
August 4, 2008

G113: Royals 4, Red Sox 3

Red Sox - 200 000 001 - 3  9  0
Royals - 013 000 00x - 4 8 0
A strange ninth-inning rally falls short as Sean Casey flies out to right field with the bases loaded.

Boston failed to get a run home in the eighth, when it had runners on first and third with two outs. Ron Mahay came in to face Jason Varitek -- and struck him out, though he needed nine pitches to do it.

In the ninth, the Red Sox faced Joakim Soria, who had allowed only 25 hits and 10 walks in 50.2 innings (1.42 ERA, 0.70 WHIP, 309 ERA+). Coco Crisp had struck out swinging in his three previous plate appearances (all against Meche), but he lined a single to center off Soria. Drew looked himself into a full count before being called out by the third base umpire on a check swing.

Dustin Pedroia's pop-up fell untouched in short left field; it was his third hit of the night and his fourth time on base. David Ortiz's grounder to first moved the runners to second and third and Jacoby Ellsbury came in to run for FY. With two outs, Kevin Youkilis was walked intentionally to load the bases for Jason Bay (who was 0-for-4).

On a 1-1 count, Bay hit a slow grounder between Alex Gordon at third and Tony Pena at shortstop. Gordon backed up to avoid Ellsbury, who was running to third, and the two infielders reached the ball at the same time. Gordon got it in his glove, but they collided and no play was made.

Crisp scored on the infield single to cut the Royals' lead to one run. Casey looked at two strikes before banging a fly ball to right. Mark Teahen, who had seen Pedroia's fly ball sail over his head for a double back in the first inning, jogged to his left and gloved it for the final out.

The Sox started strong in the first: J.D. Drew took a seven-pitch walk and Pedroia doubled to right. Drew scored on Ortiz's groundout and Pedroia crossed when Youkilis also doubled to right.

Gordon homered off Buchholz in the second inning and KC struck for three more runs in the third on three singles, two walks, a sac fly, and a bases-loaded HBP.

Cleveland beat Tampa Bay 5-2, so we stay 3 GB. Down in Arlington, Marlon Byrd cranked Damaso Marte's first-pitch fastball for a grand slam with two outs in the bottom of the ninth to give Texas a 9-5 win over New York.


Clay Buchholz (5.94, 75 ERA+) / Gil Meche (4.22, 104 ERA+)

Nice work, Tito!
Drew, RF
Pedroia, 2B
Ortiz, DH
Youkilis, 3B
Bay, LF
Casey, 1B
Lowrie, SS
Varitek, C
Crisp, CF
Drew is the only regular with an OBP over .400 (.406). He leads the team with a 146 OPS+ (Yook is at close second at 142). Drew hit only .221 in July, but still managed a .361 OBP and a .442 SLG.

David Ortiz is 9-for-20 against Meche, with four home runs and a 1.576 OPS. ... Buchholz has never faced anyone on the Royals roster. ... Mike Lowell, who may get a cortisone shot today for his right hip injury, will likely get the night off.

Jason Bay's weekend could not have been better:
I feel like I've been here three weeks, not just three days. Now it will be a little bit of normalcy, if you will. I've read that Red Sox Nation travels well. But on the road, you're a bit more tighter-knit and you get to know the guys - and I'm looking forward to it.
Jed Lowrie has started 11 of the 13 games since Julio Lugo (who is now doing some light jogging) went on the disabled list with a strained left quadriceps. Lowrie has hit safely in nine of the 11 games for a .317 average (13-for-41); he went 5-for-10 in the three games against Oakland.

The Red Sox swept four games from Kansas City at Fenway in mid-May (7-0, 2-1, 6-3, and 11-8) -- part of a season-high seven-game winning streak.

Also: Spiders/Rays at 7 PM and Rangers/Yankees at 8 PM


  1. Special oatmeal for JCal76:

    Varitek, C
    Cora, 3B
    Lugo, SS
    Cash, DH
    Ellsbury, RF
    Crisp, CF
    Casey, 1B
    Youkilis, 2B
    Matsuzaka, LF

  2. Gordon Edes (now with Yahoo) on Manny, the Boras phone call, John Henry's feelings, etc.

    I'd like one of these, just to have.

