
October 16, 2007

ALCS 4: Spiders 7, Red Sox 3

Red Sox - 000 003 000 - 3  8  1
Spiders - 000 070 00x - 7 9 0
Now we get the pitcher's duel. For 4.5 innings, anyway.

Then Blake banged a solo dong and about an hour later, it seemed, Cleveland had sent 12 men to the plate against Wake and MDC, scoring seven runs on seven hits.

The Red Sox charged right back -- making ALCS history when Youkilis, Ortiz and Ramirez hit back-to-back-to-back home runs. But that was it for the bats. The Red Sox managed only one more base runner in the final three+ innings -- and he was erased within two pitches on a double play.

Off-day Wednesday and then it's Beckett/CC on Thursday.

All we got to do is win three games. ... Last two at home, with Andrew Daisuke bringing the MFing hammer.

Red's got his battle gear on already:
Let them stoke their fires and crank their music and point at us and laugh as we were forced to the back of the bus. We sat and watched and observed and absorbed and kept quiet. And when the time was right ...

One game away from elimination? F@#k that noise. We prefer to think of you guys as three games away from elimination.

Tim Wakefield / Paul Byrd

Wakefield has not pitched in a game since September 29, although he did toss a 77-pitch simulated game last Tuesday.

Spiders v Wakefield and Red Sox against Byrd (I wouldn't mind seeing Lyndon tonight, but Coco is 5-for-11).

Curt Schilling:
We haven't had our backs against the wall all year, until now, because during all that panic stuff about the division at the end of the [regular season], we were never in danger of missing the playoffs. We're down, 2-1. I think this is our first true character test, given our lead all year.
Ortiz, rating how his right knee feels on a scale of 1-10:
Zero. ... This is a do-or-die situation. I've got to put whatever behind me. If I keep thinking about my knee, my knee, my knee, it's only going to make it worse. We don't have that much room that we can be thinking about it. ... Unless I can't get out of my bed, I've got to keep on playing.
In addition to a strong start from Wakefield, the bats need to show up. Half the lineup is still in a trance: Varitek and Pedroia are both 4-for 25 in the post-season and Drew is 5-for-22. Against Cleveland, Julio Lugo is 2-for-11 and Crisp 3-for 12.

Damn, wasn't it just a few days ago this team looked like it was set to steamroll through the playoffs? Varitek will sit tonight in favour of Doug Mirabelli, who hasn't had an at-bat since September 30 and only 10 ABs since August 17.

So we need bats and six good innings from Timmeh, then we have Beckett and Schilling kicking off a best 2-of-3 with the last two games at home. I like the sound of that, so ...


  1. Kielty .333 lifetime against Paul Byrd. Siddown J.D.

  2. i don't think wake should be pitching tonight. why is tito making this mistake?

  3. why is tito making this mistake?

    Because it's not a mistake. Panicking and pitching Beckett on short rest is a very bad idea. It could create a domino effect and mess up the whole rotation. Plus who knows how Beckett would do? Why mess with the ace? We'll survive Byrd/Wake.

    Being down 1-2 is not the end of the pennant. We'll right the ship tonight and go from there.

  4. RS
    Yesterday the Cleveland closer was getting off the mound after every pitch and and licking his fingers and palm.
    I have seen pitchers do that after every at bat , but not after every pitch.
    I think he got his pitches to move tail a lot more than normal.
    What is the general rule on this.?

  5. because beckett has pitched well on 3 days rest before.
    wake didn't have a good september. he hasn't even pitched in the playoffs and tonight is a critical game.
    it's not that i have no faith in wake at all. cleveland is a fastball hitting team, but it worries me that he hasn't pitched lately and he has a bad back.

  6. I agree with letting Wake pitch. First, I have confidence in him. Perhaps misplaced, but then everyone was moaning about Timlin and calling him White Flag, and yet look at how well he has pitched in this post-season. FWIW, I sort of trust these old guys, maybe because they are all still younger than I am!

    Also, their 2004 experience of coming back in the ALCS warms my heart and I assume gives them some confidence. I realize that Wake is now 3 years older and maybe not as sharp as he was in 2004, but when his stuff is good, he can still be unhittable.

    The only downside I see is having DiceK pitch game 7, given how badly he seems to feel about last night's game. I didn't think he was terrible last night---he had some good at bats, even good innings. But he sure seemed down on himself from what I have read. I don't want him feeling that way and going into a do or die game 7.

