
July 9, 2005

Sox Blogs

I've trimmed the list of linked blogs a little bit, but it's still (probably) the most complete list of Red Sox blog links you'll find anywhere.

Three plugs: Randy, at Over The Monster, has a ton of minor league information. 12eight, from Andrew in Toronto, is also good. The Yankee Despiser has plenty of material this season.

1 comment:

  1. Always happy to get a plug.

    I just read your SoSH thread on the Globe's blog publication, and thought I should add here (as I'm not one of the few, the proud, the SoSH posters) that virtually all blogging features on, from BDD to Feedster, are run and maintained by Steve Silva, which means that most selections are tinged by his own opinions and selections. Many of the better Sox blogs out there have been shut out of Feedster because for various reasons Silva has decided they're not worth wider distribution. Frankly, I have no problem with this; I'm perfectly happy with my readership and even happier knowing that in no way shape or form does Steve Silva influence it. This latest just seems more like an attempt by him to be recognized as some kind of leader in the Sox blogging community, instead of as a sensaionalist, frequently offensive, incomprehensibly validated blowhard. My two cents, admittedly, but I know he's insulted you politically as well.
