
May 28, 2008

G56: Mariners 1, Red Sox 0

Red Sox  - 000 000 000 - 0  2  1
Mariners - 001 000 00x - 1 5 0
Bedard (7-2-0-3-8, 109) bested Wakefield (8-5-1-0-8, 96) in a quick 2:11 duel.

Betancourt donged to left in the third for the only run of the night. Boston's two hits came in the fourth inning, as Manny and Lowell rapped consecutive one-out singles. Casey followed that outburst with a 1-4-6-3 GIDP.

Facing Putz in the ninth, Manny drew a four-pitch walk with one out. After Lowell hacked on a 1-0 offering and popped out to short, Casey walked. But Crisp looked at two strikes, then grounded weakly to second.

That devilish Tampa team beat the Rangers 5-3, so we drop to 1.5 GB. New York topped Baltimore (our next stop, Friday) 4-2, and remain 6 GB in the cellar.


Tim Wakefield (5.19, 83 ERA+) / Erik Bedard (4.70, 84 ERA+)

Tampa battles Kason Gabbard and the Rangers this afternoon (live box). Orioles host the Yankees at 7 PM.


  1. Did that matador lose his arm?!!?

  2. TEX - 000 200 001
    FKR - 100 040 00X

    Fucking Rays.

  3. Pettite has a tough first inning but wiggles out without any runs scoring; throws 21 pitches.

  4. just want to state for the record that i hate joba the c*nt.

  5. I am not gonna trash the Yankees SS because that would be like me having a horrendous zit on my nose and laughing at someone with an acne problem.

  6. Timlin sucks too. just to get that in there.

  7. My least favorite thing about today is the moderation. i come home and i have been thinking all day of what to post and i get slammed into a wall. A big F'ing Wood wall.

  8. I thought of some nicknames for ish today. After last night when he was digging up posts from long ago.

    Thread Hunter
    Search Engine or just The Engine

  9. This Celtics officiating is execrable.

  10. And we all get to hear you whine about it. What fun!

  11. I see Happy Times L is here today.
    Why so down Laura? Why?

  12. andy said...
    i come home and i have been thinking all day of what to post and i get slammed into a wall. A big F'ing Wood wall.

    You had all Day and all you came up with was that zit analogy......weak...

  13. I just don't like people complaining about moderation. Last time you whined about our not putting your comments through quickly enough, then you ended up deleting your own whine.

  14. By the way, I'm always here. I'm the one putting your comments through!

  15. My neighbor's apartment burned down. It hasn't been a good evening.

  16. Wow, was anyone hurt? Was it totally destroyed?

  17. I am just being annoying Laura, sorry. i am done now though.

    sorry to hear that phil.

  18. Casey thanks for the love yet again, i posted in other threads as well and the night is not done.

  19. Apparently started from a kitchen fire. Completely gutted, but no apparent structural damage to the exterior. It's new construction, and they build it these days so it at least doesn't spread (absent arson).

  20. I am just being annoying Laura

    Yes, I know.

    Thank you Nix.

    Maybe you meant that literally. :)

  21. Phil, wow, that's so scary. I assume no one was hurt or you would have said.

    I'm terrified of there being a fire when we're not home - and the dogs being trapped.

  22. You are the moderator of my life L.

  23. i obsess over fire when i am not home. I unplug everything when i go on a trip and I leave water in all my bathtubs and sinks as if that will help anything. I am a nut. duh.

  24. i mean it in the best way possible!
    keep doing what you do!

  25. I don't know, but I don't think anyone was hurt. Lots of ambulances looked like they drove away empty, and kids were playing on the lawn after they extinguished it, so presumably there weren't corpse briquettes in the area.

  26. andy said...
    Casey thanks for the love yet again

    Just tryin to keep you on your toes , brother..

  27. Don't bitch about moderation. You don't want the alternative.

    Globe: Kevin Youkilis (injured right hand) is out of the lineup for the third straight game.