    So we have to win in 6, as most of us already predicted.

  7. Not sure why everyone is getting antsy...68% of people that voted in the poll expected this thing to go 6 or 7, and thats where it stands now. Almost all the sports writers expected a long series and that's what we're in store for.

    We're down 2-1 - Last time I checked, this wasn't a best of three - so turn those frowns upside down, grab a bottle of your favorite wine and cozy up for tonight's offensive barrage!

  8. The only mistake Tito is making here is not sticking LBJ in for OcOc and leading him off (dropping Fuck Yeah to #8), and possibly getting Keilty in there (judging solely on the first comment of this thread)

  9. i don't know about anyone else, but i really don't want a frigging 1-3 deficit. i don't care about 2004 right now. we are a different team. we aren't that come-from-behind team anymore lately. the tide has turned. i haven't fancied us as underdogs this entire season and i think many feel the same way.
    i understand the valour in trusting a manager who has done so well (it's really an organizational call having wake go tonight) but i don't think there is anything wrong in questioning it and going against the grain. wake had an 8.76 in september. he hasn't won a game since august 25th. the bats were not there last night and will they be any better against a guy who has been really good against us? how does it usually go when wake doesn't get run support?

    meh. i know there is every possibility of him coming out of nowhere and throwing a gem (or at least a strong 6/7 inning outing) but i just think the chances of that are slim.

    but whatever. ain't nothin can be done cause wake is going no matter what the entire sports world has to say about it. so bring it on, w/e ;p

  10. i dont sit drew. i sit coco. his ABs look the worst. scared, almost. not that JDs look that much better, but i think its time for a little LBJ.

    i understand the "dont lose the faith, look at 2004" stuff....but this is a different team. not sayign its a bad thing, its just a fact. the past doesnt mattter now. TONIGHT, in the year 2007 matters.
    we need wake to knuckle the indians down.
    get some runs.

  11. tdcg - Even if wake throws like shit and gives up 5 or 6 runs - it really doesn't matter cause sox are gonna get like 2,000 runs! BYAH! (that was a howard dean scream :P)

  12. tdcg - Even if wake throws like shit and gives up 5 or 6 runs - it really doesn't matter cause sox are gonna get like 2,000 runs! BYAH! (that was a howard dean scream :P)

    haha. well i hope yr right bro! ;)

    ps. are you listening to eei?

  13. Thumbs up from me on Wakefield tonight.

    You could have Beckett pitch on short rest tonight, then go with Wakefield in Game 5 (just flip-flop them). That would still give G38 his rest, but then you are still relying on Wakefield (against CC). And would Tito be "wasting" Beckett against Byrd? That scenario would mean Beckett could pitch a Game 7 on short rest, but two short rest starts may not be the right thing to do.

    And as has been pointed out, if we skip Wake altogether, the move upsets the schedule of every one of the other three starters, which the team clearly will not do.

    This is not quite the Schrouek/Pedro debate of 1999, since those two games were truly must-wins, but it's sort of close. We "need" to win both games, so the club should everyone on schedule and have faith.

    We need win win 3 before they win 2.

  14. Yesterday the Cleveland closer was getting off the mound after every pitch and and licking his fingers and palm.

    The umpires decide, based on the weather, if pitchers are allowed to go to their mouth on the mound. Not sure what the ruling was last night.

    As far as getting off the mound, I think that's legal all the time. Obviously, the umps watch the pitchers, making sure nothing weird is going on -- as do the Red Sox.

    If Tito or a coach thought anything was going on, I have no doubt they would say something, if only to rattle Borowski.

  15. Re Amy's thoughts on Dice, this is from the

    "Daisuke Matsuzaka sat in front of his locker Monday night for a solid hour. He did not move, other than to shake his head, or put his hands behind it as he slumped in his chair. ...

    Matsuzaka was so disconsolate afterward, he declined his customary press conference, even as a roomful of American and Japanese reporters politely waited for him nearby. Finally, he issued a statement to translator Masa Hoshino, who read it while Matsuzaka remained in the same pose in front of his locker.

    "As you saw, I allowed them to score first and I wasn't able to hang on after giving up the lead. I wanted to do everything I could today to win and hand it over to Wakefield in a good way."


  16. Looks like we end the 2008 season at home against the Chokers. Fun!

    The only games next season before the Fourth of July are two in mid-April at the Toilet.

