
May 1, 2007

Over The Monster Interviews JoS

Dan Lamothe at Red Sox Monster is interviewing Red Sox bloggers on a semi-regular basis. Our email Q&A can be found here.

... Yoda? ("Buy my book you must.")


  1. May 29 has been taken. Did you mean June 29?

  2. Excellent interview! Good media critique, as usual.

    When he asked you your top five blogs, Red Sox or otherwise, I was surprised you didn't take the opportunity to plug Xymphora or Talking Points Memo or something like that. Not to mention wmtc.

  3. PS: Any idea why you are a "Yoda-like figure"?

  4. I thought he was asking about non-Red Sox baseball blogs.

    Various political blogs I like are linked way down on the right-hand side, if anyone wants to see.

    Yoda: I asked him and he wrote back: "You know, the wiser blogger who has been at it longer than most. Don't know why it made sense at the time... I'm not even a big Star Wars fan."

  5. Hey you, thanks for adding that paragraph. :)
