
August 25, 2007

Schadenfreude 20 (A Continuing Series)

Not much tabloid action for #20. The actual game will have to suffice: an 11th-inning loss that ended less than three hours before sunrise, dropping the MFY 6.5 GB.

We'll have a big blow-out for #100. ... Collect 'em all, kids!


  1. Good morning SIX AND A HALF GAMES UP Red Sox fans!


    Hopefully my earlier prediction comes true...

    Didn't really start out well though, so I'll have to make up some games this weekend and next week in the Bronx. Either way, I'm happy with any lead going into September.

  3. Sorry but I feel that this is a rant that deserves ranting.

    I was on digg I believe, when I noticed the right side banner ad:

    "You have one new friend request.

    Click here to add this person who has a secret crush on you!"

    Or some shit. Who in their right mind would believe this garbage? I honestly cannot believe a) that the marketing "geniuses" that came up with this think it actually works or b) that it actually fucking works! How stupid are people becoming. Wow.

  4. Ron Rosenbaum wrote a great essay in the New York Observer years ago about men and those 1-970 sex lines that are on at like 2 AM.

    It was a great piece. Basically, men are stupid, moronic idiots.

  5. redsock said...
    Ron Rosenbaum wrote a great essay in the New York Observer years ago about men and those 1-970 sex lines that are on at like 2 AM.

    It was a great piece. Basically, men are stupid, moronic idiots.

    Or Horny.......

  6. How stupid are people becoming.

    I agree, with one edit. They are not becoming stupid, they are stupid, and always have been. If you like history, you will see that. 19th Century snake-oil salesmen... 17th Century horsetraders... same old, same old.

  7. It was a great piece. Basically, men are stupid, moronic idiots.

    Or Horny.......

    Thinking with their dongs instead of their brains.

    (I hope dong is still the word of the hour, or I will look pretty silly!)

  8. Agreed L-girl. People ARE stupid. There are just more ways to be stupid now.

  9. Chief, well said. That could be a good blog tag-line. "More ways to be stupid".

  10. Yeah, it just seems to me like the world keeps getting dumber and common sense has gone out the window. Punk rock says it best in the NoFX song "The Idiots are Taking Over" of the best lines, "insensitivity is standard and faith is being fancied over reason"

  11. Could be b/c you're getting older, so you see more how stupid people are.