  17. Added some shit to the post, including stats v each pitcher.


    October 16, 2007 -- If Bronx Bomber Derek Jeter wants to keep his sex life a secret, he should learn to tie up any post-tryst loose ends.

    Our spy in the lobby of the Shore Club in Miami early Sunday morning spotted "two scantily clad women screaming at the front desk because they had spent the night at Jeter's penthouse and were then charged for parking."

    "The girls were wearing what looked like the same clothes they wore the night before - a tight cocktail dress and a mini-skirt. They were making a huge scene because they were asked to pay for parking.

    "Obviously, they'd spent the night there," giggled the onlooker, who noted that one of the overnight guests was screaming into the phone, "After last night, he'd better [bleep]ing take care of it!"

    After a bit of insistence, "they eventually left happy. I assume he paid for their parking after all," said our snitch.

    Tongues in Miami are wagging over Jeter's stint in Miami, where he was spotted Friday night dining at Nobu, then partying it up with Timbaland at Skybar. "They took over the table in the back and drank Grey Goose all night," said a fellow reveler. "Five girls were dancing around him, but he didn't seem interested."

    Jeter was spotted acting equally detached later that night at Set, where he was "surrounded by throngs of women five rows deep. He was hanging with a guy friend, though, and didn't seem to take much interest in the hordes of ladies."

    Evidently, the Yankee captain likes to keep his conquests behind closed doors, because there were no Jeter sightings Saturday night.

    "I heard he was staying in the penthouse at the Shore Club," said one Miami source. "He checked in solo Friday, but nobody saw him Saturday night ... and everyone down here talks when big names come to town. Maybe he was holed up in his suite all night?"

    Jeter is notorious for his off-field plays - he's been linked to the likes of Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Jordana Brewster, Mariah Carey, Scarlett Johansson, Vanessa Minnillo and Gabrielle Union. Shore Club reps had "no comment," and a Yankee rep did not return calls.


    Great fist pump picture to go with the story!

  19. That was the article I had read about DiceK that gives me some real concern about his psyche and also some real compassion for the poor guy. Maybe I am a sap, but I really feel sorry for him.

  20. Dice-K will be all right in the long run. He's got the talent. No one thought it would be easy for him in his first year. If Beckett can go from where he was last year to where he is this year, I think Dice can make a similar adjustment.

  21. If the bad half of the lineup can become even half a factor we should be ok. The last two games the offense has only had a chance every other inning. And the bad half is even starting to sour the wringers with the pressure. Lets Go Bats!

  22. score early. that is the key tonight.

  23. Just looked at a Globe poll on who should start tonight. 7,602 votes and it is:

    Wakefield 51.9%
    Beckett 48.1%

    Interesting. You'd think from the media that the consensus was near 100% Beckett.

  24. because beckett has pitched well on 3 days rest before.

    Lately? People are using the 2003 WS as an example. That's too long ago to be relevant. Plus that was Game 6 of the WS - the team didn't have far to go. Francona has to think of the whole ALCS and WS.

    I don't think this is about faith in Wakefield. There's just no need to panic and mess up the whole rotation.

    Plus, who would you rather have face Sabbathia? We need Beckett in that game, not against Byrd.

  25. Not sure why everyone is getting antsy...68% of people that voted in the poll expected this thing to go 6 or 7, and thats where it stands now.


    We're down 2-1 - Last time I checked, this wasn't a best of three


  26. Amy, you're not a sap, but I think Zenslinger has the right attitude about Dice-K. This was his Major Adjustment Year. I also believe he'll be great in the long run.

    I don't want to see him in a must-win game either, but that doesn't mean we won't win.

  27. One thing I just thought about is if this thing goes to Game 7, think about it... Beckett goes on Thursday, Game 7 is on Sunday. You'd have Daisuke starting on Sunday, but with the World Series starting on the following Wednesday, this would end up being an All-Hands-on-Deck game, and that would definitely include Wakefield, but it could also include the possibility of Beckett coming out for 1, 2, maybe 3 innings if the need should arise.

    I don't know if Terry would do it, but I think the option of bringing Beckett out of the bullpen would be there. What do you guys think?

    Hell, if he pitches Game 7 for a couple of innings, that should be on a day where he'd throw a side-session anyways in his normal routine, and therefore, he'd certainly be able to start Game 1 of the World Series.


