
June 12, 2008

G69: Red Sox 9, Orioles 2

Orioles - 000 002 000 - 2  7  0
Red Sox - 010 400 22x - 9 9 1
Lester (7-7-2-1-3, 101) was smooth (save for a sixth-inning stumble) and the Sox hit three home runs.

In the fourth, Baltimore walked Manny to load the bases for Mike Lowell -- who lofted a grand slam into the Monster Seats. Kevin Youkilis and J.D. Drew each hit two-run dongs to make it a laugher.

2.5 GA!


Jeremy Guthrie (3.40, 125 ERA+) / Jon Lester (3.50, 125 ERA+)

Another early start -- assuming this guy is wrong.

Red Sox vs Guthrie
Orioles vs Lester


  1. Other former members say they are required to buy doomsday food and supplies from a company that Hawkins owns personally, Life Nutrition Products.


  2. Last night at the Bar (Ace's in San Francisco), all the Yankee fans were loading up to get ready to get on the bus (where they could have all the Bud and Bud Light the could drink) for Oakland. I came in and the pre-bus ride madness was brewing, although not as mad as previous years. We Sox fans quietly enjoyed our team cruising to a victory, certain the Yanks would lose. They always seem to when the Bar sends the Bus over to Oakland.

    And so it was.

    A Sox fan and fellow regular pointed out a guy in a green hat. He told me that the guy had "spoken to a scout", who said that there would be press conference Monday annoucing that Bonds was coming to DH for the Sox (and, presumably, that Ortiz was out for the season).

    I did not ask the guy in the green hat about his rumor for two reasons. One, I didn't think it worth investigating -- way too random. And for another, I could not face the utter horror of the (very, very slim) possibility that it might be true.

    I'm sure it isn't. Very, very certain.

  3. ACID!

    Thanks. Then there's the game Ellis pitched against the Reds -- May 1, 1974 -- where he hit the first 3 batters and tried to hit the 4th guy, but walked him and was pulled (or ejected, the box doesn't say).

  4. Jason Varitek (strep throat) is out.

    1. Brian Roberts, 2B
    2. Melvin Mora, 3B
    3. Nick Markakis, RF
    4. Kevin Millar, 1B
    5. Aubrey Huff, DH
    6. Ramon Hernandez, C
    7. Adam Jones, CF
    8. Jay Payton, LF
    9. Alex Cintron, SS

    1. Jacoby Ellsbury, LF
    2. Dustin Pedroia, 2B
    3. J.D. Drew, RF
    4. Manny Ramierez, DH
    5. Mike Lowell, 3B
    6. Kevin Youkilis, 1B
    7. Coco Crisp, CF
    8. Julio Lugo, SS
    9. Kevin Cash, C

  5. Bot the Warrior (video):
    "Obviously as you can see it's a war when we go play those guys [Tampa]. In my opinion it is a bunch of bull what they did. All I got to say is what comes around goes around. Payback is a bitch. In my opinion, and the way I feel right now, this thing isn't all settled and done. We still got to play them a few more times and I know when we go into Tropicana things will be a little different than when went in there last time."

    June 30!

  6. Wow, I really enjoyed reading about Dock Ellis.

    "Dock, you're pitching tonight!"

  7. Good evening folks. I'm at press row at Fraser Field - I have an hour to follow GDGD until the Navs game starts.

    If you wanna see my photos from the team's road trip to Sanford, ME last night, Click here. It was a charming little ballpark in the middle of nowhere.

  8. O's feed again ....


  9. MASN misses the first two pitches. Amazing.

  10. and either masn or rogers screws up and misses the first two pitches of the game, which included the first batter.

    how hard is it to show a game?

  11. L: NESN barely got back in time for the first pitch. But that's still better than missing two.

  12. masn fucked up -- thorne quickly recapped what we missed once they were on.

    so much for the "home team gets the feed" theory.

    now, when we're gone on vacation, it'll probably be all nesn.

  13. NESN used to be horrible that way, often missing pitches to finish their ads. They must have gotten a lot of complaints, b/c now they'll often cut off an ad mid-sentence in order to get back for the game.

