
May 3, 2008

G32: Red Sox 12, Rays 4

Rays    - 020 100 010 -  4   8  0
Red Sox - 311 202 03x - 12 15 0
A week in the life of James Shields:
              PIT  IP    H   R  ER  BB   K   BF
Sunday 0427 99 9 2 0 0 1 7 29
Saturday 0503 98 3.2 10 7 7 3 3 24
The Sox wasted little time exacting their revenge. Ellsbury single, Pedroia single, Ortiz double (RBI), Ramirez single (2 RBI). After only 17 pitches, Boston led 3-0.

Everyone chipped in:
Ellsbury - 2 hits, double, walk, 2 runs
Pedroia - 3 hits, double, RBI, 2 runs
Ortiz - 3 hits, 2 doubles, 2 RBI, 2 runs
Ramirez - single, 2 walks, 2 RBI, 2 runs
Lowell - double, run
Youkilis - single, 3 walks, RBI, run
Drew - single, double, walk, 2 RBI, 2 runs
Varitek - single, HBP, 3 RBI
Lugo - double, RBI

Beckett: 8-7-4-1-5, 100. Aardsma finished up.

James Shields (2.54, 165 ERA+) / Josh Beckett (4.10, 107 ERA+)

These guys matched up last Sunday. Shields faced 29 hitters in a two-hit complete game. Beckett had a career-high 13 strikeouts. Tampa won the game 3-0.

Also: Felix/Mussina at 1 PM.


  1. That was a pretty amazing pitching performance on both sides last week.

    In fact if I am allowed to state the obvious here, our pitching has been superior, except for wakefield.

    Just need bats.

  2. SEA: 001 000 0 - 1 8 2
    NYY: 103 002 0 - 6 13 2

  3. Weather is looking dry for the game tonight. It rained during the day today, but it looks to have exited.

    Tomorrow, though, we're looking at rain. Kind of concerned as to whether it'll be played at all or not, but they've got all day to wait it out if they want.

  4. Finals:
    NYY 6, SEA 1
    TOR 5, CWS 2

    BAL 1, LAA 0 (3)

  5. Globe sez:

    Ellsbury, CF
    Pedroia, 2B
    Ortiz, DH
    Ramirez, LF
    Lowell, 3B
    Youkilis, 1B
    Drew, RF
    Varitek, C
    Lugo, SS

  6. Sorry I missed the game last night, but we are on the Cape with no TV or internet (until Comcast arrived at noon today). My daughter was there and lasted til the 6th before being too tired.

    I just scrolled through the thread quickly. Saw the interesting non-baseball chat about Ivy Leagues and Harvard. I have my own thoughts on that, but it will have to wait for another day.

    Going to miss the first part tonight as well. And we have no wireless so cannot gamethread while watching. (The internet connection is in another room of our 500 sq foot cottage!) Oh, well, GO SOX!

  7. is FSN for the preview bit looks to have switched.

  8. our first OTT of the night!!!

    Now let's get this game off on the right track by scoring oh, 4 or 5 runs!!!

  9. Looks like the kid didn't take it hard when the coach dogged him for being a baby. OHHH whatever thats what happened and you all know it.

  10. Time for Papi to be Papi!!!

  11. OHHH whatever thats what happened and you all know it.

    What does this mean?

  12. that's a risk playing the LF so far over--Papi's been going opp. field

  13. jacoby scores easily. nice. 1-0

  14. 1-0 already?!?! We are back!

  15. looks like a good call!!!

    Mummy time!!!

  16. yeah! woulda been a DP on the old camera angle, instead a 2-run 1B. (I'll stop making the camera angle joke now)

  17. Ladies and gentlemen, we have an all-hitter going. :-D

  18. ...aaaand now we don't. Bummer.

  19. So the Devils removed the Devil from their rays and then added a Sun type logo to the word Rays. Does this mean they are no longer calling themselves the animal ray and are now the really hippy Sun Rays?

  20. Lowell puts head down, Don not excited--tells me the ball's playable right away--yet the camera does the "ball in air shot," instead of showing us the fielder camped under the ball.

  21. The animal ray.

    The Sunshine State.

  22. This lineup is the second best one we can field. Remove Lugo and put in Lowrie. That will be our world series lineup for sure.

  23. Joe C: "...and the right-fielder is Gross. [pause] That's his name."

  24. will take it, now another OTT would be nice.

