
September 3, 2006

G137: Blue Jays 6, Red Sox 1

I'm trying to have some hope for the wild card, but these bastards keep losing.


Gustavo Chacin (5.90) / Josh Beckett (5.11), 4 PM

Wily Mo Pena and Alex Gonzalez are in the starting lineup. Jason Varitek and Trot Nixon will likely not play today.

More from Tito in the Globe.


  1. Wait a sec. He does such a wicked mound-stompin' fist-pump after a big K. That's a warrior, Baby.

  2. Yes, but his refusal to rely on his other pitches and not always throw down the middle speedballs has hurt him immensely. That's where we miss the guidance of TEK behind the plate. You'd a thought he would have already made adjustments, but nooooooooo. Thick as a brick, in Jethro Tull words.

  3. er, Peter n, not that I like emoticons, but somebody needs to invent the 'sarcasm' one for people like me.

  4. Jack, couldn't agree more. I'm just waiting for Nixon to hit a single and hear all about how he was missed in the 5-hole. Please. This team had fundamental weak spots all season, hopefully Theo will see through the attempts to blame the flushed season wholly on the absurd number of injuries.
