
October 26, 2007

Game 3: Youkilis Sits; Ellsbury-Pedroia At The Top

As reported by Amalie Benjamin at Extra Bases. Tito: "I reserve the right to change that tonight over dinner, but I think that's probably what we'll do."

Now that the Red Sox are up 2-0, David Ortiz says his right knee feels fine.
I have a little bit of swelling, but the pain is not as bad as it gets sometimes. The other day when I was working at first base, when I finished, it felt a little bit crazy. But this is it, bro. After this, there's no other [series].


  1. and we can only hope that dinner included a hearty portion of spinach.

  2. This why the NL sucks , people are deprived of seeing one this postseason greatest performers so Dice-k can get maybe two at bats..either get rid of the DH or make it for both leagues is the most absurd thing in sports.....People playing the same game but with different rules......It 's like free parking in Monoploy...

  3. Take one of the most feared hitters in either league out of the line up. Not a chance Yerry says.

    At work on a friday/saturday and no game, I can't even watch Sox in 2. Hmmm, what to do, I know I think I'll just pop in this dvd I received (Thank you to everyone who made it possible) and relive one of the best games of the year!!!!

  4. That game will never get old. The 9th inning was one of Joe Castiglione's best innings that I've heard of him on the radio. He jumps into this mode where he's got total clarity.

  5. 9casey, I agree with you, as a lifelong NL-hater myself. I still can't believe half of baseball plays by one set of rules and the other by another. (I also guess it makes sense that I LOVE the Free Parking rule, as a DH fan.... have you seen this new version of Monopoly where it's all credit?)

  6. I hate the DH but two sets of rules is much worse. As 9Casey says, it's the most absurd thing in sports. One rule all season, then when we get to the most important games of the year, new rules!

    May I add, that's 9casey who doesn't gamethread anymore, after we came back from ThreadSox for him... ;)

  7. L-girl said...

    May I add, that's 9casey who doesn't gamethread anymore, after we came back from ThreadSox for him... ;)

    Well I think you maybe overstating that a bit...
    2 reasons I mainly don't game thread , I got nesn around the same time thread sox started and the anonymous delay , even though it is not long at all, throws me off abit , I notice i will say or comment on things a little too late or someone will say the same thing in the previous comment....

    It is nothing personal I still visit everyday and read the blog and comments .....I just don't comment much during the game thread...

  8. I was overstating it, that's why I put the ;)

    I wanted the gamethreads here anyway, then Allan did a poll and the majority agreed or didn't care either way.

    I just miss you in gamethreads, is all.

  9. I'm sorry to hear moderation keeps anyone any, though.

    I notice i will say or comment on things a little too late or someone will say the same thing in the previous comment....

    That's what the gamethread is all about! Five people all posting the same thing at the same time.

    Oh well. Each to his own.

  10. L-girl said...
    I just miss you in gamethreads, is all.

    Thank you, that means alot...

  11. If Youk is hitting better than Papi so far in the post-season (according to stats in NYT this morning), wouldn't you leave Youk in for the better defense, give Ortiz a chance to rest and also have him in reserve?

  12. Has anyone thought about pedroia playing SS like he used to when he was younger? Youk at 2B? Ortiz at 1B. That eliminates the shitty hitting Lugo. We don't need two pitchers batting.

  13. Yerry will not start playing guys out of position in Game 3 of the World Series.

    Shit, he referred to playing Yook at 3B "out of position" -- so no way in hell.

  14. We are up 2-0 -- why act desperate?

  15. I would just like to see Youk in there. I would also not like to see Lugo in there.

  16. ok, that inning hurt, but oki did manage to stop the bleeding. i was having visions of that one yankees game for a bit there...
