
February 16, 2006

More 2006 Simulations

Back on February 2, I posted SG's results for 100 seasons of ZIPS projections.

He has recently run "another 100 Diamond Mind simulations using Baseball Prospectus's PECOTA projections, and the results were far more encouraging for Yankee fans."

Here they are:
            W   L   RF   RA  DIV  WC  Hi W  Lo W
New York 91 71 879 785 53 19 106 80
Boston 87 75 852 767 33 14 107 73
Toronto 83 79 767 749 13 6 100 68
Baltimore 75 87 747 804 2 2 92 58
Tampa Bay 70 92 698 826 0 1 90 53
I see that some of the pre-season magazines are out, so I'll be taking a look at those soon.

Then there is the Yankees vs. Red Sox comparison according to Scrabble.


  1. There are going to be some very disappointed Blue Jays fans. They spent that much money just to break .500?

  2. stefan,

    yeah. in the comments SG says they should be "low wins". i'll change it.