    LOL...Better than Cleveland Rocks.

    I was doing my best last night and today to embody the Boss-watching L-girl, but srsly, it's how I feel.

    Now off to the supermarket to pick up a bag of spinach for tonight's game!

  29. Lately? People are using the 2003 WS as an example. That's too long ago to be relevant. Plus that was Game 6 of the WS - the team didn't have far to go. Francona has to think of the whole ALCS and WS.

    I don't think this is about faith in Wakefield. There's just no need to panic and mess up the whole rotation.

    Plus, who would you rather have face Sabbathia? We need Beckett in that game, not against Byrd.

    I SUPPOSE ;D xo

    ok no, i'm on board. really, i just felt like bitching a little. isn't that what blogs are for sometimes? ;)

    i'm just freakin. still pissed about saturday's game, dice-k not stepping up, us making westbrook look like cy young, etc.

    but i'm getting my positive-wake-chi on frealz. i am :)

  30. My pick for star performance of the day is Mr.Belli.
    Despite the rust and lack of ABs, Byrd has just the velocity for Mr.Belli to put a hurt on the ball

  31. ok no, i'm on board. really, i just felt like bitching a little. isn't that what blogs are for sometimes? ;)


    bitch away, my dear

    i didn't mean to pick on ya. i was using your comment as an excuse for my own.

  32. was doing my best last night and today to embody the Boss-watching L-girl, but srsly, it's how I feel.

    i'm honoured :)

    let's steam big spinach tonight!!!!

  33. absofuckinglutely

    bitch away, my dear

    i didn't mean to pick on ya. i was using your comment as an excuse for my own.

    ty kind hostess :)

    and it's cool, i didn't take it that way :)

  34. Sizemore, CF
    Cabrera, 2B
    Hafner, DH
    Martinez, 1B
    Peralta, SS
    Lofton, LF
    Blake, 3B
    Gutierrez, RF
    Shoppach, C

    AB says it's pouring at the Jake.

  35. SOX:

    Pedroia, 2B
    Youkilis, 1B
    Ortiz, DH
    Ramirez, LF
    Lowell, 3B
    Drew, RF
    Crisp, CF
    Mirabelli, C
    Lugo, SS

  36. I'm officially scared of the Rockies. If we succeed against Cleveland, our shit better be squared away right quick otherwise the embarassments Cleveland dished out will look like charity.

    I gotta say that Tito should very much move Pedroia back to #2 where he shined and put either LBJ or Youk at top billing. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.

    As for Wake/Dice-K, I'm still disappointed in Dicey for still not finding his groove, though Zenslinger makes a good point with the "adjustment year" bit. Wakey has my support and after reading how he usually fares against the Tribe, I'm confident he'll put some holes in those oh so subtly racist war drums they beat at Jacobs, even if they're at 75mph.

  37. I was doing my best last night and today to embody the Boss-watching L-girl

    Gee, Tim, I thought Sarah and I were channeling L-girl while you played class clown, trying to make everyone laugh (and you did a good job!). I am ready for more of your antics, though I am hoping tonight the game will also keep us laughing.

    Almost game time...

  38. Tim is good at class clown. I'm glad to know Amy and Sarah were also filling my role! :)

  39. SoSHer Tudor Fever has some haiku:

    Lofton, who was seen
    Preening after cheap home run,
    Has never won a ring.

    Up by 2 to 1,
    Tribe thinks they are in good shape.
    Wake says: "Fuck that shit."

    The Jake, filled to brim,
    With toothless toweled idiots
    Silence reigns tonight.



  40. We are winning this game.

    Don't think so?

    Fuck you.

  41. Jose Melendez rewrites Edgar Allan Poe's The Raven.

  42. I am not sure we filled your role, but we made an attempt! (At other times, I confess I was panicked and miserable.)

  43. But you were probably nicer than me about it. I always tell myself not to get on your guys' case about the negtaive stuff, just to let it go... then I feel really irritated, and there I go again. :/

  44. Well, I actually appreciate it when you yell at us to snap out of it! It's a good reality check. (And I do find that keeping a positive mood does make a difference in how I feel after the game, even if we lose.)

  45. redsock said...
    We are winning this game.

    Don't think so?

    Fuck you.


  46. Sock said: "And would Tito be "wasting" Beckett against Byrd? That scenario would mean Beckett could pitch a Game 7 on short rest, but two short rest starts may not be the right thing to do."

