
October 7, 2006

Saturday In New York

Get the #$@% away from me, Johnny!

ALDS 4: Wright / Bonderman, 4 PM

If you don't mind my sayin', I can see you're out of aces.


  1. George will bribe Dontrelle Willis to undergo a face transplant from Wright and wear his uniform today


  2. A-Rod batting eighth today.

    Look for Mo to go 2 though 9 if the Yanks get the lead in the first...

  3. 3-0 Tigers in the 2nd, NYY bullpen already up. Yee-ha. :)

  4. 8th!


    Thanks to Retrosheet, I found that Slappy has not started a game batting any lower than 5th since May 7, 1996.

  5. Sheffield: not playing last night was hardest thing he's ever had toexperience in his life

    Kenny Rogers: More up for last night than any game in his life.

    Do these guys know you have to win two more series after this one?

    Nine up, nine down for the Yanks!

  6. Instead of defending Mr. April with your life, Steve Lyons, take a step back, realize that A-Rod bobbled the ball, leading him to rush the throw, which pulled the first baseman off the bag. Error. On the 3rd baseman. 100 times out of 100.

  7. Sheffield: not playing last night was hardest thing he's ever had toexperience in his life

    how soon they forget ... or would like to forget.

  8. thanks for playing our game, jaret!

    we have no loving parting gifts for you.

  9. 12 up and 12 down for Mr. Bonderman!

  10. Fox Mediot just said "It's almost like the two teams have changed uniforms!"

    No, mediot, it's almost like you haven't been paying attention and think it's still 1998.

  11. Instead of defending Mr. April with your life, Steve Lyons, take a step back, realize that A-Rod bobbled the ball, leading him to rush the throw, which pulled the first baseman off the bag.

    Aw Jere, you know it's just cause "the kid can't catch a break" !! Man, time was, Alex Rodriguez is the last person you'd ever say that about!

  12. Hi all...this is too good to be true! But no jinxing here. 4-0 can turn into 8-0 as the scoreless innings mount! Let me know, please, when the Vtape comes in! And enjoy our Saturday. The last day of Yankee baseball? I'd like to think so. Love ya!!!!!

  13. And Jere, we NEED you to be doing the play by play. Enjoy!! We sure are!

  14. You want a play by play, Peter?

    "Here's the pitch...and A-Rod doesn't hit it. Again."

    15 up and 15 down...

    Am I crazy to want them to get a hit, because if it's a no-no, they'll have the excuse of "Well, NO team could've won against Bonderman today. We simply ran into great pitching. There's nothing we could've done."

    (Don't thinkI'm actually rooting for them to get hits, though. In fact, scratch that. Gimme the perfectest of perfect games to send 'em home.)

  15. Peter N: cross-border mail is painfully slow, there's no mail delivery on Saturdays in Canada, and it's a holiday weekend here, no mail on Monday. Please stand by.

  16. Am I crazy to want them to get a hit

    Well, you would have been, but you wisely changed your mind.

  17. They're talking about Bobby Higginson. Such a sweet sounding name to the Yankee-hater.

    6-0 Detroit!


  18. Every time I think Steve Lyons can't any dumber, he manages to drain a little more out of the pool.

  19. Did you catch the little homage to Don Orsillo? "Jeremy Bonderman has been on the bench for 22 minutes..."

  20. !!!!!

    Fox just listed Yankees collapses in recent post-seasons. They said: the Angels in 02, the Marlins in 03, and now this.


  21. Fox just listed Yankees collapses in recent post-seasons. They said: the Angels in 02, the Marlins in 03, and now this.

    Ho. Lee. Shit.

    You don't have to say it -- but it still happened!!!!!!!

    That's right up there with Fox News repeatedly referring to Mark Foley in their on-air graphics as a Democrat.

  22. Wow. I must've missed that while on phone with family members. So they left out the two classics? '04 AND '01?

  23. God I wish I was at Comerica right now. 4 outs away.

  24. Yankee fans in disbelief, Lyons?

    "I can't believe we still haven't learned pitching wins championships!"

  25. Second time Shef's tried to make a basket catch on a throw to first. Didn't work out this time. That was laugh out loud funny.

  26. Yankee fans in disbelief, Lyons?

    I know quite a few intelligent Yankees fans who fully expected a post-season collapse.

    I know "intelligent Yankees fan" is an oxymoron for many of you, but they do exist. :)

  27. Ooo, that reminds me, where's our friend Gutch? :)

  28. So they left out the two classics? '04 AND '01?

    Even if, like me, you don't consider making it to Game 7 of the World Series a collapse ('01), they did leave out a RATHER LARGE collapse. You know, the biggest collapse in baseball history?

  29. My blog has some "friends," too. I'm wondering where they've gone the last few days as well.

  30. Mo on the mound with a chance to win, in Game 7 of World Series. It's a collapse, albeit a short, quick one.

    (Actually, I didn't see the thing on the screen, so I just kind of thought we were talking about disapppointments in general. Even though you clearly wrote "collapses.")

  31. It wasn't a screen graphic, it was just blather from Ken Whathisname in the stands.

    I'll disagree about that terminology, but I'll try not to go on about it. It still hurts to think about it.

    Back to the present, where a true collapse is two outs away.

  32. Wow, this is an awesome celebration. Way to get the fans involved, that's great.

  33. I will sleep soundly for six months. Thank you, Tigers. And thank you Joy Of Sox, the best Sox blog, for a great season. (Note how the "season" is over for me right now.)

    Wow, that sounded Peter-ish.

  34. Hey, all you Monday Morning Quarterbacks!



    Dear Media:

    This was not an upset. So don't let me catch any of you saying it was.



    Go Mets!

  35. Great job by Tigers. Total collapse by Yanks--bats, defense, starters (except Wang). The curse of ARod sprouting more legs. Curious decisions by the unflappable one with the lengthy nose hairs. Let the head-rolling begin. Also liked the frequent references to "America doesn't know who these Tigers are." Who has exclusive rights to Saturday Game of the Week again?

  36. Jeannie Zelasko says jaws are dropping.

    *scrambling to find the remote to hit MUTE*

    Ah, that's better.

    OK folks, I am going to say something I have never ever ever said before in my life, the strangest thing I will ever say, even stranger than when I started to say LET'S GO RED SOX...

    GO METS!!!!

    OH MY GOD what has happened to me?????????????????????????

  37. Curious decisions by the unflappable one with the lengthy nose hairs.

    Curiouser and curiouser.

    Woti, you crack me up.

    Also liked the frequent references to "America doesn't know who these Tigers are." Who has exclusive rights to Saturday Game of the Week again?

    Yup. It's the same America who thinks Mark Foley is a Democrat!

  38. Maybe Dan Patrick will say the Yankees shoulda had more "names".

    If only they had signed guys like Willie Mays and Hank Aaron, they they would have won.

    Now THOSE are some names!!!

  39. The Yankees do love to sign old players...

  40. Who's ready for:

    "Sunday In New York"?


  41. I'm ready!!!!!!!!!! I'll be walking around New York tomorrow, I'll let you know if I see one Yankee hat.

  42. I'm trying to enjoy the Dodgers/Mets game, but I keeping hearing the name of the Dumbest Man On The Planet. I don't usually watch NL games, and we never utter his name at home, so I'm not used to it. Every time I hear his name, I wince.

    I don't mean Tim McCarver, either.

  43. jere, i liked the comment on your blog asking whether the tigers would be selling shirts with "got alcs?" on the front and a tombstone with the yankee logo on the back.

  44. yeah. heh. So, will any Yanke fans actually wear their tombstone shirt now? What would be the point? That shirt "worked" for about a week.