  14. Perhaps Ellis' most startling act occurred on May 1, 1974 when he tied the major league record by hitting three batters in a row. In spring training that year, Ellis sensed the Pirates had lost the aggressiveness that drove them to three straight division titles from 1970 to 1972. Furthermore, the team now seemed intimidated by Cincinnati's "Big Red Machine." "Cincinnati will bullshit with us and kick our ass and laugh at us," Ellis said. "They're the only team that talk about us like a dog." Ellis single-handedly decided to break the Pirates out of their emotional slump, announcing that "We gonna get down. We gonna do the do. I'm going to hit these motherfuckers." True to his word, in the first inning of the first regular season game he pitched against the Reds, Ellis hit leadoff batter Pete Rose in the ribs, then plunked Joe Morgan in the kidney, and loaded the bases by hitting Dan Driessen in the back. Tony Perez, batting cleanup, dodged a succession of Ellis' pitches to walk and force in a run. The next hitter was Johnny Bench. "I tried to deck him twice," Ellis recalled. "I threw at his jaw, and he moved. I threw at the back of his head, and he moved." At this point, Pittsburgh manager Danny Murtaugh removed Ellis from the game. But the strategy worked: the Pirates snapped out of their lethargy to win a division title in 1974, while the Reds failed to win their division for the first time in three years.

    Guess they had different suspension rules back then, eh.

  15. man, that must have really hurt cabin's knee.


    We gonna do the do.

    Hmmm, I sense Bot saying the same thing above.

  16. The article from the '71 HBP game doesn't mention whether Ellis was ejected. Everyone just thought it was a coincidence--"wow, I've never seen anyone so wild." Stuff like that. Despite that he was trying to hit every guy!

    wikipedia says he was taken out: "The clean-up batter Tony Perez avoided Ellis' attempts, instead drawing a walk, and after two pitches aimed at the head of Johnny Bench, Ellis was removed from the game by manager Danny Murtaugh."

  17. buck martinez says this early start time means that most of field is in the sun.

    as he says this, masn shows the field and only parts of RF and RCF are in sun -- 85% of the field is in shade.

  18. Yeah, 15%. Most. Come on, you gotta think like an Oriole announcer before you can truly understand and appreciate one.

    Nice play, Mora. Incredibly, the play was in the 85% shade portion of the field. What are the odds??

  19. Youk's finally out of his slump, then?

  20. buck also talking about what a special pitcher guthrie is -- he can make good pitches in an inning, then go back to the bench, and come back out for another inning and continue to make good pitches. consistency!

    how rare.

  21. Crowd of about 15 so far at the Navigators game LOL

  22. ken tremendous could tape one orioles broadcast and get six months worth of FJM material out of it.

  23. guthrie very consistent -- at going to 3-2 counts (6 of last 7 hitters)

  24. Going to cook and eat dinner. Will try and get back before the game is done, but given the early start, not sure I will.

    GO SOX!

  25. More strangers in my house right now, looking at apartment--I love how they always ask what's going on in the game!

  26. you should give them a recap in your old timey language.

  27. BTW, jere, any suggestions for how to go about getting an apartment in Providence besides craiglist?

  28. Jere, I missed it, where you are moving to?

  29. These guys are obsessed with the Orioles hitting doubles. Is there a special prize at the end of the season for the team w/ the most doubles?

  30. Oh, actually, we're buying a house, so I couldn't tell ya about apartment stuff---L, we're moving to Providence area. I'll give more specifics when the deal goes through....

  31. But phil, maybe I could hook you up to somebody, somehow, like, through our agent.

  32. thorne said last night that doubles were better than home runs because they keep a pitcher on edge.

    doubles > HR

    !!! pure idiocy.


    jere, you sure you'll get nesn there? :>)

  33. Wow, congrats on buying a house! That's exciting. When do you close, or have you already?

  34. Phil, what's your source for the italicized Dock Ellis quote you posted?

  35. So Providence is the place to be, eh? Phil and Jere both moving there?

  36. sock, I have been starting to think in those old-timey terms....

    The possible-renter just said he was a die-hard Sox fan, and I just got the galley of my book, so I plugged it to him! It's cool to actually have something physical to hold up to people.

  37. L, the inspection is Saturday!

    Yes, I WILL get NESN.... I better..

  38. Man, getting galleys to your book, that is one of the most exciting things in the world.

  39. Closing is in August. Book comes out in August. Looks like an exciting month for us, so we'll see what happens.

  40. We moved to Canada in August. It's a good month to change your life. :)

  41. we'll get the last coupla water fires of the season in Providence.

    That's the thing they do. Water fires. It's like, fire on the water. And everyone looks at them.

  42. gotta go cook/eat pesto pasta. Later...

  43. It's like, fire on the water. And everyone looks at them.

    Sounds like a swingin' town!

  44. masn has cabin's mom on the phone?!?!?

