
May 31, 2007

Buster Olney On The Koward

SoSher underhandtofirst, 1:34 PM:
Olney was on Felger's show on ESPN Radio in Boston last night and said people in the Yankee organization feared what would happen to Roger if he started against the Sox. He said he's basically in "March 20th" shape and that the Yankee people were worried that "Youkilis would have a 12 pitch AB and ground to first and Clemens would pull a hamstring covering first and $28 mil would be wasted".

I know the Yankee people are exaggerating slightly, but I think the fear is real. Olney also mentioned Boston is 1st in OBP ~360 and Chicago is last ~311. Clemens doesnt need a grind in his first start and if you really look at it the other 3 guys are much more qualified at this point to face this lineup. ...

NY is 13.5 back in the division but only 7.5 back in the WC. Chicago is one of the teams it must overtake in the WC chase so that game is pretty important to them as well.
New York has to overtake about half of the American League to get atop the wild card standings. So every game is a big game for them at this point.

But you'd think the $28 million Warrior would jump at any chance to shove it down the throat of his rivals on their turf, wouldn't you?

That "Where is Rah-ger??" chant had better be plenty loud tomorrow night.


  1. Who would you bump? , Wang-no
    Mussina - he would have a fit.
    And Pettite is pitching very well

  2. You'd bump whoever is in the spot below he spot you had held for Roger. If you don't bump any of the top three, that makes him a number 4. If he's not ready to be a 1, 2, or 3, why pitch him at all?--hey, why are we arguing when we know the reason he's not pitching is because the guy's a coward? I mean, Koward.

  3. On Slappy's latest, the baseball jury seems mixed. But my thought is that he is going to catch hell in opposing parks, him being a 3rd baseman. I want to see some good left side pop-ups this weekend and see how the fans help him out with some "I got it!" calls.