    Game 7 would be regular rest for Josh if he pitched tonight. That's one of the pros of him starting tonight. There's that extra day off between 4 and 5, so after tonight it would be off, 5, off, 6, 7. 4 days rest.

    That said (oh!), I do agree pitching Beckett in 5 is fine, because no matter what happens tonight, tomorrow is the more important game. A win and it's "sweet, we have Beckett looking to give us a 3-2 lead going home." A loss and it's "at least we've got Josh to try to get us back home again."

  47. Idiot on Fox says he thinks there is something wrong with Beckett and that's why he isn't pitching. Not sure which idiot he is---guy with crew cut? I love unfounded rumors.

  48. Paul Byrd. ... Paul Byrd? Are you fucking shitting me?

    Opponents batting .301 and slugging .473
    1.4 WHIP
    ERA+ of 96


    Ragarm won't last 3 innings.

  49. Guy with the crew cut - do you mean Joe Girardi? Longtime Yankees catcher. He's actually a pretty good announcer, although he may not have his facts straight. (Or maybe it wasn't him.)

  50. Win -- to shove it down the throats of these tools with the Wahoo face paint. Shove it up each and every orifice.

  51. Not sure---I am terrible at catching the names since I barely pay attention to who is speaking. Could be Girardi. It wasn't McCarver.

  52. Well, I actually appreciate it when you yell at us to snap out of it! It's a good reality check.

    Thank you, Amy. That makes me feel better about what I see as a failing of mine. :)

    Tonight we'll all be positive because we'll have a great win! FUCK YEAH

  53. I cannot believe they are showing the Boone home run.

  54. I think Wake will kick some serious tush tonight. Just a feeling - I agree with your summation Redsock - we're going to win this one.

  55. I cannot believe they are showing the Boone home run.

    It's Fox. I can't believe they haven't shown it 20 times each game.

  56. Allan and I are talking about what type of ass kicking Boston will put on tonight. We've decided we don't care if names are taken. Anonymous ass kicking will be fine. Boston can kick Cleveland's asses and they can go drag their sorry racist-logo'd butts to the clubhouse and tell someone else their names.

  57. Especially Tala, she misses you most of all. :)

  58. Boone home run - it's Fox, it's Wakefield, and it's October 16. I'm surprised they aren't running a tape loop of it for the whole pregame.

  59. Youk looking scarily serious. Hope that focus gets him lots of hits.

  60. yook doing the lineups. looks like fox missed peewee.

    mcmoron called pedroia "justin" in game 2.

    go justin!!!!!!!!!

  61. lol @ 'justin'. oh, yeah he's such a cretin.

  62. They'll be crying in them later this week.

  63. byrd looks like kelsey grammer and i just wanna get all lilith on his ass.

  64. All right! First pitch hacking and a lack of patience! Way to learn from your mistakes boys!

  65. "byrd looks like kelsey grammer and i just wanna get all lilith on his ass."


    he totally does look like old frasier.

    i once worked w/ kelsey grammer, back in his cokehead days.

  66. What did you do for Kelsey Grammer? Was it pre-Cheers?

  67. that's the knuckler we like to see

  68. Pre Cheers, yes. I used to work in off-Broadway theatre. Most of the actors went on to be become famous in TV and movies. He was one of them.

  69. Wait a second, no, it wasn't pre Cheers. It was 1983. He was known from Cheers by then. I was thinking pre Frasier.

  70. Pre Cheers, yes. I used to work in off-Broadway theatre. Most of the actors went on to be become famous in TV and movies. He was one of them.

    cool :)

    did you have interests in that area yrself?

  71. Wow, that's cool. You and Sarah both have theater ties.

  72. 4 years later, wake will not be beaten by any man named "grady"

  73. did you have interests in that area yrself?

    not in acting, but in theatre. i was gonna run a theatre company. but then i realized if i did that, i'd never write, and never have a life, so i quit.

    it was only for a few years, but it was really fun. tickets to everything, met cool people. i was very poor (slave wages) but i had a great time.

  74. So did you write for theater? Or act? Or more on the production side?

  75. Oh no writing. These were famous companies in NYC, they put on work by major playwrights.

    I did marketing and fundraising.

