
May 18, 2007



  1. It's brutal for Pettitte to be losing games like that. TCM's progressing in Tampa but can't expect better than Pettitte's 2.83 ERA, and even that's not good enough for a winning record.

  2. I would like nothing more than for the Yankees to have an entire year where their offense and pitching cannot sync up. In April they lose 7-6 each game as the offense explodes, then in May they lose every game 2-1 and 3-2 because they turn into the 2003 Tigers. Rinse and repeat each month until October.

    Even though they'll still win 90 games at least, they are such a horribly constructed ballclub. No bench, no first baseman, spare parts bullpen, no clue. And, with FBfO showing up, a ridiculous $215m payroll, not counting luxury tax and everything else.


  3. I don't know... I'm starting to get the feeling this is the year they finally implode. Although a 90 win season wouldnt suprise me, a .500 record or worse is looking more and more possible every day.

  4. I dont know what's more glorious...this 10 game lead or the office season finale. what an excellent episode. the ending especially, WOW.

  5. (yes i know this is a sox blog, however i feel the need to opine about other awesome things due to their extreme awesomeness, :-) )

  6. Great nugget from Jim Leyritz yesterday morning on ESPN Radio during the Mike & Mike broadcast from Penn Station.

    In his analysis of all that ails the MFY at this glorious point in their season, he compared this year's bench to NYY teams of years past, where "...every player on our bench would have been a starter for any other team in the league...".

    Perhaps a tad generous in some cases, but a fairly astute observation when examining this year's bunch of Cashman Patch Kids.
    I can almost here it now...Mr. Phelps, I knew Tim Raines. Tim Raines was a friend of mine. And you, sir, are no Tim Raines.

    For more great reading, there's a great article on Pavano in today's NY Times on-line edition, "Even When He's Gone, Pavano's Presence Felt". Scary to think how hard Theo went after this guy; this could have been our $40MM smoking hole in the mound....

  7. he compared this year's bench to NYY teams of years past, where "...every player on our bench would have been a starter for any other team in the league...".

    I agree: that's an astute (and oft-made) observation. One of the similarities beteween the 07 Sox and the 98 Yankees is the strong bench, and small role players contributing beyond expectations.

  8. redsock-
    Where are the comments for the top post? I'm bored off my ass at work and need to talk to you freaks.

  9. Redsock has left the building.

    (Actually he's on his way to work. He'll reappear in about a half-hour.)

  10. So does he have the lovely tuesday-saturday schedule as well?

  11. Friday-Saturday-Sunday, by strong preference. It's a 3-day week, 12-hour shifts.

  12. Redsock has entered another building.

    When I changed the time of the post, I must have hit a stray button.

    Carry on.

  13. Wow, nice gig. When I managed the insane Body Worlds exhibit at the Boston MoS, I had a sweet W, Fri,Sat,Sun schedule. My current job is much better, but damn was free parking in Boston, free admittance to every museum in the country, and 4 day weeks nice.

  14. It's the only way to work two jobs (day-job work and writer-y work) and still have some semblance of a life.

    We've both worked weekends for a long time.

  15. That museum gig sounds way cool, btw. I would love that. Body Worlds was huge here in Toronto, too.

  16. When I was there, one of the security guys was a huge Yankees fan, but one of the best and most knowledgeable baseball guys I've ever met. We got along great, but it's incredible how quickly you become desensitized to your surroundings.

    So often we were holding a conversation about how Pettitte will hold up in the AL East, 2' away from the cross section of "man with extreme constipation", or wondering if the Sox bullpen could hold up next to 6 foetuses.

    Weirdass experience. But, of course, the dead never gave us any trouble, the living were the problem.

  17. Nothing will ever top our NYC jobs:

    Saturday and Sunday 9 to 9.


  18. Dead are like that. Unless they are dead you knew when they were living. Those can cause you trouble.

    OK, enough of this off-topic-ness, it's almost game time.

  19. Talking about the dead (though not The Dead!) is fine, as long as you don't think they are helping or hurting the Red Sox.

  20. Nothing will ever top our NYC jobs:

    Saturday and Sunday 9 to 9.


    Too true.

    In case anyone is interested, we now work full-time to earn the same money we used to earn in 24 hrs/week. That's how much we wanted to move to Canada...

  21. Talking about the dead (though not The Dead!) is fine, as long as you don't think they are helping or hurting the Red Sox.

    Good point! And you know you'll never hear me talk about The Dead, here or anywhere else.

  22. Christ, last show of The Dead (not the Grateful Dead, the Jerry-less version of Phil 'n Friends) I saw at Great Woods was sad. It was my friend and I, in our early 20s, who know every single song within the first 2 notes. Meanwhile, we were surrounded by plumbers, accountants and burnouts in their 50s with their brand new tie-dye shirts.

    I'm so glad I transitioned into indie rock, where at least the Interpol fashionistas are funny.

  23. last show of The Dead

    Damn it! What did I just say!


  24. If you can't take negative comments about that which you don't like, c'mon, what else do we have?

  25. Just kidding.


    Which is worse: football or the Dead?

  26. Football you can get behind when you need a quick-burst of off-season joy. But fucking hippies man, fucking hippies.

    Two hippies moved next door to me a few weeks ago, and now they blast their shitty music full-bore for most of the night. When I nicely try to bang on their door to tell them to stfu, they don't answer, probably because they're too stoned to respond.

    As a hardcore liberal, even I hate them. Grrr.

  27. I question the validity of your first sentence, but otherwise ...

    (plus good use of "full bore")

  28. Football's behind Baseball, America's Cup and F1 for me, but it's there. I followed the pats when they were 1-15, so I earned my stripes.

    Seeing full bore in the DODG post made me a little bummed, but I guess we have a bit of synchronicity going on.

    Can't believe we blew it that inning, bummer.

  29. Football sucks. The Dead sucks. Both have always sucked.

    Hippies are fine.
