
July 2, 2007

Schadenfreude 6 (A Continuing Series)

The Daily News raises the white flag.


  1. how trashy. could you imagine yr mom wearing a shirt like that when you were two? yah real nice.

    Pett Cemetery - good one!

    haha yeah ;D

  2. This schadenfreude would feel better if the Sox weren't playing such shitty baseball lately.

  3. What Phrenile said. The fact that the Ortiz 1st Walkoff contest is still undecided is worrying.

    M & M in the Morning were going ape over that t-shirt today. Is that some cry for help or what?

  4. It's a trashy shirt, but it would hardly harm a two-year old, who likely can't, you know, read.

  5. Timmy Mac said...
    It's a trashy shirt, but it would hardly harm a two-year old, who likely can't, you know, read

    Chances are she will got to a decent school and learn how to someday.......

    it had to be worn say something to speculated she was saying it to Alex, who knows.....

  6. I think the shirt is funny. She's got guts, wearing it to the ballpark. No one's gonna be permanently scarred from seeing the word fuck on a t-shirt.

  7. "Chances are she will got to a decent school and learn how to someday......."

    Chances are she'll read, hear and say the word a few times in her life, too. :)

    I thought the shirt was aimed at the media. If she wants to say fuck you to her husband, she doesn't have to put it on a shirt.

  8. L-girl said...
    I think the shirt is funny. She's got guts, wearing it to the ballpark.

    Guts.......I quess , as we already know, we have different beliefs here.

    I didn't hear my father say the f word until I was 16 and even then I wasn't supposed to hear him, he was mortified......

    And If I used it around one of my sisters or my mother or any woman....

    He let me know in many ways, with never laying a hand on me, never do that again....

    The same goes with hitting a woman .......he let me know early on , you just don't do it.....

    He put women on pedestals....I do the same wheter it is my mom , my wife, my sisters , my daughter, or some woman I don't know......You may not agree with that old fashioned way, but I do and try to live it every day.........

    You may say it took guts, I say it took low self-worth.......

  9. Never hitting women, that's as it should be. No one should be hit - man, woman or child.

    And I'm not talking about cursing *at* someone, as in saying "fuck you" to your child or your mother. That's wrong.

    But cursing in general? My ears are no different than yours. Women are not delicate creatures.

    Cursing is not a sign of low self-esteem. You may not like it, that's fine, that's your right for sure. But a woman who curses does not necessarily have low self-esteem. Take it from one who curses plenty and has plenty of self-esteem, too.

  10. In discussing this, a SoSHer said they once saw a shirt that said:

    "This shirt has the word fuck on it."

  11. Her dad plays baseball in YANKEE STADIUM. I think it's fair to say she'll have more than a little exposure to the f-word long before she's cracking a book.
