
August 6, 2008

G115: Red Sox 8, Royals 2

Red Sox - 000 032 300 - 8 12  0
Royals - 000 020 000 - 2 8 0
A flurry of runs in the middle innings gave the Red Sox a win and kept them 3 GB behind Tampa Bay, who scored six runs in the bottom of the ninth (without making an out!) and beat Cleveland 10-7.

Boston scored three times in the fifth after two were out. Cora singled and Drew walked. Lowrie smacked a double over the CF's head that scored both runners, and then he came around on Ortiz's single. Drew's bases loaded single in the sixth brought in two more and Ellsbury cranked a three-run dong to dead center in the seventh.

Lyndon also had two singles and scored twice and made an amazing tumbling catch in short center in the fifth, running, diving and snaring a popup, saving Wakefield from further damage. Bay rapped two more hits and scored two runs. Drew reached base three times in the leadoff spot.

Wakefield (6-4-2-0-6, 80) was sharp. Three of the hits he allowed (and three of his four base runners) came in the fifth. He retired the side in the second, third and fourth innings on a total of 24 pitches. Delcarmen, Masterson, and Papelbon finished up. Red Sox pitchers struck out 10 Royals and issued no walks.

New York beat Texas 5-3 to stay 6.5 GB. ... The Sox are off on Thursday and make their way to Chicago. The Yankees finish up in Texas and the Rays are in Seattle.


Tim Wakefield (3.77, 118 ERA+) / Luke Hochevar (5.42, 81 ERA+)

David Ortiz understands that while he may feel his wrist click sometimes, "it gets in your head. Should I take another swing? Should I hold it? ... It happened a few times, but I haven't really felt it like I felt it last night." ... Francona: "To know that you're maybe going to feel something at some point, maybe it does mess with you."

Flo did say that there was no clicking last night: "I was getting more freedom with my swings. It's a little freaky sometimes because sometimes I feel OK and sometimes I don't."

Bartolo Colon lasted only two-thirds of an inning (32 pitches) last night for Pawtucket, throwing 32 pitches and allowing three earned runs on four hits and one walk. David Aardsma pitched one inning in that game and could rejoin the team in Chicago.

Also: Spiders/Rays at 12:30 PM and Yankees/Rangers at 8 PM


  1. Posted this in the yesterday's game thread, but I guess it will fall on deaf ears...Fuck you, Boston Globe

    I'll spare this thread the rant I went off on in the last one.

  2. Medieval Dragons 1, Mr. Scratch Beams 0 in the first.

  3. Tim: you've got me growling again. Now to read your rant...

  4. Tim said it all, really, and more eloquently than I could have.

    Frack the irrelevant cobags. I'll think for myself, as is still my right, I believe.

  5. LOL...that was my little night musing at 3:30 am, once I finished studying. Fed up with this class, I hate it. Seeing that slideshow just gave me a reason to vent my frustrations.

  6. I clicked on "Manny Moments" expecting the same type of thing as SoSH (as i said in yesterday's thread) - you know, classic pictures, the mummy, world series MVP, becoming a US citizen, etc... what I got was a plethora of visual diarrhea, a load of shit the likes of which have never been seen.

    The man was the freakin' World Series MVP for Boston's FIRST world series title in EIGHTY SIX GODDAMN YEARS - I know it sounds like a broken record by now - and there isn't even a photo of THAT! comeon.....

  7. It's probably very similar to an earlier versions of Manny Moments they have run before ... just tack on a couple new ones at the end.

    I knew better than to click.

  8. The map that shows exactly where his jaywalking took place kind of reminds me of the Onion in how ridiculous it is.

  9. Hardly surprising that Allan knew better than me, but I clicked through.

    Hardly surprising that I also think it's a fuckass pile of creamed donkey dung.

  10. brak brak doubles in a run and it's 6-4 Ohio.

  11. Time of stretching at the Trop, 6-4 Grinning Savages.

  12. brak brak is 4 for 4 with two duobles and a dnog

  13. The map that shows exactly where his jaywalking took place kind of reminds me of the Onion in how ridiculous it is.

    I don't think I've seen that. Shit, now I'm a tad curious about the high level of silliness.

