
May 17, 2007

G40: Red Sox 4, Tigers 2

Me, at 3:51 this afternoon:
[The East lead] can be 9.5 after tonight if all goes well.
All went well.

Eric Hinske, after sprinting, diving, and catching a line drive hit towards the right-field corner in the fifth inning, landing hard, smashing his face against the dirt track in foul territory, crushed a two-run home run in the seventh inning, breaking a 2-2 tie.

Schilling (6-8-2-4-6, 118) was somehow able to allow four walks, 1 hit batter, seven doubles and a home run and still come away with only two runs allowed. The Tigers left the bases loaded in the first and second innings.

Dear Yankees:


Terry Francona said David Ortiz was ill and almost scratched from the first game. He will sit out tonight's game, Francona said, with Manny serving as DH and Wily Mo Pena playing left field. Francona said J.D. Drew will try to play tonight, but he wanted to watch him hit in the cage first before he made that decision.
Ortiz was 0-for-3 (4-3, BB, 4-3, K) in the afternoon game.


Chad Durbin (5.08, 84 ERA+) / Curt Schilling (3.63, 120 ERA+)

Durbin has a 2.13 ERA in his last four starts.

(This afternoon: White Sox 4, Yankees 1. We lead the second-place Yankees by 9 games.)


  1. Suddenly, RSN becomes WSN for a few hours. Come on Garland.

    3 out of 3 from the Tigers, 2 out of 3 from the Yankees by the White Sox, dare to dream? 10 game lead!?

  2. Start spreadin' the news: Yankees lose.

  3. Start spreadin' the news

    I just did. :>)

    9 GA.

    (I think fans are going to have to get used to the Liza version!)

  4. All three of the other division opponents are within a game of the Yanks. I'd almost trade a few games on the lead for a few TEAMS in between us and the Yanks.

    Was it Kierkegaard...or the Pixies, who said, "Must be a devil (ray) between us"?

  5. I want to win the East the way the Reds won the 1975 NL West.




    And don't look back.

  6. Leading off, with a .281 OBP, Coco Crisp.

  7. I won't Pena traded!!!! Now would be preferable!

  8. What the hell did Pena do? Coco didn't catch it.

    Poor Wily Mo, keeps getting shunted around to 3 dramatically different positions and we wonder why he sucks at all of them.

    And, uh, Curt? Focus.

  9. Sean said...

    Poor Wily Mo, keeps getting shunted around to 3 dramatically different positions and we wonder why he sucks at all of them.

    Not really he is just a below average fielder....

    Pound the zone Curt these guys swing at everything

  10. Four walks for Schilling now. Unusual enough to worry about his health.

    Sweet manufactured run there in the first. So weird to not have Ortiz standing in to hit, isn't it?

  11. Schill gets out of it. Fuck, that was a close force at second.

  12. wily hasn't shown to be a good outfielder, but it can't be ignored that he doesn't get to play everyday. how can he even try and get in a groove? he can't.

  13. curt needs to start getting efficient. he's up to 68 pitches already in the 3rd.

  14. Which is more improbable?
    (1) Hinske's incredible diving catch and go-ahead two-run homerun; or
    (2) WMP's three(!) walks

  15. phrenile said...
    Which is more improbable?
    (1) Hinske's incredible diving catch and go-ahead two-run homerun; or
    (2) WMP's three(!) walks


  16. Duhnt Duhnt Duhnt, Another team bites the dust.

  17. Schilling didn't have it , but he battled like only he can.....

  18. I have a new favourite song!

    Now we go for the double-digit lead...

  19. I was so happy for Hinske. That catch hurt just looking at it.

  20. happy for hinske, but i think curt was the one tonight. he battled and battled when he wasn't on point and somehow only allowed 2 runs.

    whoa. both games = W's. happy happy joy joy!! ;D

  21. Tigers walk four times, hit seven doubles and a homerun on nine hits, and lose 4-2.

    I love this team.

    The Hinske catch is up on If only I could convince it not to display so choppily. Any tips? (Having it buffer the whole clip before playing doesn't help.)

  22. Here 's a nickname for ya
    "Jonathan, we call him 'Gasolina,'" said Tavarez

  23. s1c said...
    I won't Pena traded!!!! Now would be preferable!

    Your right 28-12 good time to break it up....Light a fire under someones ass in that clubhouse....

  24. Gasolina

    Did he explain it?

    I guess it refers to his fastball, but it sounds more like a a name for shitty reliever ("gas can").

  25. i would just think gasolina = gas = blazing fastball = strike 3 yr out = thanks for playing, goodnight and goodluck. ??

  26. My dad always called Juan Berenger "El gasolino": comes in to put out the fire, but pours gas on it.

  27. happy for hinske, but i think curt was the one tonight. he battled and battled when he wasn't on point and somehow only allowed 2 runs.