    1. Jacoby Ellsbury, RF
    2. Dustin Pedroia, 2B
    3. David Ortiz, DH
    4. Manny Ramirez, LF
    5. Mike Lowell, 3B
    6. Sean Casey, 1B
    7. Coco Crisp, CF
    8. Kevin Cash, C
    9. Julio Lugo, SS

    1. Ichiro Suzuki, CF
    2. Miguel Cairo, 1B
    3. Jose Vidro, DH
    4. Raul Ibanez, LF
    5. Jose Lopez, 2B
    6. Adrian Beltre, 3B
    7. Wladimir Balentien, RF
    8. Jamie Burke, C
    9. Yuniesky Betancourt, SS


    Amalie Benjamin:
    "Justin Masterson has been moved up from Saturday to Thursday in the Pawtucket rotation. Masterson, who was scheduled to make his Triple A debut Saturday, was pushed up to Thursday night against Scranton/Wilkes-Barre at McCoy Stadium. ... With the day off, there is the possibility that Tim Wakefield could be moved up to start on normal rest on Monday in Baltimore with Masterson throwing Tuesday for the Sox."

  28. I am gonna go wash my car and think of more clever things to say to casey.

  29. Jeez i get all uppity once and i hear about it all night.

  30. I'd like to see more of Masterson and his freakish hat-to-head-size ratio.

  31. It's a tough crowd. But the night is young. Plenty of time to rag on you, me and any other takers.

  32. I would appreciate Masterson playing full time with the big boy team. We can lose timlin to the DL. I am sure he could use a hip replacement or something.

  33. that "wow, thanks" wasn't to you, andy. it was to nix.

  34. I guess this would be a poor time to say something like "relax"

  35. heidi heidi heidi heidi

    just getting that out of the way

  36. I knew that wasnt for me L I do not deserve praise.

  37. what makes you think i'm not relaxed?

  38. Do you think that with Heidi they are real?

  39. Old and bad joke about relax.

    i am having some wine with the game tonight. i will be fun i think.

  40. Regarding that matador, his arms are obscured in that photo. What you might think is his arm is the banderillas sticking out of the bull.

  41. I personally endorse Andy's bad behavior. Nothing gives me a giggle like a grown man saying he'd love to 'do' Ellsbury.

  42. All I could see was red, half an arm, and a flying matador.

    But I think I was wrong about that and am glad.

    I can't imagine losing a limb.

  43. I'm sure there are a lot of grown men who would love to do Ellsbury. Many of my friends, for example.

  44. Andy + wine = !

    Could be epic ... long about the 8th or so.

  45. Feigned homosexuality is hilarious?

    GIS for "banderillas" turns up some, umm, interesting stuff.

  46. I got the relaxed joke, but I thought it might be funnier if I pretended otherwise. Also a bad joke.

  47. I'd do Ellsbury if I weren't with someone. Also, I'm sure I couldn't catch him.

  48. last call for the O's, down 4-2 to the basement dwellers.

  49. Why in the name of fuck is the linescore optional on Did people complain about it being there? "I don't want that pesky linescore off to the side when I'm trying to watch the baseball game it handily sums up! God!"

    Yet another E by A-Rod, and the O's have the tying run up in the 9th

  50. Phil, it's just fantasy, you don't have to be loyal.

  51. Everyone assumes Andy's crush on Ellsbury is feigned?

  52. It's the same for MLB radio. and I have no idea, it makes no sense.

  53. Another one-handed catch by Jeter. Hey, if people are gonna blindly say "that's the guy I want my kids to emulate," you have to bring up all the shit he does that you'd never want to teach your kids.

  54. Mike Blowers! We saw a game a long time ago where a heckler was riding him aaaaall day.

  55. Well, what can you expect from a Melvin? I would expect first place in the science fair, but not clutch hits.

  56. mfy win but they are still in last place!

  57. I assume the linescore is optional because it's probably closer to realtime than the audio/video feeds, and it could potentially spoil the results of the play before you see it. Not sure though, never actually experimented.

  58. Cats are so cute when they decide to curl up in a box. I don't know why.

  59. It's true. They are. Sleeping dogs are so cute too. I love watching my dogs sleep.

  60. Will you grace us with your blogging presence very long tonight, L?

  61. As long as I can stay awake, Patrick. Maybe 11, 11:30.

  62. I wonder if Andy would prefer Lyndon wearing one sleeve in the sack or not. He seems to perform better with one sleeve.

  63. ooOO, Beddard is a French Canadian.

  64. ESPN gamecast is 2-3 pitches faster than the ridiculously lagged mlb audio.

  65. One of my pet peeves: catchers who throw to first after a K

  66. I knew he's Cdn, didn't know he was francais.

  67. Ellsbu-ray allen is wearing a sleeve tonight

  68. Ellsbu-ray allen is wearing a sleeve tonight

    And one of them hasn't looked at a called strike three tonight.

