
August 27, 2007

Schadenfreude 21 (A Continuing Series)

Q: When was the last time the Yankees won a game in which they scored fewer than five runs?

George King, Post:
A two-week dance through the elite gardens of the American League was supposed to tell us a lot about the Yankees. Four games against the Tigers in The Bronx. Three in Anaheim versus the Angels. Four more with the Tigers at Comerica Park.

With four tilts (one against the Tigers; three with the Red Sox) remaining, here is what we have learned: The Yankees don't have enough starting pitching to be a serious threat to the Red Sox in the AL East or catch the Mariners in the wild-card chase.
Mark Feinsand, Daily News:
For the third time on this road trip, the Yankees came up on the short end of a close game, having dropped a pair of extra-inning games before yesterday's loss.

These defeats might tell Joe Torre that his team is playing on the same level as some of the American League's top contenders, but at some point, the Bombers will have to start winning these games if they plan to play into October.
No tabloids today. The back pages are more concerned with David Wells beating the Mets:

Tonight, the Yankees send Mike Mussina to the hill in Detroit. In his last seven starts, Mussina has a 6.63 ERA (52 hits and 28 runs in 36.2 IP).

A: The last time the Yankees won a game in which they scored fewer than five runs was on July 17, when they beat Toronto 3-2 in 10 innings (a stretch of 38 games). (And since June 29, they have won only two such games.)


  1. Another interesting factoid, from this morning's Star Ledger:

    Comebacks are not their thing. The Yankees have not rallied from three or more down to win since July 15 -- and not against a team other than relief-impaired Tampa Bay since April 17.

  2. Excellent quiz. It speaks volumes.

  3. I wanted to share a (rejected) post from our friend Keith:

    "I fucking hate you people."

    Ain't he cute?


    Anyone know when pitchers and catchers report to Legends Field?

  4. Aw Keith, I'm wounded. We all love you!

  5. "I fucking hate you people."

    I've often wondered about the use of fuck in that way. If he said "I hate you fucking people," that would make sense to me. But how can you fucking hate someone? What kind of hate is that?

    This is the kind of thing I think about on an off day for the Sox.

  6. But how can you fucking hate someone? What kind of hate is that?

    It is emphasized hate. One of the many uses of that most flexible of words.

  7. So, it's much more than "I sort of hate you people" and a little more than "I really hate you people."

    Anything beyond "fucking hate?" Really fucking hate, I guess.

    Can't we all just fucking get along?

  8. One day in high school, somebody in the hallway outside my algebra class must've stubbed their toe, because we all heard him shout "My fucking toe!"

    The teacher kind of whispered (my seat was right near his desk) "I didn't know toes could do that."

    I thought that was kind of shady, and got scared he'd try to keep me after class and lock me in and order me to take off my shoes and socks, etc... Alas, this didn't occur, and I heard no more weird stuff from or about him--until a few years after I graduated, when he was fired for having sex with a student! (I didn't hear any reports of any toe-action, but you never know.)

  9. David Wells bunted for a leadoff base hit in that game! I think he scored the tying run. Check it out if you have a chance because watching that man tear down the first base line is pretty darn entertaining.

  10. Wow
    Off days ARE really dull aren't they?

  11. Tigers shoulda had more in the first.

    But Tom Verlaine-der looks good. Mussina: Many pitches in first inning.

  12. Jeter with his patented one-handed catch of a pop-up. That's how I want my kid to play! "One hands, kids, one hands!"

  13. oh that it sweet. guy scores from 1st on a bloop hit! 2-0 Tigers! Melky made a great catch in the first, but can't get this one.

  14. 46 pitches for Moose, still in the 2nd. 3-0 Detroit. BURY. Okay I'm gonna go watch A Bronx Tale, interestingly enough, so these unmoderated comments from me will stop for awhile... oh, wait, action in the Yankee pen in the 2nd inning, nice.

  15. 7-0 now. I have a feeling Mussina--or any other Yankee--won't be pitching in October.

  16. Hi all, we're here moderating now if anyone wants to chat. Enjoy!

  17. Devine: You should have heard me laugh when Boomer dropped that one down last night.

    10-0 Tigers! Keep it going, boys! Burn out that bullpen! (as if they aren't already)

  18. I don't think I've ever seen Joe Torre look so sullen; so dejected. I really like Joe Torre, and I'd love to see him manage someplace else next year and do well. I just don't see it ever happening, though.

  19. "I don't think I've ever seen Joe Torre look so sullen; so dejected."

    Everytime I see him like that, I imagine him thinking... I could be retired by now... I could be playing golf with Alli... why am I still here.

    I always liked Joe. But don't feel too sorry him. He knew what he was getting into. He's had his glory, and now he's having the inevitable decline. That's how it goes.

  20. He's had his glory, and now he's having the inevitable decline. That's how it goes.

    Him and Mussina, I guess.

  21. Commentators talking about the mercy rule a few minutes ago.

    Gotta love it.

  22. All I can say is MWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  23. As a side note, top of the eighth and Lester is out of the portalnd game, Portland leads Trenton 4-1 with Papelbon getting ready to come into the game!!

    Back to MFY - Good inning for the Yankees as the Tigers didn't score in the sixth!

  24. I was going to go to that Sea Dogs game tonight but my friend never got back to me about going. I've been watching NYY/DET tonight... How did Lester do? I see Trenton scored 2 runs... He look good?