    Curt was very lucky. He battled, but that's his job.

    Curt has to pitch a lot better than that to get anything from me.

  28. My dad always called Juan Berenger "El gasolino": comes in to put out the fire, but pours gas on it.

    That's the way I hear that, too. I can't see Gasolina as a compliment.

  29. What the hell team is this?

    2007 Boston Red Sox, American League East Champions, American League Champions, and...

  30. Back in the old days (pre Tony LaRussa) guys like Face and Radatz came out of the pen late with runners on and killed the rally, aka 'firemen'. Those that couldn't, threw gas on the fire. You don't want your releivers earning a nickname like 'gasolina'.

    A good win. I must remember this when Sox strand a bunch of runners and lose. Er, we did that Friday night.

  31. Tigers stranded 11 and lost. We stranded 11 and won. Us >> Them.

  32. "Jonathan, we call him 'Gasolina,'" said Tavarez. "This guy goes six, seven days without pitching and then he goes out there and throws 95, 96 without walking anybody. No panic with Pap. Once the game gets to the ninth inning, it's over. That's how we see it with Jonathan."

  33. 2007 Boston Red Sox, American League East Champions, American League Champions, and...

    Please continue.

  34. "Gasolina" is a really annoying but uber popular reggaeton song by Daddy Yankee...

    otherwise, I've really got nothing there.

    The board op on my show is a Mets fan and when I came in tonight he looked at me and said, "the only way this baseball day gets any better is if you guys win your nightcap."

    And it does get better, oh yes...

  35. Now we go for the double-digit lead...

    That really works with the tune of "Yellow Submarine". I smell a summer hit!

  36. I left the game with Schill putting people on in the 3rd and did not expect to come home tonight to check to the scores and see another W. I had already chalked it up, more or less, considering the way that Curt was pitching.


  37. Wait wait wait. Re: the update (Catch Me if You Can)... I'm not a terribly superstitious person in general, I'm a scientist, and if you asked me to define my religious beliefs I'd say agnostic with atheistic tendencies.

    But I would never, NEVER, tempt fate by daring the Yankees to catch us. Not even with a 55 game lead and 56 games left in the season.

    Of course, I also refused to wear anything but my Papelbon t-shirt for the games in the Yankees series, and briefly thought that I might have jinxed its lucky properties by washing it between games. So... yeah. What is it about baseball that makes otherwise rational beings freak out in this way? Or is it just residual from the 1918-2004 period?

  38. Wait wait wait. Re: the update (Catch Me if You Can)... I'm not a terribly superstitious person in general ... But I would never, NEVER, tempt fate by daring the Yankees to catch us.

    Fate, Schmate. We ran Fate off our property for good a couple of years ago. He ain't comin' back.

    I've (We've) dealt with too much shit in my (our) baseball pasts to worry about what might happen if we taunt, goad and kick a certain team when they are down. (It comes a little too close to the spiritual crap CHB peddles. (Though I have been known to wear a certain shirt to help Ortiz pop one.))

    Nothing in baseball can ever hurt me like 2003 did. It can't. I am now bulletproof. ... I'm having fun.

  39. Now we go for the double-digit lead...

    That really works with the tune of "Yellow Submarine". I smell a summer hit!

    Love it!! The possibilities are endless. Kind of like our insurmountable lead.

    Something like that.

  40. Love it!!

    Other than it being the Beatles, yeah.

  41. "But I would never, NEVER, tempt fate by daring the Yankees to catch us."

    I double dare them...I triple dare them...I...I...2004ple dare them!

  42. But I would never, NEVER, tempt fate by daring the Yankees to catch us."

    I double dare them...I triple dare them...I...I...2004ple dare them!

    YEAH JERE!! :)

  43. *clamps hands over ears* lalala, lalala, I can't hear you jinxing this team, lalalala...

  44. jinx

    That's CHB talk, that is.


    Enjoy their misfortune, revel in it, roll around in it and giggle like Orsillo after two joints in the 8th inning of a blowout, throw it in the face of any MFY fan you see (you know they'd be doing it to us without fear of any future consequences).

    Schadenfreude. It's not just for breakfast anymore.

  45. "you know they'd be doing it to us without fear of any future consequences"

    They do it to us now! I've recently had a Yankee fan comment on my blog how we'll lose the division, simply because we haven't won it in a while. (I can think of something else we've won recently.)

    So who's taking the bigger risk? The one bragging while his team's way behind or us? You're right, they don't care about consequences, why should anybody else? Maybe if we all have a more positive attitude, they'll stop bragging in a current world where only we should be allowed to brag.

  46. And as is currently being said on another JoS thread, what consequences? A post, a comment, an email? Who cares!
