
May 9, 2008

Schadenfreude 44 (A Continuing Series)

Wednesday, May 7:

Two nights ago, Indians outfielder David Dellucci pinch-hit a go-ahead three-run homer off Joba Chamberlain. After giving up that shot, the 22-year-old reliever bent over, avoided watching the runners score and otherwise appeared upset.

Thursday was a different scene in the Yankees' 6-3 win over Cleveland at the Stadium. Chamberlain screamed and pumped his fists three times in celebration as he spun off the mound after striking out Dellucci to end a three-batter eighth inning. ...

"[I]f a hitter was to do something like that they'd probably say it was 'bush [league]' and you shouldn't do it," Dellucci said. "It's kind of funny how a pitcher can get away with it. ... My home run was in a much bigger situation, more a key part of the game and I didn't dance around and scream."


  1. Honestly, I have no problem with Joba being as demonstrative as he wants to be, just like I have no problem with it when Papsalot does the same--these are emotional guys and that's how they play, and I'd rather that than robots.

  2. All the debate is focused around whether Joba's reaction is a genuine release of emotion. And people bring up comparisons to Papelbon and say that its different when its a save and not just a Hold. But what no one is talking about is the fact that Joba just looks ridiculous when he does his little spazzy, twisting, seizure of a fist pump. He looks like Slimer from Ghostbusters.

  3. Both pitchers look like idiots when they do it, however. Bot has this jerking off motion that is more than a tad disturbing.

    I agree 101% with Dellucci. And announcers should apply the same standards to hitters -- why can't a hitter watch his HR and be called a "fiery competitor" like Beckett?

  4. This is very interesting to me.

    There's nothing I hate more that the Yankee fist pump. Jeter does it, Posada does it and now Joba's doing it.

    But I have to admit, I shrug it off when Paps does it... I guess it just stings more when your on the losing end...

    Bottom Line: Emotions make the game exciting... we should be greatful that the showboating hasn't escilated to football and basketball levels...

  5. I'm also not crazy about what Chamberlain and Pap do after an inning ends on a good note for them. (That goes also for hitters who stand there and admire home runs.) And Chamberlain should follow the example of the guy he sets up for.

  6. Joba's physique epitomizes the MFYs in my mind -- greasy, a little chubby, vaguely Italian-looking (though he isn't). It'd be weird if he didn't epitomize them in other respects too.

  7. This is for everyone but specifically for Luna:

    I agree, being emotional is fine. But when Pap is doing this it's because he JUST WON THE GAME.

    When Joba is doing his thing, which is even more over the top, it's because he got three outs in the eighth inning. For the Yankees to have this "act like you've done it before" attitude, and then have a guy act like he just won the World Series when he really just completed the eighth inning in an April game...gimme a break. I'd be embarrassed about that as a Yankee fan just like I was when we had Uggie Urbina and he did that same crap: give up five dongs but then celebrate like a maniac when he gets the third out.

    But considering the best the Yankees can do these days is *almost* win, and not even in the postseason, I guess Joba's got a lot to be excited about. He says "that's just the way he is"--I wonder if he'll do this after each inning when he's a starter...

  8. And Phil: As an Italian, non-Irish Sox fan, I'm just as offended at Yankee fans being assumed to be Italian "greaseballs" as I would be if someone assumed because I'm a Sox fan I must have red hair and freckles and drink and fight and eat Lucky Charms or whatever. I mean, there are plenty of Irish and Italians in both NY and Boston.

    I know what you mean with the guy named Vinny circa '56 being a Yankee fan like extras in A Bronx Tale or whatever, but, I'm just saying, some of us Italians are just regulation New England Yankee-hating Sox fans.

  9. The difference here he wanted to show up Delucci the game was 6-3 with 2 outs in the top of the eighth in a game in May....if it 7-3 or more he most likely wouldn't have pitched....And if you saw the videos of the night before he was in tears.....

  10. a Sox fan I must have red hair and freckles and drink and fight and eat Lucky Charms or whatever.

    but wait a second, that's me!

  11. Hate to always be playing devil's advocate, especially on behalf of the Yankees but.... Things aren't going all that well for them right now. And this IS a fairly young kid we are talking about.


  12. And if you saw the videos of the night before he was in tears.....

    I saw that! I had flashbacks to that DHL commercial where the guy would yell, "There's no crying! There's no crying in shipping!"

    Joba's physique epitomizes the MFYs in my mind -- greasy, a little chubby, vaguely Italian-looking (though he isn't). It'd be weird if he didn't epitomize them in other respects too.

    I always thought Joba's face looks like Babe Ruth.

    I agree with Jere on the demographics of Yankees fans/Red Sox fans. I am a Red Sox fan and I can talk correctly. "All" and "Majority of" are not the same. I'm sure there's a majority demographic for each team. But not all.

  13. sparky said...
    Hate to always be playing devil's advocate, especially on behalf of the Yankees but.... Things aren't going all that well for them right now. And this IS a fairly young kid we are talking about.

    And ..............Things aren't going well and he is young , i don't understand how that is playing Devil's Advocate.....What
    I think you are saying if your team isn't that good and you are young you have the right to be obnoxious and not reserved and un assuming.....

  14. I have no problem with the display of emotion, per se. I don't like it because it generally means that something just went poorly for the team I'm rooting for.

    My only problem with Chamberlain--other than that he's good and plays for the bad guys-- is the flat-a-board bill of the cap. Drives me nuts. Somebody bend that thing!

    I have the same reaction to Sabbathia's perpetually askew hat.

  15. I'm not suggesting anything about fan demographics, just team demographics. And even then, I'm not talking about real demographics but rather the fake crap floating around in my head. Italian probably isn't even the right ethnicity.

    I guess what I'm trying to say is that if you squint at Joba through enough beer haze, his physical appearance kinda looks like (Germanic) Babe Ruth. He fits the jersey.

  16. 9casey - No. Point was not that he has a right to be obnoxious. Point WAS - very little to be excited about, plus young emotional kid roughly equals give the kid a break.

    But your point about the misuse of "playing devils advocate" is well taken.

