
June 26, 2008

Ortiz Starts Swinging

David Ortiz took 25 easy swings off a tee at Fenway Park on Wednesday and said it would be about 2-3 weeks (and a minor league rehab stint) before he returns to the lineup. That would be shortly after the All-Star break.

The recovery is pretty much on pace with what they thought I was going to be. It's all right. I am disappointed. I want to be playing. But there's not too much I can do about it but wait. ... It's actually positive because when I got hurt I couldn't even hold a bat. Now I'm getting to the point where I can swing slowly, so they know what point I'm at in my progress. I knew it was going to feel like that. That's what the doctor wanted me to do, take swings slowly until I get to the form where I can be ready to play.
Ortiz may join the team in Houston on Friday.

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