    Also, has the city put up a historical plaque yet?

  14. ... a fuckass pile of creamed donkey dung.

    Just the GB the G.

  15. CLE - 101 031 0.. - 6
    FKR - 300 010 ... - 4

  16. Tiz said he had no clicks last night:
    "I felt fine tonight. I was getting more freedom with my swings. It's a little freaky sometimes because sometimes I feel OK and sometimes I don't."

  17. 6-4, top 9th. brak brak goes 5 for 5!

  18. JtC placed on DL.
    I wont say that Hankees are doomed, but maybe Giambi can save them by wearing the golden (or whatever) thong on his head

  19. TB starts the 9th with back to back doubles. 7-5, 0 out.

  20. And before Cleve gets an out in the 9th, 3 have scored, and it's 7-7.

  21. Guess who I picked up for my fnatasy taem?

    But it's so frustrating the way the Rays have come back. AND they have two on and no one out. Jay-sus but they're tough.

  22. wow, they made quick work of the Tribe in the 9th, erasing a 3-run lead and winning 10-7.

    2B, 2B, HR, 1B, BB, HR, and we're done. Yanks can go 7.5 back tonight!

  23. And the Rays win with a six-run bottom of the ninth.


  24. Umm WHAT THE FUCK SPIDERS???? 6 runs without an out in the 9th?!?!?!

    Also - Sal Fasano was playing first, wtf?

  25. Wow. Those fuckers are unstoppable.

    I know they are above us in the standings and all, but it must be cool for however many actual fans they have down there. They must be going totally ape shit. Can you imagine?

  26. must be cool for however many actual fans they have down there. They must be going totally ape shit. Can you imagine?

    I was actually thinking about this the other day, looking at their schedule on BR, and how the attendance has grown. Hell, even today when I checked out the attendance for today's game (~27k)...some of their earlier games they only had like 12, 13k and stuff. Atmosphere at the Trop is definitely rockin these days.

  27. It's also time to start rooting against Minnesota a bit -- they won today.

  28. I thought Aaron Small looked way more like Wallace. (I had a post about it but the Wallace pic has gone away and the Small pic changed to one of him in a Seattle hat. If only I knew how to save and repost images back in '05...)

  29. Check out comment #9 in the NYTimes blog (linked by gk above). Yankee fan goes off on Girardi for putting too much pressure on Joba's arm by converting him to starting without sending him down to the minors.

    As mentioned in yesterday's thread, he's always been considered an injury risk. But here we are past the 2/3 point in the season and he's only got 89IP. I don't know how much more cautious they could have been with him..

  30. Whoops, that was Milwaukee that already won today. MIN is yet to play. But...root against them anyway!

  31. The Rays are really astounding right now. Forgive the MSM cliche, but they're finding new and different ways to win seemingly every day. Too bad they're in Boston's division, because I'd be actively rooting for them instead of gritting my teeth and rooting against them like I am right now.

    Poor Cleveland. To go from 1 win away from the World Series to a season like this must be yet another sock right to the gut.

  32. joba to the DL. britton called up.

  33. woah:

    1. J.D. Drew, RF
    2. Jed Lowrie, SS
    3. David Ortiz, DH
    4. Kevin Youkilis, 1B
    5. Mike Lowell, 3B
    6. Jason Bay, LF
    7. Jacoby Ellsbury, CF
    8. Kevin Cash, C
    9. Alex Cora, 2B

  34. Just a day off for Biggie Smalls right?

  35. nixon33 said...

    1. J.D. Drew, RF
    2. Jed Lowrie, SS
    3. David Ortiz, DH
    4. Kevin Youkilis, 1B
    5. Mike Lowell, 3B
    6. Jason Bay, LF
    7. Jacoby Ellsbury, CF
    8. Kevin Cash, C
    9. Alex Cora, 2B

    Wake always gets red shirts and reserves....