  3. Very measured comments by Edes, no? I wouldn't believe Boras if he told me the sky was up---which is also to say that who knows if he was accurately representing Ramirez to the Sox. It may well turn out that the real manipulator in all this was the agent, which would be sad. But it wouldn't be the first time.

    Yeah,a very cool promo.

  4. It was a cold, blustery day. That oatmeal is warming my soul. Thank you. (Although I think Cash should hit 3rd instead of cleanup but everything else looks great.)

  5. Redsock you asked about McAdams original article after the Houston problem. He was on WEEI shortly after that column and mouth breathers called in to rip him about that column. He stated then that his source was not the front office but would not say who it was.

    As for the oatmeal - a man could starve on that one.

  6. I'm pumped for this one. Let's get it rollin'.

  7. So there we were on Saturday looking a line ups and I posted one like this:


    I was ridiculed, ridiculed about this (ok, massive exaggeration) but tonight we see J.D. Drew leading off in KC. For once Francona did something right or at least he did what I asked him to do!!! (and yes my arm is hurting from patting myself on the back).

  8. The real oatmeal is rather strange according to Extra Bases:

    1. J.D. Drew, RF
    2. Dustin Pedroia, 2B
    3. David Ortiz, DH
    4. Kevin Youkilis, 3B
    5. Jason Bay, LF
    6. Sean Casey, 1B
    7. Jed Lowrie, SS
    8. Jason Varitek, C
    9. Coco Crisp, CF
    -- Clay Buchholz, SP

    Reading that Edes stuff was very interesting. If you didn't check it out, Edes is very certain that Boras called the Sox after 4pm Thursday to say Manny would stay and play well if the Sox would just drop the options from his contract. Theo said it was too late. Boras denied it ever happened. Edes reiterates that it did.

    It may simply be one of the dangers of long-term contracts that one of the members tends to become dissatisfied with its provisions over time. And I don't necessarily think that someone should be pegged to the wall by a contract -- circumstances should be taken into account. Shit, I thought Prince had some point in wanting out of his with Warner Brothers, and I certainly have sympathy for anyone struggling with the fast-and-loose mortgage that seemed like such a good idea a few years ago.

    But in Manny's case, the option years were put into his contract to the team's advantage. After getting his extraordinary 8/160, he had to leave things up to the club for two years. Despite all the personal affection I feel for him (y'know, within the bounds of fandom), the good memories, and the anger I share with a lot of you about the "Manny Who?" bullshit, it still seems very clear: Manny did not like the options part of the contract, and he threw what amounts to a tantrum until they were done away with.

    As interesting as it is to play GM, contemplating years, money, options, and planning, it remains secondary to my enjoyment of the game. So this stuff doesn't form my opinion of or feelings toward Manny. I still will miss him. But it brings me round to a point at which I can sympathize with Theo for making the move.

    I don't sympathize with him for portraying Manny as what's too readily termed these days as a "clubhouse cancer", and I can't help thinking that the media outlets are following the FO's lead a bit by spewing all this bile towards Manny. But I can certainly understand now why they felt like they had to make the move.

  9. Thanks for that Zen, a very interesting view.

  10. s1c, you hit it on the money (with only minor variations).

    I'm sorry if my post is extending the Manny trade discussion longer than it needs to be. I was away from baseball for the long weekend, and despite all the wins, in some ways I'm glad because the fur was really flying on the Manny front.

    But I haven't had the chance to vent as much as I need to!

  11. Drew leadoff! The On Firestarter!

    Zen: Your take on MBMgate is very reasonable and your scenario is highly likely.

    (To those who have attempted to paint me as absolving Manny of all blame for everything during his tenure with the Sox, please read that again. And maybe a third time, too.)

    Despite some really great times together, the couple grew apart over the years and had a somewhat nasty divorce. And the kids -- us -- don't know all the details, we heard a lot of shit back and forth and are now trying to make sense of it all.

  12. Going out for dinner - back soon!

  13. Thanks in return for the kind words on my post.

  14. Zensl---I'd concur; that's a very reasonable view. (My only disagreement: if you accept 160 mil. to do something, you damn well better expect to be "pegged to the wall" ---you're being paid for that privilege.)