  25. NCA (New Camera Angle) still screwing with me. I'm so used to knowing exactly where a ball's hit on the field. Now I'm seeing balls that I think are in one place, but then turn out to be a few feet over. The big one is when a ball's hit right at you. On the old, that goes to the shortstop, now it goes right up the middle. This will take some getting used to. And I will miss watching my buddies in the front row.

  26. that shit is gross or what have you

  27. jacoby again scores easily, 4-2 us

  28. i read jere's comment, on the radio the pitch had not even been thrown.

    i gotta remember: audio or game thread but not both.

    allan is stuck working (at work).

  29. Good evening all from dark old London

  30. Not been able to watch as much recently, but we have a Public Holiday on Monday so allowing myself a little late night entertainment this evening.

  31. The Lord is in the house!!!

    and that is one down

  32. Doesn't appear many others are s1c!

    Nice one Dr Double!

  33. Just after three:

    Top four in the order (LBJ, FY, Tiz, Manny): 6-7, BB, 2B, 4 R, 4 RBI

    Bottom five: 0-5, BB

    Nice leather by Doubles on that bunt by Iwamura though.

  34. I'm here, but semi-avoiding the thread. On weekends I listen at work on MLB audio. The delay is huge, and the thread ruins it for me. People are posting the outcome of an at-bat before the pitch is even thrown.

    What holiday is it in the UK?

  35. May Day! Workers of the world and all that!

    Any excuse to take one of our limited holidays...

  36. ON FIRE!!! who reallyyy, realllyyy, needs to get on a roll.

    C'mon Tek!!!

  37. Gameday is a bit like that for - if you have the top resolution feed on it is about a minute behind, so the second best resolution is less of a pain....

  38. May Day was a couple of days ago. But I guess they move it to the Monday.

    It's not originally Marxist or communist, you know. It originated with US labour movement and the fight for an 8-hour day.

    Back to the radio..

  39. I bow to your knowledge, l. We do move it to the first Monday in May. The main gripe here is that we can have Easter, May Day and Whitsun within six weeks of each other, and outside of Christmas, we get one more public holiday all year.

    A day off is a day off.

  40. Slugo.....

    Good stuff.

    Is this the same Shields as last weekend?

  41. Only 'cause I blog about it every year.

    Canadians used to complain about having no day off between New Year's and Easter. So some provinces invented "Family Day", a meaningless day off in February. Like you said, a day off is a day off.

  42. When does regression to the Hinske mean begin? He leads the league in slugging.

  43. c'mon josh, its time to put a stop to this.

  44. When does regression to the Hinske mean begin? He leads the league in slugging.

    Why can't we get players like that?


    I hope to join you in a couple of innings.

  45. Family Day sounds like something Hallmark would've invented to sell cards, like Grandparents Day.

  46. Josh not having one of his finer outings.

  47. I miss playing against the shitty Rays instead of the grudgingly respectable Rays.

  48. Nice block of the plate by Tek!!!

  49. Manny's arm + Tek's block = sit down Rays!

  50. FY hacking again, but we'll take the double!

  51. Yes, runs like those. Just like those.

  52. So when was the last time the Sox scored in four consecutive innings?

  53. Crap, needed Youk to score that run, I have no faith right now in J.D.

  54. tek.

    bases loaded.

    holds breath.

  55. Heh, that's one way to make an rbi.

  56. HBP! Ha. That makes it easy.

    More runs! More!!

  57. I'm leaving work now. What will be the score when I get home? I'll say... 10-3.

  58. Here I am! Looks like I missed some fun.

  59. Hey gang! I was listening on the radio while driving home, but this is much better now. TV, game thread - all I need is a beer.

  60. A cold beer would be just about perfect right now.

  61. Since I have no beer, I've settled for a bourbon. It is Kentucky Derby Day after all.

  62. I'm at work, so I'll make a cup of tea. :<(

  63. Evening, chaps.

    9 runs. That seems about as strange as Hank Steinbrenner saying something intelligent.

  64. I'm at work, so I'll make a cup of tea. :<(

    I rather suspected that. I'd pass you the bourbon and you could make it a hot toddy, but alas, I cannot reach.

  65. let's hope it's not that rare.