  76. I was wondering---do you have to filter out many posts? I noticed at Threadsox that there really weren't any trolls or obnoxious posts (though the guys did get a thrill from some Alicia Silverstone photos they found) so wondered why the need to moderate here?

    Come on, Manny. PATIENCE!

  77. OK, Manny! Get these guys going!

  78. Why are they swinging at the first pitch? I want them to make this guy throw more pitches.

  79. I get very frustrated at FPH too.

    (first pitch hacking)

  80. amy, not many now that the mfys are golfing.

    but i had two last night -- and there are some that could, without moderation, flood the board with 100s & 100s of posts overnight.

    threadsox is different. you can see a poster's IP address and have it banned. i can't do that here.

  81. they're getting on guys for not having rbis. but have they been up w/ men on base? maybe they have, but they don't say. better to look at their obp than rbis.


  83. Thanks for the explanation, RS. I don't mind the slight delay in posting, but was curious about whether you really got much annoying traffic that didn't get through.

  84. oh good, i don't like to be in a game thread for more than 20 minutes without reading that jd sucks

  85. Still think we shoulda put LBJ in for Coco...

  86. But l-girl, that would require rational thought. That's way too much to ask of some of these doofuses.

  87. ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Here we go again?

  88. Just had to come here to say: If this umpire's family all gets cancer, I'd be fine with that. See ya all later.

  89. Well that took care of more of our batters. Seriously, aside from Manny, Flo, and Doc (to an extent), the Sox have gotta find their chi otherwise the Rox/Indians are gonna have a gay old time on their asses.

  90. wait a minute - jd drew is on the red sox? and he's having a bad year? why didn't anyone tell me this before? please -- what other breaking news do you have?

  91. not in acting, but in theatre. i was gonna run a theatre company. but then i realized if i did that, i'd never write, and never have a life, so i quit.

    it was only for a few years, but it was really fun. tickets to everything, met cool people. i was very poor (slave wages) but i had a great time.

    nice. sounds like a great experience. and i think you made a good decision quitting. if yr creative, you gotta go and be selfish and support yr own journey--not others' ;)

  92. Jere that is cold but somehow fitting.

  93. why isn't lbj in? is there a reason for that..or? and what about kielty?

  94. Crap!
    In defense, and please note I've been ragging the boto hard the last fw days, that call looked HORRIBLE!
    Damn pitch was at his socks

  95. tdcg, thank you for that. :)

    that's a great way to put it.



  97. I'll be spending the night out in the living room. I don't have the energy to go back and forth each inning. Wakefield's looking pretty good so far.

    Hope you guys enjoy yourselves tonight. I might make a quick appearance here or there.

  98. allan, don't sugar coat it. tell us how you really feel.

  99. Whoa, Jere, that's a bit too harsh. I may have cursed his call, but his family? Not right.

  100. luckily jere doesn't have control over the carcinogens

  101. cruel?

    i was ready to think bad things about peralta's dog, but he k'd.

  102. I like the way Wake's outing is going thus far.

  103. Still laughing at Allan. Gotta let the guy do what he wants on his birthday!

  104. yw, lg :))


    *claps with index fingers for second out*

  105. Damn! At least Wake is taking care of business on his end. This was the 17 game winning Wakefield we all came to see/admire!

  106. *claps with index fingers for second out*

    like the pez dispenser in the recital! love that episode.

  107. And I never knew how much hatred you had for Fox redsock. I know they suck most of the time but God damn...

  108. omg. happy birthday allan. (forgot!)

    ok we score runs, now! N-O-W.

    gah so wanna get to byrdie boy. hear the red sox fans make some noise at that friggy place.

  109. hey - it's fox.

    they are the only ones showing the game -- so show the goddamn game.

    how hard is that to understand? or do?

  110. like the pez dispenser in the recital! love that episode.

    haha yes! exactly like that ;)

    that epi is great. *snorts like elaine*

  111. Hey, never think bad things about anyone's dog!

    Last night my dog got upset when I started yelling and clapping at Tek's dong. She jumped off the bed all guilty-looking. I still feel badly.

  112. Hey, Doug is making this guy throw more than three pitches. Go, Doug. Be patient!

  113. Our dogs always get scared when we go nuts over baseball. I always feel so bad. I try to explain but they never seem to get it.

  114. TRANSFORMERS! Roll out and distract from baseball time!

  115. please walk him please please please

  116. Keep it up, Dougie! (I like him also--I just like catchers.)

  117. ok belli. made him throw some pitches. s'ok.