  69. there goes the perfect game.

    500 dong?

  70. Wow, not many people in here right now. Especially compared to last night.

  71. manny also in the exclusive 499 HR club.

  72. I'm quickly draining the batteries in my remote control. Switching between three different channels.

  73. Ray Allen should wear that sleeve for the rest of the playoffs.

  74. Manny ran around the clubhouse today saying the Devil Rays lost. And of course, they won...

  75. Ellsbu-Ray has scored 6 points during this at bat alone

  76. Still an out, but Manny remains a pitch-count wrecking crew.

  77. If Manny gets it tonight, "Dan Lowe" wins my contest which Allan was nice enough to link here. Does anyone know who that is? He's not a regular on my blog, and I don't remember seeing that name here, either.

  78. Doesn't sound familiar. There's a Dan here, tho. Maybe that's him.

    Not here as in tonight, here as in JoS commenter.

  79. I'm here. just settling in to being on the radio. I'm playing some Utah Phillips--one of my heroes who passed away last week (look at my avatar). Right now it's one of his shows on the amazingness of radio. right now it's a recording of a live broadcast of the Hindenberg. Chilling know what's coming.

  80. Much blogging in the Cdn blogosphere about Utah.

  81. normal 2B catches that chest high.

  82. Thanks Phil. Well it would be cool if that guy won, then. Though it would be cool if Manny waited till this weekend since I'm going to Baltimore.

  83. Laura, good. I'm afraid I don't know the Cdn blogoval, save for yours.

    The progressive blogworld that I've scanned stateside has been glaringly lacking.

    He's been such an important part of my life since I was a little kid, even if he didn't know I existed.

  84. Then it would be much cooler if he waited and you could be there!

  85. His birthday is on the 30th. He should wait until then.

    Until then he should hit triples...

  86. He should hit the O'Neill-on-Seinfeld. Triple and score on an error.

  87. Geez. that Crispy out looked pretty close to a dong according to GDGD.

  88. Isn't strange that Ellsbury can play all 3 outfield postions , but Crisp in his time with the Red Sox has only played CF.

  89. Nick, that's cool. I have many people in my life like that - activists and artists who are so important to me, although they don't know it.

    If you do a blog search for Utah Phillips, there are lots of tributes, at Indymedia and a lot of labor-activist sites.

  90. Wow, the Celtics do well when Ray Allen contributes...

  91. Don't be selfish. Let Manny hit it now.

  92. Wake's got a good knuckle tonight, doesn't he? So far, anyways.

  93. OK, we won't prevent Manny from donging if he chooses. I'll call off my hex.

  94. So far it looks like we got Good Wake tonight. I love getting Good Wake.

  95. Wow, the Celtics do well when Ray Allen contributes...

    Perk's got 16 points. That's more than he usually gets.

  96. I'm surprised our gracious hosts tolerate NBA chat in here.

  97. I did a blog search as soon as I heard the news last thursday night, but not since. Thanks for the reminder to get on that.

    The grassroots radio conference email list that I'm on has been quite active on the topic--people sharing interviews, thoughts, etc.

  98. I'd rather not tolerate it, but I don't make the rules.

    Not that one, anyway.

  99. Hi, all. Feeling tired tonight so not sure I can make it through much of the game. But here for now.

  100. Same here, Amy.

    Thanks for your comment on wmtc, btw. I didn't reply because I would only have repeated myself.

  101. Hey Amy. We need your prescient dong vision!

  102. Wow, a three pitch K in one at bat, a four pitch BB in his next. That's gotta be rare (unless the BB is I)

  103. You're welcome, Laura. Just trying to add another perspective instead of just having you and Allan respond.

  104. That was weird how the camera followed the ball there.

  105. I think my dong vision is clouded tonight. But I think we will win. Especially after that error.

  106. Another reader (James) also replied, telling her that if she cares about Canada she damn well should care what happens in the US.

    A few weeks ago she told me she was a huge fan of mine. Today I'm an wallowing in morbid obsessions. Whatever...