    Redsock: If you think I accused you of absolving Manny of all blame, or if I seemed to by sloppy writing (I'm not always sure who I'm writing to here), I apologize. I don't adhere to your distribution of the blame, but you haven't let Manny off the hook.

  15. I finally put in for the free trial. Mosaic=wow

  16. amerindians-devil rays under way

  17. Mike Lowell disrespects the game, taking the game off with an 'injury' a day after being clocked at 5.0 down the line

  18. The Heidi-Amalie combo on NESN pregame.. with Kathryn Tappan and Jayme Parker tag-teaming from the studio

    This is going to be a big night for the Sox

  19. pegged to the wall

    I'm saying that there are circumstances in which a contract shouldn't be considered unbreakable, but Manny's isn't one of them. So I agree with you on this point: the options were the only team-friendly item, and the8/160 should have bought the team the right to make their own decision in their own time about '09 and '10.

    Extra Bases reports Francona saying that Drew leading off is a L-R issue. Interesting. He led off some last year, I think.

  20. I'm going to make a completely non-looks-related comment about Watney: she does a really good job. She asks good questions, and has a good presence on camera - everything she says flows and she doesn't come across as awkward or in the way.

    1-0 Spiders in the 2nd!

  21. If picking up Manny's options wasn't a possibility, we might've been put in a hard place next off season looking for a decent replacement in LF.

    The parting sucked, but getting Bay was a quality move.

    And I'm glad to hear Redsock say he gives Manny some of the blame only because he has been primarily defending MBM this past week (which was necessary).

  22. Good call Joe, she is pretty. Wait, what?

  23. He led off some last year, I think

    I think that he led off right around the interleague games. Late May, early june, I'm thinking ATL.

  24. That's what I said, isn't it? At least, that's what I remember saying

    Cleveland w/ a runner on 3rd & 2 out

  25. I may write about this a bit more, but there were many angles to the Manny story and I focused on a couple that should surprise no one here -- my enjoyment of Manny and the media's portrayal of the whole thing. There are other angles and I'm sure other blogs looked at those.

  26. Gahhza is destined to become a Red Sox.

  27. Drew led off in mid-June (including ATL!) and some in mid-July last year

  28. Kathryn Tappan and Jayme Parker tag-teaming from the studio


  29. Kathryn Tappan and Jayme Parker tag-teaming from the studio


    Who's the lucky foe?

    (Arrrr, boys' night at JoS!)

  30. There has to be one girl around.

    I hope.

    For all of our sakes.

  31. Oops, shoulda used a smiley there. Just imagine one for yourselves, boys.

  32. Thank you Ghost of Ted Williams

  33. So Joe, how allergic to dogs are you? Should we try to de-fur your room before your arrival?

  34. I used to be really, really bad, but now I'm only bad if it's prolonged exposure. De-furring it would be a nice precaution, if you have the time, since it's mostly the fur lying around that kills me.

    I can play with/feed/take care of dogs just fine, as long as it's not for too long.

  35. I keep looking at that "Special oatmeal" and freaking out

  36. Amy isn't around enough. She does good to keep us dudes under control.

  37. You totally don't have to take care of them at all. We'll vacuum and dust your room (it's tiny, so it's not exactly hard to do), and we'll keep the door shut and the window open for a few days. That should help.

    I'm allergic to cats, and when I was younger, that used to help me. Now it's much worse - I could never stay at anyone's home with a cat now.

  38. NESN pregame show ticker just said that the Red Sox were "20th in the AL" in road record. I didn't know we were THAT bad!

  39. But they're super friendly and probably won't leave you alone until you pet them. So maybe just pet them briefly then wash your hands.

  40. I keep looking at that "Special oatmeal" and freaking out

    You're not the only one.

    I kept thinking, NO! cash DH? NO!

    I actually like Matsuzaka in left. I bet if was raised a hitter instead of pitcher he could rake.

  41. Time to watch some of this before going to Morty's (the wing place) for a final dinner with my softball team.

    Goddamn, I am sunburned from yesterday. I see it was a nice win and WEEI/some "fans" are complete tool boxes.

    Anyway lets get goin with Monday Night Baseball!