  118. transformers, another in-game commercial. practically subliminal advertising, swooping in there.

  119. it's pretty clever, actually. esp. how it goes along with the sound effects

  120. Poor dogs...they always think they did something wrong when it is usually the humans that have.

  121. also with the 'transformers' shit, its just random. it's not like they're promoting some new release (like for the upcoming weekend or something) it's just *weird*

  122. Dougie almost went deep :(

    We need 40ccs of Chicken Parm STAT!

  123. Last night there were similar comments on the Transformers. I have yet to notice these ads. Guess subliminal ads don't work on me!

  124. oh man, i don't think it's clever. anything but. words with no connection to baseball selling a product in between replays. bah.

  125. this is the only way to avoid being overrun by the shit of a few idiots (who are obsessed with me, which i am flattered to know).

    if i could ban certain names, i would, but it is not possible.

  126. do you remember the year they use the little yellow AOL logo?

  127. A hit for ROY! Yes! Perhaps he will break out of his slump right now.

  128. nice RF poke by justin,


  129. amy, you're so lucky. i'd love to be able to block out the ads.

  130. 0 rbi in the ALCS? jeez, he must be UnClutch

  131. HOT DAMN!!
    Here we go -
    Finally, a hit by Peds, then a folow by Yook.

  132. right, then buck says, a big reason he doesn't have rbis is that men haven't been on base for him.


  133. such a brilliant piece of analysis

  134. 0 RBIs because Ped and the boto has never been on in front of him!!

  135. Keep fighting them off, Papi. Keep waiting.

  136. ugh, this is turning into a pitcher's duel.

  137. Gee, where is Tim tonight? I was counting on some spinach. And Ish hiding out in the living room. He needs a wireless laptop or something.

  138. another pitch missed -- 1st to gutierrez.

  139. ARrgh, 3-0. No leadoff walks.

  140. such a brilliant piece of analysis
    Remember - this is also the guy who said "another problem with Wakefield pitching is they're missing the bat of Jason Varitek"
    Missing Tek's bat?
    Granted, I was thrilled about the dong last night, but I don't think we'll MISS his bat.

  141. i have the radio on (wrko) spliced with liz phair/exile in guyville during commercials.

  142. ugh, this is turning into a pitcher's duel.

    Ironic...isn't it?

  143. i don't know, sosock, the jays tv guys this year said that tek was the one guy you DID NOT want to face at crunch time.

    are you saying they are mistaken? :>)

  144. ^5 lg. yup, liz is so cool.

    colin, is it? i'm not so ;)

  145. nice play! for a minute there i was like 'dp' lol.

  146. Wake looking good.

    Fox agrees---a pitcher's duel.

    Well, let's end that NOW and blast some runs.

  147. yes yes yes.

    radio says: still no score.
    i say: about to change bishes!!

  148. sox:

    o. fire

    let's pluck this byrd.

  149. Being, Doc, On Fire -
    not a bad way to start a big inning

  150. Ouch. Seriously guys that early pitch hacking doesn't seem to be doin' it for you.

  151. I'm gonna say it in advance because I WANT to look like a fool.

    JD Drew is useless and is going to end this inning. Take him out of the game NOW

  152. you know, the vaunted red sox patience at the plate...????

  153. mmmmmmm, 2 outs, but 2 hard hit balls, especially Doc's.
    Next time thru he's toast

  154. Manny didn't swing at the first one, but it was a strike.

  155. I've loved JD Drew since his Dodgers days. What a pickup

  156. I think you're right, SoSock. But we are now at the bottom third of the batting order....

  157. finally, christ!!

    lol wth is up with byrd's double-windup? has he always done that? little fucker..;)

  158. joe grav trying to be someone else... :)

    he's being "the opposite" (seinfeld again)

  159. Hard-hit balls right at people are probably the most disappointing thing in baseball, especially watching on TV because at first you can't tell.


  160. my whole vocabulary when we're at bat = 'son of a bitch'

  161. OK, next inning we hit this guy hard because they are making good contact now. That's my prediction.

    Wake, keep them quiet and confused.

  162. L-girl, I'll do whatever I can and look as stupid as I have to for the team. I'm not a superstitious person by nature, but at times like these I pull out all the stops :)

  163. keep them quiet and confused.

    excellent advice in general
