
August 5, 2007

Schadenfreude 15 (A Continuing Series)

Mike Lupica says that he's bashed George Steinbrenner but good for 20 years, but now that the Boss's brain has turned to tapioca, it's time to back off.

The Lip is also kind enough to tell us that Roger Clemens has not been pitched well. We never would have known.
The Yankees better make the playoffs and Clemens better pitch better the rest of the way, or you know what he is? He is more wasted pitching money. The way Igawa is. The way Carl Pavano was.

No schadenfreude here -- I'm just being a nice guy. (However, I do look forward to when the MFY start playing real baseball teams again, so they can stop scoring 16 runs a day.)


  1. Now we're all supposed to be nice to Steinbrenner because he's ailing. It's not as bad as forgiving Augusto Pinochet because he was dying, but he's still the same person. That idiotic blowhard is still in there. No reason to like him just because he's loopy.

  2. Now we're all supposed to be nice to Steinbrenner because he's ailing. It's not as bad as forgiving Augusto Pinochet

    Many people would disagree with you.

  3. i know we're not supposed to do this, but i cannot stand it when bad teams (royals/tampa) that we have a hard time with, get absolutely DEMOLISHED by the yankees. makes me sick.

  4. Nixon...I see your point...but how many times have we actually lost to the Rays this year. Once?

  5. Sox v Tampa: 5-1
    MFY v Tampa: 7-5

    Sox v KC: 3-3
    MFY v KC: 6-1