  42. Its Macha and Merloni. For a good laugh go read Kristen's post today about the M & M boys.

  43. Amy isn't around enough. She does good to keep us dudes under control.

    Like that sort of thing, do you?

  44. Like that sort of thing, do you?


  45. Like that sort of thing, do you?

    You're not helping!

    My house is sadly, 'L proof', with my five cats. They would punish you with love.

  46. my sister's softball team was just bounced from the Babe Ruth Softball World Series, going 0-4 for their troubles. Damn. At least they made it that far.

  47. Like that sort of thing, do you

    Lets not go down that road again, I'm still having nightmares about your take on nuns and rulers.

  48. Yeah, it's a drag in many ways. Like no staying with Jere and Kim when we go to Fenway!

  49. I did not hear about this, s1c.

  50. woah. im in boston tonight at my folks' place. they have HD, REMY LOKOS SCARY.

  51. Nuns and rulers?? Geez, was I drinking or something? I don't remember that.

  52. So, what really interests me in all this Manny discussion is: where does the term mouth breathers come from? What's wrong about breathing through your mouth?

  53. I did not hear about this, s1c

    late last summer one of the game threads got way off tangent.

  54. don is the kind of guy that has looked the exact same since he was 5

  55. your take on nuns and rulers


    Go go HH.

    I won't be a'threadin'. Enjoy, all! (Even the womens).

  56. Remy in HD! A good reason to save money and have regular old TV?!

  57. So, what really interests me in all this Manny discussion is: where does the term mouth breathers come from? What's wrong about breathing through your mouth?

    I've always wondered about that too. As someone with a perenially stuffed nose, I always feel a little slighted by that expression.

  58. l-girl, YES! might want to even keep the ol' b+w tvs!

  59. tim, when don was born, he was doing the play by play. "its a boy, and mom get the news"

  60. Ditto, L. I never understood it either.

    I wonder if we'll see Tony Pena Jr. pitch tonight :P

  61. "its a boy, and mom get the news"

    Did he enter the world full bore?

  62. The point is people look stupid breathing with their mouth wide open. Catching flys.

    Not that I agree.

  63. the doctor caught him coming out of the womb bill of the cap high

  64. Re: the umbilical cord

    "Down by way of the scalpel!"

  65. Like that sort of thing, do you? Take II -

    TDCG needs to make a comment on that!!!

  66. That jumbotron is large and in charge.

  67. wow, that screen is futuristic.

  68. tdcg - definitely! i miss her around here.

  69. He came out more like a flare than a bullet.

  70. The point is people look stupid breathing with their mouth wide open.

    I get that. I try not to have a cavernous breathe.

  71. Man, they are really changing Kaufman. Loved going up there when I was living in Ar and Ok. I always liked the staduim.

  72. our lineup was made when tito was peaking on peyote during the flight last night.

    "come on baby take a chance with us"

  73. BTW: That Guy is back in the crowd at Tampa. i hadn't heard him yet this season.

    You know, that one obnoxious heckler. That Guy.

  74. That is the one of the only good things about Skydome. That Jumbotron makes other scoreboards look like a dot matrix printer.

  75. Meche has 3 wins in a row...he must be good!

    (Are we still doing the piss-off-Allan theme?) heh

  76. The Heckler is back?? I wonder where he's been.

  77. Remy didn't wish us a buenas noches!

  78. s1c, my GF is from KC. she says its really a beautiful venue, and that the kaufmans did a lot for the city. new owners, not so much.

  79. Remy didn't wish us a buenas noches!

    I was thinking the same thing

  80. Nix - New owners of course is from the Waltons. Not from the area really. Kaufmans were huge in the area and I don't think I ever heard a bad thing about them.

  81. Man, they are really changing Kaufman. Loved going up there when I was living in Ar and Ok. I always liked the staduim.

    I really want to go there. We need to plan a midwest/southern/southernwest bb trip.

    s1c, since you know that area, have you ever been to Stroud's? We once read a travel/baseball writer's piece on KC and that place, and we've wanted to go there ever since. Mashed potato capital of the world?

  82. I guess Remy doesnt feel the need to now that we have one less latino on the team.

  83. remy is disrespecting the broadcast.
    not doing his job, trying to get a bigger contract.