  45. I've never been to these supposed fires, but we were there a few weekends ago as they were about to start, and everybody was out walkin' around, it did seem pretty cool. Nice weather does make everything seem more fun, though. Like, if I'm wearing shorts outside at night, I'm probably having a good time. That sounds weird. Okay, gotta go now.

  46. zenslinger: just google parts of it. I'm at work, so I'm reluctant to keep looking at LSD-related sites.

  47. Phil: Yeah, I ought to wait until I get home as well.

  48. But, thanks. I'm just laughing my butt off at both Dock stories. I don't know which one is funnier.

  49. i wish there was video of the 3 HBP inning.

  50. Water fires? Do they spill oil in a river then light it? Anybody know?

    Some disgustingly polluted rivers will catch fire spontaneously. You used to hear about that in the US - in Pittsburgh, or Newark, other industrial cities. (Not anymore - no industry anymore - everyone's poor but the rivers nice and clean!)

    But in Provindence they do this on purpose? Anybody know what's up with that?

  51. okay, i can't cook without garlic, I have to wait til Kim gets back with it. So I'm back for now. I feel like Tim with all the personal updates. Where is Tim anyway?

  52. i know how to spell providence. that is a typo.

  53. Tim is working like a million hours a week b/c of his car accident.

    Good you cannot cook w/o garlic. I mean, what's the point.

  54. They have these little pots on the river. Apparently they light 'em up.

    Castiglione often mentions the time the Cuyahoga caught fire.

  55. Cuyohoga, good example. The rust belt.

    Pots on the water sound better. I was wondering if they actually pollute the water to light fires, but that would be very strange.

  56. tag a little high, but we'll take the out call.

  57. Thanks for the link, Jere. It's a sculpture installation, looks beautiful. I'd love to see it sometime.

  58. Providence's rivers are basically channeled through what look like paved canals, and they have these little platforms that they build bonfires on. It's really undignified for the rivers.

  59. 67 pitches through five innings. It isn't a no-hitter, but wow.

  60. Yeah, you can see the platforms in the link Jere posted. It looks really pretty.

    I loved shared public events like that. I mean really love.

  61. Good you cannot cook w/o garlic. I mean, what's the point.

    Evening, chaps. My sister did a study about the antibacterial properties of soaps and hand gel and some plants for a class she's taking. The conclusion she game told, which she told me on the phone, was the Purrell hand soap doesn't really do anything... and the best substance they studied for antibacterial properties was garlic.

  62. Many Boston fans rooting for 'coby, against Kobe tonight.

  63. I find garlic tastier than Purrell, too. My Purrell and olive oil pasta has not been a big hit.

  64. Bike ride + Tiny radio with an earpiece = ftw.

  65. I find garlic tastier than Purrell, too. My Purrell and olive oil pasta has not been a big hit.

    Sounds like that was a valuable learning experience. :)

  66. If you ask my soap-making girlfriend, she'll tell you commercial soap isn't really soap at all. And is horrible for you.

  67. What's she make soap from, bacon grease and charcoal?

  68. Jere, does your SMGF have a website? I know you have posted about her work before, but it fell through the swiss-cheese that is my brain.


    tied in doubles (with 1)!

  70. WHy, yes she does!! Just kiddding. It's

  71. C'mon Dr Doubles, make them pay!

  72. Yeah, Drew with a nice Balti-dong there...

  73. WHy, yes she does!! Just kiddding. It's

    LOL and thank you.


  75. And he does!!!!!

    DOCTOR DONG!!!!!

  76. Gotta love the ol' bases loaded rally killer.

  77. Wow, Kim's site is **beautiful**! Totally amazing. I will explore further.

    Would it be good to highlight it on wmtc?

  78. no kidding, ish. I am seriously bumming about this inning right now.

    I got home just in time to see the RKDDGS.

  79. true. if lowell had doubled, we'd have more guys on base right now. and more guys on base is better than fewer.

  80. Buck Martinez: this ballpark can jump up and bite you on the ass in a hurry.

    Hey Buck, I got news for you. It ain't the ballpark that bit you on the ass! IT'S THE RED SOX!!

  81. I love how Lugo keeps spitting on the haters.

  82. LUGO gives us a 2-1 doubles lead!!

  83. Lugo has the good sense to hit a 2B and keep this inning alive.

    Lowell = self GRANDstanding.

