
September 11, 2008

A 9/11 Discussion

If you also follow my partner Laura's blog, then you already know that she is posting an email discussion the two of us had earlier this year with a friend of ours about possible US government complicity in the terrorist attacks that happened seven years ago today.

Here are the links to Intro/Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 and Part 4.


  1. I do not want to discuss these issues here. If you have comments, leave them at wmtc in accordance with L's rules mentioned in Part 1. Thank you.

  2. I won't comment on it here, but I was just reading it over there and, taking a break, popped over here to see you linking back to there. back I go!

  3. The only thing I find shocking about the whole thing is that people still have email discussions lol.

  4. Twins fall on 9/11.

    5.5 up, 6 in the loss.

  5. The only thing I find shocking about the whole thing is that people still have email discussions lol.

    Because we're not using Facebook? Or because we still bother to discuss anything?

  6. Tor wins, 6.5 back of us in WC. Major screw-up in their linescore on this page.

  7. Because we're not using Facebook? Or because we still bother to discuss anything?

    Yeah. I don't think people should discuss anything....

    Was not really being serious... kinda "joking". Ya know, email is soooo 90's.

    Nothing the government did in the time leading up to and since 9/11/01 would surprise me. I wouldn't be surprised if there are people within who are evil enough to mastermind the whole thing.

    I also wouldn't be surprised if they were completely ignorant. IMO the higher up the command chain you go, the more incompetence you'll find.

  8. Major screw-up in their linescore on this page.

    Not sure I see it.

    Fuckin' Jays...those creeps can roll. We had better take 3/4 from this series.

  9. Cakey, I knew you were joking. I was just too dense to get the joke. :)