  84. Hecker's not in this game - he's in the Tamper/Spiders game.

  85. i heard that SI, or espn the magazine, cant remember, had an article on FY calling him "168 pounds of mouth"
    hahaha, i love the lasershow.

  86. one yellow and one blue for dustin

  87. Nix reminded me of the best part from Zoolander:

    So I'm repelling down
    Mount Vesuvius...
    when suddenly I slip
    and I start to fall.
    I mean, I'm about to die.
    I mean, I'm about to die.
    Just falling...
    I'll never forget the terror.
    When suddenly I remember,
    "Holy shit. Hansel...
    haven't you been smoking peyote
    for six straight days?
    And couldn't some of this,
    maybe, be in your mind??'
    It was. I was totally fine.

  88. L-girl, Strouds doesn't ring a bell. I still have family in the area though, will see what they have to say.

  89. ortiz walking down the line - quitting on his teammates

  90. competing chants in kaufman

    Let's go (Let's) Roy(go)als! (Red sox!)

  91. Wow. I like this new lineup!!!!!

  92. It was one of those travel/food stories that I read and just stayed with me, a place I have to get to. We've planned whole huge trips around that kind of thing.

  93. Royals announcer: "Unfamiliar spot for Ortiz. For years, Manny Ramirez was batting third with Ortiz cleanup behind him".


  94. I chuckled at breaking balls too.

    "We've planned whole huge trips around that kind of thing."

    haha - and i was laughed at for suggesting a seattle trip because of your rave reviews of the salmon sandwiches at safeco!

  95. Teahen is on the beverage team *and* the animal team.

  96. I like when the ball is like 2 inches outside the box and Remy says picks up the outside corner. Remy that gold box is the stike zone, you do know that right?

  97. and the suck team!

    remy: effittless!

  98. haha - and i was laughed at for suggesting a seattle trip because of your rave reviews of the salmon sandwiches at safeco!

    That's as good a reason to go to Seattle as any! And then while you're there, you see Seattle! Take in a game, hear some music, hang out. Drink coffee.

  99. Royals announcer: "Unfamiliar spot for Ortiz. For years, Manny Ramirez was batting third with Ortiz cleanup behind him".

    Well its KC and he probably thinks this is 2003.

  100. Royals announcer: "Unfamiliar spot for Ortiz. For years, Manny Ramirez was batting third with Ortiz cleanup behind him".



  101. they did hit like that for awhile, but 4 years ago

  102. 2003 was only 5 years ago. Amazing what's happened to this team since then.

  103. aviles .340 avg, .355 obp (365?)
    dude does not walk

  104. Yanks plate one. 1-0 after 1/2 inning.

  105. BTW, I can finally watch the game on the 1200K feed in mlbtv. Apparently not enough people care about a Sox-KC game. Looks good.

  106. 2003 was only 5 years ago. Amazing what's happened to this team since then

    Amazing just looking at the changes since the first of many.

  107. dude does not walk

    Jose Guillen must be his mentor.

  108. That's as good a reason to go to Seattle as any! And then while you're there, you see Seattle! Take in a game, hear some music, hang out. Drink coffee.

    That's what I'm saying! Maybe go down for like a week, check out Seattle, see Vancouver etc.

  109. Come to think of it, my life has changed a lot since 2003.

    Probably everyone's has.

  110. This winter I should head over there from eastern Oregon. I've never been to the western coast north of Fort Bragg, CA.

  111. Not long ago I used Pinto's database to look at OBP-BA. The median difference was like .62 since '57. Last 25 years was like .63 and last 5 years .65.

  112. five years ago I was collecting change for 40ozs.

  113. Patrick - where you going in oregon?

  114. HH avoids the scary 1st inning catastrophe.
    I've got a good feeling about this.

  115. Tim, if you go, spend a day or two driving down the Oregon coast. It's incredible. (I've probly said it a few dozen times here.) No commercial development the entire coast - all state park land - with a beautiful coastal drive. There's a park with giant sand dunes. The whole thing is amazing.

  116. A tiny town called Halfway. You can see Idaho from it.

  117. Five years ago I was going into grade 11 without love in my life.

  118. Five years ago I was living in NYC. In the US!

    Not only that, but depending on what month it was, I might have been a Yankees fan!!!!