  36. Jeff Karstens throws a complete game 2 hitter for Pittsburgh. ha.

    Hansen, on the other hand, has given up 2ER in 2.2IP for them.

  37. I'm really rooting for Karstens to go all Aaron Small on the year. And I'm also rooting for Moss to break out. Hansen... not so much. Don't know why.

    BTW, I'm to blame (as long with thousand others, I assume) for breaking up the perfection- first pitch I saw after logging in to the game in MLBtv- a hit.

  38. ESPN has the MFYs game. Le sigh.

  39. shit - stuck with the fsn yokels again.

  40. OK, it works.
    I've written 3 or 4 comments and kept etting a "Blogger Currently Unavailable" message.
    The Wakefield line-up, it's almost comical. Although with Peds out I'd have led off Jed-I and hit Drew 2nd.
    .....or am I tripping?
    If I were Wake I think I might be developing some kind of complex by now, as in
    "A real batting order?
    I'm not worthy! I'm not worthy!"

  41. blogger had a maintenance outage an hour ago. not sure how long it lasted.

  42. the first words of the royals broadcast were -- i'm not kidding -- "when it stops rolling, pick it up"

    laura is out tonight, but she would have gone nuts. she HATES that stupid quip -- plus the fact that EVERYONE has to say it and act like no one has heard it before.

  43. I'm not feeling tonight, I might fade in and out. But let's hope Wake gets us the series win.

    Looks like tito's being adventurous with the lineup.

  44. I don't know... we're just a (maybe) slumpbusted LBJ from a pretty good lineup right there. The absence of Lugo (or the emergence of the Jedi) has really helped limit the bottomless pit of the lineup.

  45. there were a few stories in the ny papers saying that the team is on the edge of being out of the race and having the season go down the drain!

    i may have to quote some tomorrow -- esp. if they lose again tonight.

  46. better jedi than einstein in the 2 hole. i wish bay would get put up, but maybe tito wants to "extend the lineup" or whatever the fuck that saying is.

    at least have him ahead of lowell to take advantage of yook's obp.

  47. As far as I'm concerned, the season is down the drain and they are out of the race. :)

  48. i may have to quote some tomorrow -- esp. if they lose again tonight.

    If?? It is Ponson. I'd say when.

  49. yeah! the papers are finally beginning to see reality. the fans won't for awhile.

    last year of the toilet -- no playoffs!!!!

  50. fy is a cancer. takes the night off before an off day. wtf?

  51. Also - Sal Fasano was playing first, wtf? From pinto at baseball musings.

    Asbrubal Cabrera trips near the third base coaching box at Tropicana Field as he's walking out to take the field for the bottom of the sixth. He needs to come out of the game, and due to Marte pinch hitting for the DH, Wedge is limited to the moves he can make without losing the designated hitter.

    Update: Sal Fasano ends up playing first. Garko started the game at DH, but Wedge removed him for not hustling.

    Yankee announcers saying its tendinitis for the joba.

  52. KC TV on KC pitcher: "you really don't have to worry about him throwing strikes"

    not sure he meant to say it like that!

  53. A third of a triple for Lowrie.

  54. Time for Papi to break the slump with a papi dong!!!

  55. Thanks Gload, we appreciate the help.

  56. Smart play by Drew!! LF gives him 3rd base.

    KC TV likes it. Keeps Lowrie at first - "that's the important runner"

  57. that's the important runner

    Who the double hockey's is doing the KC announcing?

  58. If Ortiz loved the Sox he'd have hit a HR

  59. KC anncr talking about how the Sox' fans get the KC fans cranked up, meanwhile the camera shows depressed or stone faced people...

