
August 27, 2007

Schadenfreude 22 (A Continuing Series)

You know it's coming ...

Monday night:
Yankees  000 000 000 -  0  3  1 
Tigers 123 130 60x - 16 20 0

Mussina 3.0 9 6 6 1 0
Ramirez 1.0 1 1 1 1 1
Henn 2.2 8 9 7 5 4
Bruney 1.1 2 0 0 0 0

Verlander 7.0 3 0 0 2 6
Miner 2.0 0 0 0 0 1
8 GA.


  1. So after the 2 4-gamers and one three gamer for each team, we're now 8 up. We went into that stretch 5 up, and I said at the time here that the average for each team would be two splits and a 2 out of 3. We ended up playing three games better than them, with a split, a 2 of 3, and a sweep. Them: 3 of 4, 1 of 3 (at that point they'd stayed even with us), and a key 1 of 4 (during our 4 of 4). There are your 3 games right there.

    Now they have to sweep US just to get back to 5. Gold, me, gold!

  2. "I love the smell of schadenfreude in the morning...smells like...victory."

  3. Revording! Revording!

    I want to see Mussina's arm hanging down to his ankle.

  4. I love the fact that Detroit gives us the 8 game lead.
    Not so sure if we needed it to be such an ass-whuppin'
    That can go either way - Demoralize them right into our waiting jaws, or piss them off enough to give them an edge.
    I think we take 2 of 3. And can Dice PLEASE get some run support for once

  5. Hey now. Life is good......lets sweep!

  6. Is this a great way to start a week or what?

  7. Put the nail in the coffin, it is time for Daisuke to get some support and bury these guys.

  8. The Sox hitters should look at the Yankee pitching with cold, clear eyes and realize it looks a lot like the White Sox. Start by getting Dice-K some runs and keep pounding. The Yanks really need some October vacation time.

  9. And one key for Dice-K... establish that fastball, and use it often. Keep the hitters off-balance. They're going to be patient, so it's important to pound the strike zone and throw more fastballs so the off-speed pitches can be more effective.