  119. Halfway, sounds like it could be in Nfld.

  120. Yeah, I've heard (probably from you) that it's amazing. Anyway, gotta head over to the restaurant to make sure everything's in order. 30 people coming at 9 and I gotta make sure they have somewhere to eat!

  121. anyone feel free to update rays and yanks scores, i'm away from my EI pack.

    coco trying to look like a thug

  122. I've lived doing work exchange in five or six towns with 2,000 or less people. I tend to stay on the margins.

  123. they did hit like that for awhile, but 4 years ago

    I was gonna say something like "that's true... if you're in 2004." But I wasn't sure if they'd hit like that 'for years' or less.

  124. all state park land

    Not quite true, but it is all state owned. BH and lived in the Portland area for over 3 years. Loved Oregon. East of Mount Hood you got deseret, North along the Coast is rugged and craggy, south along Cob its sand dunes. Crater lake is just great, camping on mount hood is fantastic and the north flowing Willamette is just great.

  125. Family-run organic farms are probably not found in big population centres.

  126. Right, not all parks, but all state owned. But one park after the next, and no commercial development.

    Oregon is an interesting state. Among other things, it's the whitest state in the US. But very diverse in politics and social views.

  127. Since we're playing this game... 5 years ago I discovered what baseball was- in game 5 of the Sox-A's ALDS.

    And also- 5 years ago I was finishing my year of service and beginning the army.

  128. Someone told me Oregon is mostly desert (technically), and Arizona is mostly forest.

    Not what one would expect.

    The part of Oregon I'm going is desert.

  129. I miss Oregon. My territory was Salem and North along the River and the southern part of Washington. Beautiful drives and some really good people, plus I learned so much about so many different industries.

  130. i am in love with that curveball.

  131. bah

    don't be giving up dongs to these losers

  132. More bad news (which I'm beginning to see tends to come all at once):

    Rays just plated a pair 2-2

  133. can someone save me a lookup and tell me what time zone tennessee is in?

  134. Someone told me Oregon is mostly desert (technically), and Arizona is mostly forest.

    Technically it is because the Mountains pretty much take all the moisture. East of Mount hood gets like 10" of rain a year while Portland gets like 39"

  135. Tennessee should be Eastern.

  136. s1c, that sounds cool.

    Since we're playing this game... 5 years ago I discovered what baseball was- in game 5 of the Sox-A's ALDS.

    Wow. You also got on board just in time to have your heart crushed. Although perhaps you weren't quite crushed at the end.

  137. TN is split, half eastern and half central time. Which city/town, L-girl?

  138. 5 years ago i met jimmy page!


  139. HH is going to be good. He really needs to boost his confidence on a team like this. It did wonders for Lestah.

  140. Thanks Efd. (Sorry s1c!) I don't know, I only have an area code of a cell phone. I'll look it up. I have area codes bookmarked for this sort of thing. I was just being lazy.

  141. well if it's a cell phone it could be in any time zone! :)

  142. Wow. You also got on board just in time to have your heart crushed. Although perhaps you weren't quite crushed at the end.

    It got semi-crushed. But that's what made me a baseball fan. I think that if the Sox would've won, I might have lost interest. Strange.

  143. yeah it was backstage too! CRAZY! he was really actually fucking cool. bummed a smoke off of him

  144. Nix, what was the venue/concert?

  145. I'm eager to see a post-Manny Ortiz dong.

  146. Good evening. I like this 8 pm start. I have had my dinner and my ice cream, and it is only the third inning.

    Drew in leadoff? WTF? What's the thinking on that?

  147. .400 OBP for Drew.

    It worked out in the first inning. I like it (temporarily).

  148. I see that I am expected to keep you "dudes" under control. I can't even control my kids or my cats. Luckily, my dog is very obedient.

  149. Cell phones are annoying that way. But the guy is in TN somewhere!

    I say boo to 8:00 starts. But I'm glad they're good for Amy.

  150. Hi, I'm just getting online.

    Why are we playing "5 years ago?" 5 years ago, I believe, I had just heard Ben Green talk about why the primes contain arbitrarily long arithmetic progressions.

    I've been staring at this proof for 5 years?! Man, that's depressing.

  151. Did Bay have a legitimate beef?
