
October 26, 2007

Game 2 Newsstand

Mark Hale, New York Post:
The title is practically en route. Another banner's soon set to arrive.

The Red Sox were far less dominating last night than they were in Game 1 of the World Series, and, in fact, scored 11 runs fewer in Game 2. But they finished halfway to the championship. ...

[A]fter winning it all in 2004, they're on the verge of needing only three years (and two more games) to do it again.


  1. Absolutely love this whole's nice to see other's with such passion for the SOX!!!!!!

  2. I just had to share my wife's comments from the postgame ESPN coverage:

    1: Jonathan Papelbon looks like he stuck his finger in his socket and electrocuted himself.

    2: Is Matsuzaka that 7-foot Japanese ball-player everyone is talking about? (Me: no, you're thinking about Yao Ming, who's Chinese. And plays BASKETBALL!).

    Love the nickname Tacoby.

  3. Tacoby - hells yeah!

    Goddamn blotto yesterday. That pregame shot really did effect me in the long run. More for Saturday!

  4. Goddamn blotto yesterday. That pregame shot really did effect me in the long run. More for Saturday!

    Was wondering why you were funny yesterday!!! (j/k)

    Stupidest comment heard on WEEI today by Michael Holly - "offer Curt 1 year at 10 million".

  5. Why is 1/10 stupid?
    One year makes sense.
    Is 10 too low?
    (He's making 13 this year.)

  6. I would go with Curt for another year. I don't think that's so crazy.

  7. Was wondering why you were funny yesterday!!! (j/k) + pregame shot + world series, brings out the best in everyone!

    I wouldn't mind Curt for another year either...hell, he's good enough to be in the rotation- who are you gonna replace him with? Unless they make another offseason acquisition, which would be pretty dumb IMO. And when they make the 2008 playoffs, they'll definitely need him as he's money in October.

    And i think this was in the other post, but hooray that Theo expressed a strong desire to keep Lowell...

  8. 1 year at 10 million is pulling a Torre on him. Supposedly, Dodgers, Phillies and Mets have already stated they are interested in him. You need a 2 year deal if you want him, THEO (according to WEEI, the liberal pinko, does not want him).

    If you only want him for 1 year, its 13 million.

  9. s1c said...
    (according to WEEI, the liberal pinko, does not want him).

    S1c you have to stop listening to that crap....What is a liberal pinko anyway?

  10. If all their other work on G38 checks out, I'd do 1/13.

    He was our clear #2 this year, with an ERA+ of 122 (a tad better than the MFY's alleged Cy Young candidate Wang (121)).

    Esp. since there may be an issue of Wakefield's health.

  11. What is a liberal pinko anyway?

    Think USSR

    Actually a caller this morning did state that since he is a bush supporter/conservative he should not be resigned.

    As for listening to that crap, well I am on the road all day so, I listen to WEEI (beats the hell out of most of the other stuff).

    If all their other work on G38 checks out, I'd do 1/13.

    So would I.

  12. Give him 10 or 11 and Torreize it ...Incentive laden shit... he's 41 He has to know he is a risk....

  13. and Lowell should get 3 years 36 no doubt....

  14. Nothing I can say!

    Love this article...
    Everybody loves the Red Sox!!!

  15. 3/36 for Lowell? That is a hefty raise for a career year from the guy. I think I've stated 33 mil for the same time period, but I am not sure that Theo and them are looking at a three year deal.

    As for Schilling, pride will be a factor. I think that his pride (make no mistake that does/adds to his drive in the post season) says 1 year deal it has to be 13 million. If you figure wins at 1 million per, then he will say to those national league teams I will get 15 or so wins a year for you and he will be able to back that up with numbers. So a two year deal will probably be in the 30-32 million mark. I think that he thinks his hometown discount will be to take a 1 year deal instead of a 2 year deal.

  16. In a SoSH discussion about Schilling's future, someone wondered "Is he looking for a year after '08?"

    Schilling posted: "No."

  17. Haha... that thread is hilarious. Everybody's talking, making statements and predictions and what-nots, and suddenly he just comes in, and with one word stops something that 30-40 posters speculated about. And then there's like 10 'hey Curt, great game' posts, and back to speculating.
    It's pretty cool, all in all.
    I wonder if Theo reads Sosh threads? Hmmm...

  18. I beleive Curt knows if he retires a Red Sox , he can do any thing he wants in New England and his family loves Medfield....unlike Damon who would have been a cult hero forever, I beleive Curt acts alone on these deals and will choose to long as the Boy Wonder doesn't try to low ball him..and I didn't read the game thread but Mcgarver was quite vocal about how Tito is grossly underpaid...

  19. Schilling, on SoSH at 9:03 PM:

    "It's not any different [his contract issues/demands] than it was at the beginning of the year. This is my first choice, I want a one year deal and it will be a deal that works for the team and myself. If it's other than Boston then the dollars will be a significant factor, along with the teams ability to contend, or field an incredibly talented blend of young players that are on the cusp of being very good. I would like to think a serious contender would be interested if Boston doesn't work out, but if for some reason that doesn't happen then I'd really like to be a part of a talented group of young up and coming pitchers that want to win."

    If he's offered what he got for this season, I'd be shocked if he didn't take it.

  20. If he's offered what he got for this season, I'd be shocked if he didn't take it.

    So would I, but you listen to Holly (who I actually like, the man is funny) who are out there saying well he didn't pitch well this year, so you reduce his salary. It really is simple you want him for 1 year then pay him the 13 million. As for the not looking for 2 years, I really think that is a boston only thing.

    The man wants to assure himself of the HOF and to absolutely make it he probably needs 30 wins, that is two years.

  21. s1c said...
    The man wants to assure himself of the HOF and to absolutely make it he probably needs 30 wins, that is two years.

    He doesn't need 30 wins he is a Hall of Famer allready....I wish Curt would go out with the fellas and get a steak or something on the cusp of game 3 , rather than talk contract on sosh though

  22. He doesn't need 30 wins he is a Hall of Famer allready.

    I think he's a HOFer, you think he is a HOFer but if you listen to the writers who vote it is 50 / 50. I did a post on this back in January where I did all of the inane statistical comparisons. I think he stacks up well. As a follow up though I sent a letter to Stark of asking him what he thought of Curts chances. His reply was that he needed 30-35 more wins. Last night I think drops that down to 30 wins for guaranteeness.

  23. The best thing for him will be to retire the same year bonds does...