  66. Just walked in and it's 9-3. Missed it by that much! Looks good tho. Watching the rest sans puter. Enjoy all.

  67. I dunno, Ish. I have far more confidence in our bats than in Mr. Hanky's intelligence.

  68. GD has Beckett at 89 pitches.

  69. I have far more confidence in our bats than in Mr. Hanky's intelligence.

    I agree. Also, we could get used to this again rather quickly. Lotsa runs.

  70. I heard (whatever the rival blog of this one is) says they don't think we can hit 201 tonight! Don't think we have it in us! What do we think about that???

  71. A dong just hit Manny's 496 thing!

  72. I heard (whatever the rival blog of this one is) says they don't think we can hit 201 tonight! Don't think we have it in us! What do we think about that???

    Not sure about that. But, what I am sure about, is that the Habs are being eliminated! Woo!

  73. I can't believe it took that happening for me to realize how cool it would be if Manny hits that spot for his 500th.

  74. I have a rival? A nemesis perhaps?

  75. it was just supposed to be a joke to get us to try to get to 201 tonight... no rival.

  76. So, re-ran the GDGD on the 1st few innings

  77. there ya go, sosock's got it

  78. 8 IP for Beckett. He gives up four runs, doesn't have his best stuff tonight, but man he's a horse. Just keeps going and going and going, and we'll be able to have Timlin or Aardsma pitch the 9th and go to bed.

  79. Hate I missed all that. Must have been fun!

  80. I can't believe it took that happening for me to realize how cool it would be if Manny hits that spot for his 500th.

    Could be worse - it took you saying that for me to think of it! Sadly, as cool as that would be, I think 500 will come on the road. In Detroit.

  81. 1 inning to go, this is going to be a stretch you know

  82. Evening, all. Just got back from dinner but saw some of the game on the bar TV. Looks like our bats are waking up! Saw Manny's nice DP throw at home. Now back to the game. Just saying hi....

  83. Gary's Old Towne Tavern says we can't do it!!!!

  84. I clearly need to start some really trivial off topic conversation...

  85. Hi Amy!
    Type something, anything.

  86. AMy, can you say hi over the course of ten separate posts?

  87. Hi Amy!! I keep missing you on the thread. Either I'm here or you are, never both.

  88. My LL team got shellacked again today. Trivial enough?

  89. I think 500 will come on the road. In Detroit.

    If it does, it better not be Thursday. We're at the other 3 games!

  90. Dammit. GDGD froze up . What did Mummy do?

  91. I have to say, I think our phantom nemesis might be on to something here... I don't see another 90 posts in the next inning.

    But who cares what that guy thinks? He's not even up to 100 on his imaginary thread!

  92. Manny walked, Lowell, lined hard to left

  93. Does everybody/anybody know what Gary's Old Towne Tavern is from?

  94. "I just sneezed."

    Looking or swinging?

  95. Hmmm... LL. Potentially trivial enough, but not nearly off topic enough.

  96. Take a few pitches Youk.
    We need to chat.

  97. Maybe if we get to 190-something, I'll disable comments on this post! Heh heh.

  98. Ish just sneezed looking.

    Backwards Sneezed.

  99. Ish, if you wanna see some photos that are less-awesome than yours, I'm doing Somerville Open Studios. Today and tomorrow. Oh wait, you're in Maine, right?

  100. Bring in Timlin, the Rays will tie it up, and we'll hit 401 in extras!

  101. Aardsma for the 9th, it appears.

  102. Jere, I wish I were up in that neighborhood tomorrow, I would totally show up. Bit of a hike though, especially since I have to work.

  103. Tek out stretching a quarter-dong into a half-dong.

  104. Bring in Timlin, the Rays will tie it up, and we'll hit 401 in extras!
    Hilaaaaaarious. but unfortunately, not too far off. :(

  105. Thanks Sarah.

    Okay, Gary's Old Towne Tavern was the rival bar on Cheers.

  106. Ish, if you wanna see some photos that are less-awesome than yours, I'm doing Somerville Open Studios. Today and tomorrow. Oh wait, you're in Maine, right?

    Yep. About 60 miles north of Boston.

  107. We are 138!

    (My Misfits reference that nobody ever gets..)

  108. Tek comes thru, but keeps going.

  109. 10:04 PM. "A bolt of lightning!"

  110. So tell me about Somerville Open Studios. I wouldn't be able to make it down there tomorrow, but it sounds interesting.