  84. And Guthrie's 107th pitch is his last?

  85. Veni, vidi grandslamus, and I'm gonna go again. Red Sox will vici

  86. good ol' consistent guthrie!

    chadford on. sox bat around

  87. L: I'll tell her you enjoyed it. She would be THRILLED if you highlighted it. She just made the coolest effing soap which she has pix of on her blog, which is linked on her main page there. Strawberries and cream-smelling, but the strawberry is BLOOD dripping down. She calls it Carrie.

  88. defensive switch from first base to first base for Oscar Salazar.

  89. jere: is your girlfriend's mom wearing a Sox hat in that picture? Looks like it.

  90. Cool, I'll do it soon. I have a bunch of things I'm waiting to post about, I'll add that to the list.

  91. Carrie soap sounds very cool. :)

  92. SHIT - double. tied again 2-2.

  93. Buck: Another double!
    Thorne: Another double.

    Orioles are tied for 7th in the AL in doubles with about 4 other teams. Wow.

  94. Phil, this is funny. I was about to answer that yes it was a Sox hat. Her mom is a huge fan. But I decided to check the real picture which is about a foot away from where I'm sitting, just to see if it's like one of those light blue Sox hats, or one of the other styles besides the basic one.

    I look at it to find out it's NOT a Sox hat. It's an Aruba hat. So like you, I saw that pic and thought it was a Sox hat, and only now am I realizing it's been an Aruba hat all along.

  95. Team with most doubles wins the ThorneBuck Trophy.

  96. Orioles are tied for 7th in the AL in doubles with about 4 other teams.

    It should be a tiebreaker in the standings!

    How did Mora "ground out on a bunt to RF"?

  97. DAMN IT - why couldn't salazar have hit a home run there?

  98. Now I'm thinking I should try a product or two before I post. Then I could say how nice they are.

    I'll order a couple of things, then write about it when we get back from Nfld. Considering those products are handmade and not mass produced, they are not expensive at all.

    If you don't mind, tell Kim I will email her about this soon, like tomw.

  99. buck: "another base hit here would change the complexion of this game dramatically!"

    and it does -- 5-2


  100. jere: I'm guessing the Aruba hat photo isn't really an ambrotype either. Probably photoshopped to match the washed out colors of the other two. I smell conspiracy.

  101. All right, these doubles aren't funny any more.

  102. "this team is a doubles-hitting machine."

  103. masn says sox pen is completely quiet.

    not good tito,

  104. She's being attacked by a parrot? How tragic.

  105. oh fuckety, enough of this shit

  106. so -- what DOES the complexion of this game now look like?

  107. 91% chance of bird failure. That's zitty, or at least shitty.

  108. KIm's back with the garlic, so I gotta go--but I did ask her "without looking, what hat is your mom wearing in the parrot pic?" I was sure she'd say Sox, too, but she knew it was the Aruba....

  109. this game has an oily T-zone. okay, bye.

  110. Hey guys, im Gareth, i'm from Ireland. Just wanted to say that the blog is fantastic. Baseball isn't so big in this country, so i will claim to be Ireland's biggest sox fan. I write the only sox blog in the whole country. Quick question if you don't mind, 2008 AL rookie of the year, Evan Longoria or Jacoby? My vote goes to Jacoby every time, Just because of what he adds to the team, His speed both on the bases, and in the outfield in phenomenal. I think it will be back to back rookie of the year for beantown.

  111. Hi Gareth, I might be the biggest Ireland fan here. :)

    Jacoby is ROY. No contest.

  112. Welcome Gareth!

    I think this guy is also an Ireland-based Sox fan. You guys may have to fight it out!

  113. why is lester out there? 90 pitches - tiring, possibly feeling the effects of the 130 pitch game a bit back.

    tito trying to squeeze an extra inning. with a 3-run lead, i guess it's okay, but they should not let lester go much over 100

  114. nice inning from sid. 11 pitches = 101 total.

  115. Hi laura, Thanks for the reply. I would be more than happy to share the title of Ireland's biggest sox fan with you. I agree with the Jacoby comment.

  116. damn it yook, we need guys on base!

  117. I am back, btw. Congrats, Jere, on your book, and welcome to Gareth. We have another rep from across the pond!

  118. Oh no, I must have said it wrong. I'm not in Ireland - I'm in Canada. Sitting right next to the blog owner, as a matter of fact. :)

    I'm just a huge fan of Ireland and most things Irish. I have a fascination with Irish history and culture. We went to Ireland in 2001, a great trip.

  119. Jere, what is your book?

    Providence: up and coming for quite a while. And only 45 minutes or so from Boston.

