
August 26, 2007

The Fifth Year

The Joy of Sox begins its 5th year today!

Special thanks to the growing community of commenters and the many visitors during the past four seasons.


  1. Well alright! It took me 4 3/4 years to find the place, but I'm glad I did!

  2. Its your 5th year, But your 4th birthday....right.........Well nice job ....It has been fun reading and commenting here.....There have been thought provoking discussions and really stupid ones....That's what makes it great......

  3. Its your 5th year, But your 4th birthday....right.

    Ah. Iiiiiiiiiiii'm dumb.

    Scratch that first comment. Took me 3 3/4 years :P

  4. "Special thanks to the growing community of commenters and the many visitors"

    No, thank you!

  5. One thing I noticed, in re-reading what I wrote at and early on here, was that I used to dissect individual games a whole lot more.

    Maybe I don't feel like taking the time now -- I know more fans see the actual game now because of cable -- but I think it's because I don't feel that urgency (or rage) that I felt prior to 2004. That every game was make or break -- we lost tonight and if we miss the playoffs by one game, this was that one game.

    An avoidable loss still bugs me, but I don't fume about it for hours (and on into the next day) anymore. The blog was a great outlet for venting -- and the manager in 2003 gave me so much material -- but I find I don't vent much anymore.

    Someone might say it's a simple evolution of how I feel or what I want to write about, that it would have happened no matter what, but I can't imagine having my current attitude without 2004.

    The East lead goes from 12 to 5 -- well that sucks, but okay. It's 5 games. Better than -5.

    I know it's a constant refrain of mine, but I am continually impressed by the ripple effect of 2004.

  6. Happy Birthday! Keep up the good work.

  7. mmm CAKE!

    Congratulations! This blog has become a CyberWorld destination, even though it took me 3 361/365 years to find it... (See, I did the same thing Tim did first. It happens.)

    You're never watching a ballgame alone anymore, and that's fantastic.

  8. P.S. The first two comments are dated August 23 because I goofed and briefly posted this three days ago.

  9. You're never watching a ballgame alone anymore, and that's fantastic.

    As far as the game threads go, you guys are not late. I wanted them last year, but they only took off this season. I'm thrilled to have them.

  10. But Allan, we haven't won a championship in an odd year in 92 years! This is the year! I want to see an odd-year championship before I die...

  11. Happy B-Day JoS!!

    If you want some cake you have to come here to get it:


  12. I recently found this blog and now it's the first thing I read every morning. I love the blog and I love the game threads - especially after a west coast game which I almost never stay up for.

    Anyway, congrats to you redsock and thanks to everyone who keeps this an informative and entertaining place to catch Sox news and notes.

  13. I'm definitely addicted (even though I can't figure out how to change the name so it says westcoastsox instead of "r" - oh well, a blogger virgin am i). Congrats on a great community site!

  14. go to and click Edit Profile, under the identity section theres a box where you can put in your display name...

  15. Does this work? I guess it does! Thanks, Tim.

  16. No prob. Shitty HTML link there, however I didn't feel like typing another one (with this new approval thingy!) haha.

  17. Lord knows what kind of technology we'll be blogging on in 5. And even worse, how many fucking advertisements we'll have to sit through to watch a ball game.

  18. Ah-ha!! All the comments I approved that I thought didn't get posted were posted on a different thread! Not sure why that didn't occur to me sooner, but good to know.

  19. And even worse, how many fucking advertisements we'll have to sit through to watch a ball game.

    Tim, up for a rant? Visit my blog. :)

  20. Tim, up for a rant? Visit my blog. :)

    I'm always up for a rant! (Commented over there)

  21. Congratulations, mang! (to use one of my favorite Manny-isms)