  111. What was with Tek going to second? Was he trying to get the game over?

  112. Why are we trying to get to 201? Is there a contest or something?

  113. Those guys were enjoying that foul ball too much!

  114. I don't understand Tito. This is obviously a Timlin save situation.

  115. Damn Jere!
    I can't freaking believe I didn't remember the Gary's thing. I was a religious watcher all the way thru.
    Now I'm curious - how did it go over up there?

  116. He's saving Timlin for the closer games.

  117. For Timlin this IS a close game.

  118. How did what go over up where?

  119. Remy keeps saying Don's in a bad mood. Don keeps saying he's not in a bad mood.

    Now they're talking about construction on the expressway.

  120. I would pitch Timlin in the top and after it was tied up, I would pinch hit Lugo in the bottom of the 9th with 2 outs.

  121. We're just curious to see if we could hit 201 tonight. 20 minutes ago we weren't even at 100.

  122. Cheers - in Boston.
    Was it popular?

  123. Oi. Aardsma almost got bitch-slapped by that ball.

  124. Well, I can always ask my usual dumb question and get lots of people telling me the answer.

  125. I don't know how the show Cheers went over in Boston, I'm from the NY-metro area. (but still New England!)

  126. new blogger feature - post-dating posts.

    i could write a post, set the time of posting for 5 AM tomorrow and go to sleep. at 5 AM, it would appear on the blog! L tried it this morning and it worked. cool.

  127. Are we ragging on Timlin?

    Why wouldn't we? He's really done. Seriously. Over. Toast.

    Tho I hope he can make a liar out of me.

  128. "Are we ragging on Timlin?"

    Not "we".

  129. In the struggle towards 201 I will go on.

    Lugo gets hits and then RBI's when it absolutely does not matter at all. Singles with 2 outs and RBI's in 8 run blowouts do not really matter. I am saying his batting average is a fraud. Sure he gets on base but wouldn't it be better to not always be the last out with runners on base? I wish we had that stat. Well we do with the LOB stat. But how many times was a guy last out, with runners or not.

  130. I don't know how the show Cheers went over in Boston, I'm from the NY-metro area. (but still New England!)

    Where does the New York metro area end in CT? (or begin)

  131. I lived in Boston during the Cheers era. Other than creating a bar with that name, I don't recall it being particularly popular there---not any more than anywhere else.

  132. Remy and Don are talking about flavored candles.

  133. Aardvark is trying to give us a shot at 200!

  134. Fairfield County is considered the Tri-State Area. But even, for the census' sake, Litchfield County is part of the NY-metro.

  135. OK, now I see we are trying to pick a fight with Jere about Timlin so we can get to 201.

    Not me, Jere. I am the peacemaker tonight.

  136. I am not going to let go of my hate for Lugo and my pity for Timlin. You all made me give up my Wakefield dislike. I will not be swayed any further.

  137. Hey I still can't stand Drew for the most part.

  138. The diving line between Yankee country and Red Sox country is Hartford, but that doesn't define the NY metro area.

    To me Fairfield country is in the NY metro area, but not Litchfield or New Haven. But that's just my opinion.

  139. A good old-fashioned argument is a good way of getting to 201...

  140. Can anyone really explain why Lugo still starts? Coco doesn't start if LBJ is healthy.

  141. That should have said dividing line. Not diving line.

  142. "The diving line between Yankee country and Red Sox country is Hartford,"

    The line is jagged, Amy. And drifting west!!!

  143. Who is this guy?

  144. We are almost there. I am not watching this half inning for the cause. So tell me if I should be worried.

  145. I mean lugo isnt even an automatic stolen base like ellsbury is. There is no point to 2 out singles when you will always stay on first.

  146. I couldn't make the distinction because I've never been along the south coast of CT. I've only been along the I-84 corridor and the northern tier of the state.

  147. Yes, the line is jagged. E.g., New Haven is MFY area. But Waterbury is Red Sox Country.

  148. Damn! A phone call is keeping me from contributing.

  149. not fair double posting for 201

  150. Could be over soon - does it count if we get there before they get off the field?

  151. The water is FILTHY. NASTY!!!

    The end of the game kinda snuck up on me there. Forgot it was the 9th already. So used to these close games I was expecting the Red Sox to have to bat again. Oops.

  152. Does it count once the game is over?