  120. Hey Joe, Thanks dude. Finally people that i can talk Baseball with. Would you believe that my buddys now think i'm gay because i love Baseball. That's how much of a bad rap the game has on these shores.

  121. Not that there's anything wrong with it.

  122. Gay baseball fans welcome here too :)

  123. So youk's at bat had the same effect as a double play?

  124. Whew. Finally I can have some good gamethreadding! Not that there's a whole lot of time left in the ballgame. But hey. Better late than never. Had dinner to make and eat.

  125. Of course not, There is nothing wrong with homosexual sport fans, that's one of the great things about sport, we can all unite (and hate the yankees)

  126. Me, too, Ish. What did you have? We had fish, salad, and couscous, and wine.

  127. Was Purrell on the menu?

    This is getting so confusing. Doubles are best, double-plays are better, home runs give you pimples.

  128. Hating the Yankees even in Ireland. Imagine that!

  129. on a completely different tip, the all-volunteer community radio station I'm involved in is having a fund drive this week. The single largest donation wins a cow bell signed by Buck Dharma from Blue Oyster Cult.

  130. You know, we have a new gamethreader here, maybe we should be less stupid?

  131. why not thread while you eat? between bites?

  132. No Purell, but no garlic either. Sorry.

  133. Me, too, Ish. What did you have? We had fish, salad, and couscous, and wine.

    Not nearly as sophisticated as you... We had Stouffer's french bread pizzas.

  134. Blue Oyster Cult: I never heard of them til my friend met one of the band on a plane, and we looked them up.

  135. Amy was also quoting a line from Seinfeld, "not that there's anything wrong with it" - which Seinfeld fans say all the time when gayness comes up.

    Do you watch Seinfeld in Ireland?

  136. Less stupid? At least we are not being offensive tonight.

    Where is Andy? :)

  137. why not thread while you eat? between bites?

    I really need to get a laptop soon. That's my next big purchase. That will clear up a lot of problems. Eating being one of them. I love watching games with my dad in the living room as well, and we have the two TVs. Just, no computer.

    But yeah. Wolfed down some pizza, came in, and here I am.

  138. Blue Oyster Cult, I'm sure you've at least heard their most famous song, the radio hit, Don't Fear The Reaper. Yes?

  139. Amy was also quoting a line from Seinfeld, "not that there's anything wrong with it" - which Seinfeld fans say all the time when gayness comes up.

    I love that quote.

  140. I possess great fondness for BOC's first three albums.

    Surely, though, Amy, "Don't Fear the Reaper" must have seeped into your ear canals at some point.

  141. Were we talking about cowbells here on another thread, or did I just have a huge deja vu?

  142. Threading and eating: dangerous if you don't want to choke on a fish bone. Also, it sort of kills the atmosphere (when you are eating with a Yankee fan).

  143. Lugo showing his gold-glove defense out there. Keep at it, kid! You'll get it one day!

  144. perfect demo of "booting" a ball

  145. My Dear Julio,

    Do not validate the haters.


  146. I used to love those Stouffer French bread pizzas. I think we lived on them for a while in our younger days.

  147. Curses on Baltimore first basemen! Curses!

  148. why does buck martinez keep saying millar left in the 1st inning?

    it was the 2nd.

  149. Don't Fear the Reaper. I think my friend and I listened to it when we looked up this guy. We thought he was bullshitting about being in a well-known band. He was

    Let me remind you all once again: I am not cool. My knowledge of popular music is limited once you get past 1974. Also, there are many songs I know that I could not tell you who recorded them or what their titles are.

  150. Amy, I can't remember, do you have a cable package so Harvey watches the Yankees on a different TV while you're watching with us? Or does he follow online, or not at all?

  151. I bet Lugo can't thread and eat either.

  152. I missed what happened to Millar.

    And, for that matter, I missed the cowbell threading.

    On my show last night we played funk and latin songs with cowbell. Sunday I am the fund drive day captain and will be playing cowbell heavy songs throughout the day as well as Shonen Knife's tribute song to BOC.

  153. Harvey watches on on his laptop. He has their on line package. It's my advantage since we live in New England and NESN is part of our cable package. We also like to watch in the same room. It is sort of bizarre!

  154. I hear cowbell, I can only think Honky Tonk Women.

  155. DFTR is a great song, but at least one member of BOC has shitty politics.

  156. What happened to Millar? I missed it also.

  157. That's cool that you watch in the same room, definitely better than separate TVs.