  60. The important runner?
    What is it, amateur night in the broadcast both?

  61. yook gets joba'd


    they also notice he sweats -- meanwhile their pitcher looks completely sweated and wiped out

  62. Hahaha, KC announcer talking about Youk sweating.

  63. Youk's now tied for fifth with 9 HBPs this season.

  64. Get outta there and ice that hand

  65. all sox will now stay in the game - they are afraid of being run out of town

  66. HGH and Quentin are tied for first with 14.

  67. aw fuck.

    this luke guy will not last long, tho

  68. We need a dong, to get Youks into the dugout quickly.

  69. Shit. That also gets him to the dugout quickly...

  70. So any reason not to bat Bay fifth? Can't think of one.

  71. Crapola.
    Lowell should be run out of town.

  72. Casey in at first. Overall speed quotient for the Sox players drops by 2.

  73. All things considered, that was probably the worst possible top of the first inning...ever

  74. MVP = Must Vacate Promptly.

    MVPs are slackers. They clog the benches. move em out.

  75. FSN shows Sox defense graphic.

    Guy crosses out Yook and writes a K for Casey!

  76. Did anybody see Posnanski's post from China today?

    He has to email the posts to his wife since his blog is banned.

    Dancing knuckler tonight.

  77. Wakefield's 1.199 (and falling) WHIP is tenth in the AL.

  78. Actually I always tell my teams leaving bases loaded in the first just means we're going to be scoring a lot tonight.
    That is, of course, unless we're performing a LOBotomy.

  79. Guy crosses out Yook and writes a K for Casey!

    He actually wrote KC, which is still funny.

  80. FY woulda had that. (if he were a foot taller)

  81. cora did not catch that ball, but he got his shirt dirty. GAMER!

  82. The thing is, it was more than simply leaving them loaded. Watching their pitcher in that inning, it felt like we were up 5-0 yet we somehow hadn't scored. And then never did.

  83. i guess my TV doesn't show the entire screen .....

  84. Hi, I just got online.

    And Manny just hit another HR, just for me.

  85. GDGD has Guillen walking on a 3-1 pitch.

    Way to go MLB!

  86. GDGD said that was a walk and then a K. Which was it?

  87. 23 straight knuckleballs, a lot of pitches for the 1st inning.

  88. Bases loaded, no outs against the Aruban God of Hits

  89. you mean 23 straight "knuckleballs"

  90. bloop single to CF for Ellsb.

  91. Aruban God of Hits

    Is this yours? I love it!

  92. Texas has to score to make up for our squander.

    Cash pops out.

  93. I saw that 4th ball show up on GDGD and swapped back here to say "Shit", then I saw the comments about the K and went back to find they had changed it.
    GDGD has had it's share of screw-ups lately.

  94. Aruban God of Hits

    Is this yours? I love it!

    Just invented.

  95. 90% chance of scoring with loaded, 0 out. Does anyone know how ESPN is calculating these? Based on past, and if so how far back? Or based on a million projections or whatever?

  96. LBJ might as well steal here. What's he gonna do? Take the bat out of Cora's hands?

  97. not that I'm feeling pessimistic, but I could happily go for some runs on the board for the sox.

  98. 4 batters - 7 pitches

    bad approach, sox.

  99. If he'd gotten caught stealing, he'd have taken the bat out of Drew's hands (next inning).

  100. jere - past scenarios.

    could be either stats from last year or stats from any number of years.

  101. Elephant on field.

    No wait, foul ball.

    Damn Gameday!!!

  102. google "run expectancy" charts, you might find some info.

  103. Ponson's home town (Noord) is hilariously named.

  104. "could be either stats from last year or stats from any number of years."

    That's good to hear. But I'd like to know how many years they're using. Hopefully it's like the last five years or something. That would sate me.

  105. Just missed it and it seems to be not taken seriously here so hopefully thats good but how did uhlll get hurt?

  106. it probably is more than one year.

    that win expectancy thing i linked to awhile back looks at all games from 1977-2006.

  107. got nailed in the hand by a pitch, which then went into his chest and just died like a shot put hit him.

  108. Murphy out at home. Still 2-0. Murphy and Pudge are hurting.

  109. the ball died. he didn't die. He stayed in the game to run but came out the next inning

  110. 0 out, 0 on, you have a 16 % chance of scoring 2+ runs. So every 6 or so half-innings is a multiple run inning? That seems high, but, I guess it's true...

