
June 21, 2008

Where Am I (updated)

The Newfoundland Vacation, so far:

Tuesday, June 17
St. John's
Wednesday, June 18
St. John's / Witless Bay
Wednesday Night in St. John's
Thursday, June 19
Cape Spear to Bonavista
Bonavista, First Night
Friday, June 20
Bonavista, Second Day and Night
Saturday, June 21
Bonavista to Twillingate


  1. Enjoy it! I've to Nfld twice- first time was three weeks of hiking in Gros Morne just as the thaw was kicking in (in August, that year); a couple of years later, in April, I camped at L'anse Aux Meadows, and drove across to St. John's.
    I love the whole island. It was so isolated seeming 15 years ago...especially with the ferry breaking ice and the morning approach to Port aux Basques, with its looming snow streaked cliffs and swirling gulls.
    Some I would love to bounce along the southern coast.

    Have fun.


  2. It is still very isolated.

    Today (Sunday) we're taking our second boat trip -- a bigger boat and presumably further out that we did in Witless Bay. This may be our best chance to see whales.

    If possible, I'm going to attempt to log onto mlbtv (without seeing the score) and watch this afternoon's game tonight. After having no internet for a couple of nights, I think we're going to try to make it a priority to stay at places with wireless for the next week.

  3. I think we're going to try to make it a priority to stay at places with wireless for the next week.

    Just remember... game at 3:05 for you. 1:35 here.

  4. Just remember... game at 3:05 for you. 1:35 here.

    Either way, we'll be on a boat trying to see whales and icebergs. We're going to watch the archived version tonight, unless there's music in town.

  5. Icebergs! I think I just turned my camera on accidentally.