  107. okie dokie pokies i am done with my car and i am half way thru the bottle. turning on game now. lettttts play with balls!!!

    i would have him wear only a sleeve and nothing else. i am serious i would kiss that man in the mouth. in it. he is making me feel funny on the inside. i am glad i live in california. now i gotta a chance to make him my spouse.

  108. I heard you called Manny's shot last night! Very cool.

    I did that last year with Tek and I became famous for a few days. :)

  109. Heh, who knows what makes people tick. Probably something unrelated to you ticked her off. Easy to vent in cyberspace especially with an anonymous type of screen name and against someone who doesn't see you.

  110. Wait a minute, while I was sitting here ready to go to every single home game once he hit 499, Manny said he was waiting to hit 500 til he was on the west coast! He's the one being selfish.

  111. Yes, I really "saw" that one coming. (No bad dong puns for that one there, Andy.) It was weird.

  112. I'm glad Andy is here to witness Wake's dominance...

  113. I didn't call Manny's 499th, but I did "call" it as an announcer. That was fun. Nice one to add to my resume!

  114. What i loved about oaklands stadium was the full bar i had right behind me. What i love more at home is the full bar and the empty bathroom. i hate those troughs.

  115. Manny has new wristbands. Pretty new, anyway. Dark with red print.

  116. Damn. I didn't see that dong coming.

  117. Patrick, what were you saying...?

  118. amy i will have to catch up i missed all your words. so i will begin paying attention now

  119. i think that was my fault. i am sorry.

  120. That's ok, Andy. I just fed you an Andy type line, but just as well that you missed it.

  121. ...We are being no hit again. Beddard is throwing a no hitter!!!!!!

  122. What are the roman numerals for 500??

  123. I still want to know which Nazi came up with the slogan "über alles" for the U.S. Airforce.

  124. you could also go with CCCCC!

  125. patrick, I've already said in this post, MR going for D. That's what I meant.

  126. Sounds like Manny's going to get a new middle initial.

  127. uber alles, they must be reclaiming the words

  128. GDGD totally truped that. "No out" my ass.

  129. GDGD can't decide whether he singled or ground out.

  130. I even put the D in the contest post title, ha. (March 3rd)

  131. love those 7 pitch innings! (when they're our pitchers)

  132. I really feel for the Dodgers in their past couple games. They have lost the lead in the late innings twice. Sounds too familiar.

  133. I'm gonna lose my shit if the Celtics lose their lead, as they are threatening to do...

  134. we shall see. if the Wake can give up just 2 more hits and no more runs i will re-consider him. He did suck last week didn't he?

  135. Cash swinging at stuff even Tek might not have.

  136. Anyone here ever installed a new bulb in their DLP TV?

  137. I'm gonna lose my shit if the Celtics lose their lead, as they are threatening to do...

    Ebbs and flows, my friend.

  138. I don't even know what a DLP TV is.

    Ask Phil; he seems to be quite technologically savvy.

  139. The Seattle announcers arent that bad. not as bad as others.

  140. Lugo looks funny when hes getting ready to bat or should i say getting ready to get out or to get an empty hit.

  141. Did the FSN guy just say "How about Bedard!" or "How about the 'dard!"?

    I fear it was the latter.

  142. L also thinks she heard "the dard".

  143. Jacoby just told me to keep watching. i love those new commercials.

  144. seattle guys were okay until the old fart left and big scary head sims took over. he's more than a tad obnoxious.

  145. Haha jeter is funny. didn't he just develop into just what his nickname is? intangible. i love it.

  146. wait, who did they just show that was on the show LOST?

  147. Cash Money is an Army better yet a Navy!

  148. that's right a rap reference from 7 years ago

  149. I don't think there will be 800 posts tonight...

  150. fox cockknockers missed the first pitch -- which beltre 6-3'd. so i fucked up my scorecard. had to break out the whiteout. shitheads.

  151. why don't you all just go home i will take care of the blog from here.

  152. OK, my eyes are closing. I may make it through this half inning, but may fade first.

    Go Sox.

  153. do you do your scorecard on paper or on a computer program with insta-stats?

  154. Ellsbury is nothing like Johnny Damon. I am not attracted to Damon at all.

  155. Wow, we've been unlucky with our line drives this whole series.

  156. paper, with 3 different pens.

  157. can a pitcher pinch hit for a hitter and the hitter then move to pitcher?

  158. come on tiny legs. scurry faster.

  159. ok i will bite. why 3 pens?