  111. Talk about getting all the lucky bounces

  112. what a fucking lucky pitcher.

  113. scoring with guy on 1st and 0 outs is often easier than with a guy on 2nd with 1 out.

    so bunting the guy over usually *decreases* your chance of scoring -- on average -- obv. sometimes it's a good move, but rarely.

  114. that last play, grounder headed for center field, pitcher takes a kick at it, it rolls a few feet away, he picks it up and throws to first, easy out

  115. mfy had old timers game last weekend - how could fans tell that game apart from the regular game?

  116. It reduces your total run expectancy for the inning, but some of that is from reducing your chances at runs #2+.

  117. yeah it's better to have more outs to work with.... kinda like declining the penalty on 1st down, just make it second down....

  118. Looks like it's gonna be another 5 hour Wakefield game (/wallacematthews)

  119. Hunter's a shitty pitcher. Cano single; Molina single; Betemit double. 2-1 TEX, no outs.

  120. Between innings i put on the soccer game between Barcelona and New York... obviously Barcelona is crushing them, 5-2, and the announcer says:

    "New York should be proud - Since falling 3-0, they have played Barcelona to a 2-2 tie"

  121. Sweet inning!!!

    (fake) Pudge=out of game

  122. Tim - did you bring the spinach tonight?

  123. ""New York should be proud - Since falling 3-0, they have played Barcelona to a 2-2 tie""

    That's like Michael Kay's theory that Jeter basically is always great and really should be the MVP...if you take out all the negative things he's ever done.

  124. Wakefield 23 pitches in the first and 15 in the next two? I likey

  125. xays neg on yook - right hand contusion

  126. I can't believe the Sox and Yanks games are both tied the way things have gone...

  127. Well, now they've only lost 3-2, if you only count everything that happened after they fell behind 3-0

  128. so if you think about it, 6-2 isn't all that bad... right

  129. I'm glad to see Wakey having a good game. Can we score some runs?

  130. give this guy the key to Dong City, Mayor

  131. I would have to argue the 1st w/no out vs. 2nd w/1 out. Although it's obvious that your chances of a muli-run inning would go down with an out and still only 1 man on, regardlss of where he's at.
    i.e. I would never bunt the man over if I were down by more than 1 late in the game.
    Just me, but of course....
    I AM the NC district 2 BL champion coach!
    (or have I already mentioned that 10 or 12 ties?) :)

  132. This shithead's at 43 pitches after 3.1.

  133. I would have to argue the 1st w/no out vs. 2nd w/1 out.

    You've actually got a better win expectancy in the bottom of the ninth with a guy on first and no outs (.715) than with a guy on second and one out (.703).

  134. 48 after four. He could go all nine at this rate.

  135. Eggplant zucchini rice tomato soup.
    Gin + diet tonic.

    This needs an rbi chaser.

  136. Wow, I get here just in time to see us score!

  137. i see i timed my arrival perfectly! :)

  138. Thanks to everyone for their birthday wishes from yesterday. It was a great birthday, made better by waking up today to see that the Sox had won!

  139. amy and efd get stuck in the doorway trying to enter the room like in an Abbott & Costello skit?

  140. efd and I arrive at the same time and bring the runs!

  141. 3-0, Papi single right up middle

  142. goodness no, I allow Amy to enter first of course!

  143. hey efd, do you know the band Adrenalin OD?

  144. hi all.

    we haven't been able to post for a long time.

    jere, great anagram!

  145. Got the vegetables from here. Two for a buck for huge eggplants, squash, etc., and then some considerably less cheap brandywine tomatoes.

  146. we were stuck looking in the window, wishing we could join the party.

  147. i know of them, sure, but not hugely familiar with specific songs.

  148. Youk got HBP on the hand. X-rays negative.

  149. thanks, L.

    efd: Okay. I'm friends with a dude in the band and since they were an early 80s Jersey band who have been on FMU a lot I just thought I'd ask.

  150. Guess the party can get wild now that Allan, Laura, EFD, and I are here, and we are up 3 runs with Wake pitching well.
