
October 7, 2007

Schadenfreude 30 (A Continuing Series)

Mike Lupica:
... it is the biggest game he has ever pitched for the Yankees, the one he made sound like it was practically his civic duty to come back and pitch when he announced his Yankee comeback, to all manner of Yankee foofaraw and fanfare, one Sunday afternoon at the Stadium. ... It is another win-or-go-home game for the Yankees ...

In 20 innings over two games, the Yankees have scored four runs on eight hits. They are 1-for-19 with men on base. And tonight -- it's too perfect: Fat Billy on the hill with the season on the line.

Clemens has pitched only six innings since September 3. TCM: "I have to be aggressive. What I lack in stuff I'll have to make up for with effort and just pitching my heart out."

How about 4-7-5-2-4 and big fat L?


  1. It's perfect that Fat Billy is pitching, but the Indians starter is also not an ace with 6-9. Nevertheless, if the Indians can do to Clemens what they did to Wang I'll be a happy man.

    By then hopefully their offensive surge will need a recharge which will allow the Sox to exploit.

  2. "Money or Nothing?" How about a rousing chorus of Dire Straits' "Money for Nothing."

    Good quote in today's Globe from Edes on Lowell telling Manny they're going to walk Ortiz. "Tranquilo" (no problem) says Manny.

    Manny=Tranquilo. Perfectly apt.
