
October 20, 2006

WS 102: Cardinals / Tigers

For the next week or so, we here at Redsock Manor are Tiger fans.


  1. Sign me on for Tigers--and any anti-LaRussa or FOX movements. I had the NLCS muted for much of the time, but did McCarver ever mention that he played for the '68 Cards? I wonder how often he'll work it in during the next week? Buck also does Cards games for FOX Sports during the regular season. Many positive reasons for being pro-Tiger, many more for sticking it to the Cards. It's unanimous.

  2. Thankfully, McCarver talks far less about his playing career than Joe "Have I Told You In The Last 10 Minutes That I Was A Star For The Greatest Team Of All Time, The Cincinnati Reds -- The Big Red Machine -- Because I Was, And We Were The Greatest, Even Dave Concepcion, Who Everyone Thinks Was Not A Star, But He Was, Because He Played For The Greatest Team Of All Time, The Big Red Machine, Just Like I Did, And No, I Still Have Not Read That Moneyball Book That Billy Beane Wrote" Morgan.

    In 2005, I happened to hear Buck on a Cardinals broadcast on EI, and was amazed (and somewhat disgusted) at how much of a Cardinals homer he was. In retrospect, he did an amazing job of keeping it all under his hat in 2004.

    ... now if only the Tigers were playing in their proper ballpark.

  3. Here at SoxCentralConnecticut, we are Tiger rooters too! Should be fun, although I think the Cards will win two. But not either of the first two...a Dee-troit bashing should be in store. Have fun! Your neighbor to the south. As always.....

  4. Jack, I always thought that some of McMoron's anti-Sox bias was related to them letting him go in 1975. But since I was only 11 that year, I really have no idea.

    If You Care: I read in some book -- it's probably on my shelf -- that McCarver was called "Ol' Second Inning" by at least a few of his St. Louis teammates because he always had to take a dump in the second inning of every game. I believe it was more biological than superstition.


    (I thought my word verification for this comment was "ispygod" -- !! -- but it starts with a j and not an i.)

  5. Redsock, just noticed a little snippet saying that Sportsnet is carrying the MLB International feed for the WS. So we canucks can either suffer McBuck on FOX or tune to Sportsnet for---Dave O'Brien and Rick Sucliffe!! Jesus H. Christ. It's like offering a condemned spy the noose or the firing squad. MLB has to poll fans to find out why they tune out during WS, including a specific questionnaire about what they like/don't like about the TV commentary.

  6. I don't have anything against the Cardinals. I like Tony LaRussa. I don't even mind Joe Buck. McCarver, that's another (annoying) story, but I find Buck a breath of fresh air compared to what else is out there.

    But the Tigers! That's an easy choice for me. Old original AL team and a great comeback story over the last few years.

    I'm hard pressed to ever cheer for an NL team, but in this case, it's very easy.

  7. So we canucks can either suffer McBuck on FOX or tune to Sportsnet for---Dave O'Brien and Rick Sucliffe!!

    In the US, there's only Fox. So we're spoiled for choice. :)

    I watch on the Fox station from Buffalo, to avoid Buffy sightings.`

  8. Buffy and Greg Zaun are Sportsnet's answer to Kennedy and Jeannie. Naturally, there's lots of Buffy time since Snet has to replace the endless FOX promos of upcoming shows. Zaun, although kind of wooden, has some good insights and is not afraid to 'predict' what somebody is going to do. Buffy actually shows him respect by listening to him. Predictably, they can't resist the 'interactive' routine so if you email them, Greg "will answer anything". Fire away.

  9. I haven't seen Zaun with Buffy. Maybe I'll check it out tonight.

    Zelasko and Kennedy never make an appearance in Chez KaminkerWood without that little MUTE sign in the corner.

  10. Redsock Manor??? Oh my.

    No good, huh?

  11. Buffy

    Why are you guys always picking on me? ... Wait, who said that? Was it you?

  12. Amazing photos. That little boy could easily be the young Jamie Campbell.

    Wait. Are we sure he's not?

  13. They're both the same guy now. You just have to guess which photo has the make-up on.

  14. Whew, Blogger's back online.

    I watched with the ESPN broadcast. Sutcliffe is annoying - always gushing, everyone is the greatest - but what a relief compared to the McBucks. A W/S without McCarver, what a concept!

    The Rodent (Greg Zaun) and Buffy weren't so bad. Zaun looked ridiculous, like he was doing a Sean Penn impersonation, auditioning for a Martin Scorcese film. Slicked back hair, dark pinstriped three-piece suit - hey dude, lighten up!

    So the Tigers let one slip by them. They did that against the Yankees too. Tigers in 5.

  15. Jeez, what a mess. When is that Cards pitching going to get exposed? I was flipping back and forth between McBuck and Sutcliffe (whose. way. of. talking. is. very. annoying. unlesshegetsexcited.) McCarver lost me for good after he said that the AL was noted for its slow- working pitchers. Also, while I'm not much for the 'who's doing the anthem' crap, I think a little Motown might have been in order.

  16. What amazed me was McMoron saying (after Leyland's little dugout chat where he accepted blame for the pitch that Pujols hit out) that he had never, never, never, in all his years, heard a manager step up and take honest responsibility like Leyland did.


    Shit, Tito took the blame for something at least once every fucking week last year.

    All managers do this.

  17. Also, while I'm not much for the 'who's doing the anthem' crap, I think a little Motown might have been in order.

    I thought the same thing.

    Thankfully it wasn't the anthem, it was America the Beautiful, a much nicer song than the usual celebration of bursting bombs.

    I read that Super Bowl halftime (in Detroit) was planned with no Motown performers. There was some public outcry, and Stevie Wonder was invited at the last minute.

    Sorry to mention that other sport.
