
August 29, 2006

Medical Statement On Ortiz

Dr. Thomas Gill, Red Sox Medical Director:
Prior to Monday night's game in Oakland, David Ortiz experienced palpitations and was removed from the lineup. At that time, it was determined that he would return to Boston to undergo further examination and testing to determine the cause of these recurring symptoms. The examination and testing will be done over the next few days led by Red Sox Team Internist Dr. Larry Ronan, with the support of a group of specialists.

David had experienced similar symptoms approximately ten days ago. He was admitted to the hospital on August 19 where he was fully examined by specialists and a series of tests were performed. Based on the results of these tests, and David's symptomatic improvement, he was cleared to play. David had not experienced any additional episodes of palpitations until Monday evening.

With the recurrence of these symptoms, we would like David to be fully examined and tested before he is allowed to return to the field.

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