  25. You'll all be happy to know I deleted the "the Yankees are a dead team" sentence I wrote when it was like 3-0.

    Oh! Just missed 15-0. I'll take 14-0, though. But I still want more. Way to have a head of steam going into the Red Sox series!!!

  26. I flipped over to see the Portland / trenton game just as Lester was coming out of the game. Crowd was pleased.

    14-0 Tigers

    8 GA
    8 GA
    8 GA

  27. WOW. Base-clearing double by Inge. Almost went out. 14-0.

    I swear, if they show Joe Torre's face again I might just cry.

  28. Oh, ish, I looked at your photography site and was reminded that our planet is still the most beautiful one in the solar system. Nice job.

    8 games up on Jupiter!

  29. 15-0 on the E! I love it. More, please. Halfway to 30!

  30. Heh. Thank you very much, Jere. I certainly appreciate that.

    15-0! 16-0! Wow.

    Seems like when the Yankees lose, they lose big, doesn't it? I'm reminded of the game a couple of weeks ago with the Angels when Garret Anderson had 10 RBI.

  31. LMAO! Has anyone else seen the AT&T commerical with Roger Clemens asking his wife what she thinks of him coming out of retirement?

  32. Hmm, I wonder where the trolls are tonight...??

    Allan says he wants 31 runs.

  33. Kay - Mariners series is a huge series, and lets be honest here No positives about tonight!

  34. Yeah, I saw that commercial. Pretty damn funny actually.

    16-0 Tigers. 8 games up just around the corner.

  35. I have no idea... but I heard the word "troll" erred a few times in this Yankees game thread. Red Sox trolls. Wouldn't surprise me.

  36. "Please don’t let this turn out to be another Ranger /O’s game 30-3. I don’t think I could sleep tonight if it did knowing we’re facing the enemy tomorrow."

  37. OMG! I just got home and saw the score! Bwa ha ha ha ha. Yankees choke again.

  38. Does everyone realize the extra added NYC factor going on here, that the Mets are in first place? The Mets-hater in me hates to say it, but it's extra nails in the Yankees coffin - extra humiliation. Serious Mets fans in NY (all 5 of them) must be looooving it.

  39. Ish, what's that about trolls? No trolls here, just us crimson-hosed folks.

  40. Well I don't think the Mets have it in them for the playoffs too much. Looking at that National League, I really can't see a very threatening team. Arizona perhaps. The Mets have it going on with offense, but they've got some holes in the pitching as well.

    THEEEEE... tigers win! Woot!

  41. Worst road-shutout in Yankees history, Baseball Tonight tells me.

    8 games. How sweet it is.

  42. hehe .. I always hear John Sterling's voice saying "THEeee Yankees lose!"

  43. Yeah, but for NYC right now, none of that matters. The Yanks have been up and the Mets down for a long time. For the Yankees to be down is one thing, but for the Yankees to be down while the Mets are cruising to a division title is something else entirely.

  44. Ish, what's that about trolls? No trolls here, just us crimson-hosed folks

    Just a couple of Red Sox fans sticking a jab or two in there on that Yankees game thread. I wouldn't think of you guys for that because of the class displayed in this blog.

  45. EIGHT GAMES UP!!!!!!!!!

    Did you hear that?


  46. You're absolutely right. The Mets being the top team in town can really give a Yankee fan a headache. Mets in the show and the Yankees golfing. It will be a very interesting off-season if the Yankees don't make it to the playoffs.

  47. The Mets sympathizers in the house are pleased.

  48. Hey ish, do you have that yankee thread handy? I feel as though I need more schedenfreude this evening.


  49. Mussina: 3 swinging strikes from 72 pitches tonight. 49 strikes.

  50. Triple play turned by Cleveland tonight... 5-4-3. First in Jacobs Field history.

  51. I love triple plays. Wish I had seen it.

  52. Phil Garner and the Astros GM were both fired today...

  53. I just got done watching the end ot The Departed , Did you know that Scorsese asked Nicholoson to wear a RED SOX cap in the movie and he said no way, never.....

  54. Has anyone thought of the possiblity of the yankees chasing the angels for the wildcard?

  55. Here's what I want to know... What team in the American League--or both leagues, for that matter--scare you the most going into the playoffs?

  56. Thanks ish. There are some seriously pissed off people on that yankees thread. The optimism before the start was dispelled pretty quickly.

    8 game lead. Let's make it 11.

  57. "I just got done watching the end ot The Departed , Did you know that Scorsese asked Nicholoson to wear a RED SOX cap in the movie and he said no way, never....."

    Let's just say that fact didn't slip past me back when they were filming. How convenient for Jack that he's such a bandwagon--er, die-hard fan of one team with a million championships on each coast. When the Yanks are losing, he can just throw on the Lakers hat and vise versa.

  58. I just got done watching the end ot The Departed , Did you know that Scorsese asked Nicholoson to wear a RED SOX cap in the movie and he said no way, never.....

    Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?

  59. Night. No more approval til the morn.

  60. when i go home and looked up the yankees sure win i almost choked to death on the piece of meat i just took a bite of. so are they hungry now or over and done. morale must be low. the bronx is burning.

  61. your moderation thing sucks. you sleep and my internet life sleeps.

  62. your moderation thing sucks.

    a necessary evil
