these two great middle infielders are striking. Here's a look:

* Both were highly touted amateur athletes, though segregation and World War II delayed Robinson's debut till age 28.

* Both Robinson and Jeter came to the majors with high-profile teams in New York City.

* Both played key defensive positions ...

* Both players made immediate impacts as rookies -- on their teams, on their cities and on their leagues.

* Both men were acknowledged leaders on their clubs, even though they played with many veterans who were much older. ...

* Both hit for high average ...

* Both infielders had good power for their positions ...

* Both ballplayers were smart, disciplined hitters with excellent on-base percentages ...

* Much like Robinson, Jeter has speed, power and a burning desire to win.

* Both had good speed, stole bases at a high rate, and were heads-up baserunners. ...

* Aside from their individual attributes, both Robinson and Jeter led their clubs into dynastic eras. ...

* Both were big men for their positions and their times. ...

* Both players were durable ...

* Both men were fearless on the diamond. Robinson, of course, had to contend with vicious racial slurs and the constant threats of fisticuffs. In a much more genteel era, Jeter doesn't face the same level of danger, though his headfirst, full-speed dive into the seats at Yankee Stadium last July showed the extent of his physical courage. ...
The lead-in is here.

This is what passes for journalism at ESPN. And it's located in the section you have to PAY to read! What professional writer would turn in this crap? And what professional editor -- at the most famous sports website in the world -- would print it?!?


Yeah and I'm a modern-day Walt Whitman.

Wait a minute ... I am! Here's a look:
* Whitman lived in Brooklyn. When I first moved to New York City, I lived in Brooklyn.

* Whitman lived in New York City when it was believed to be the world's greatest city. I lived in New York City when it was believed to be the world's greatest city.

* We both wrote about sports for newspapers -- and we both loved baseball.

* Whitman is thought by at least one person to be an early blogger. You are reading my blog. Right now!

* Whitman self-published "Leaves of Grass"; I self-published my book.

* Whitman "spent time studying great works of literature in the libraries of New York City." Me, too.

* Whitman is recognized as one of the greatest writers this country has ever produced. While I'm not so well-known or highly-regarded, I have sometimes thought it would be pretty cool if I was.
Can there be any doubt? I am the Whitman of the 21st Century.

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