
January 17, 2009

Cathy Baskin: 1958-2009

Cathy Baskin, wife of SoSock/Tim Baskin, passed away on Monday, January 12.

Back in October 2008, many of you chipped in to help Cathy and Tim buy a used car, so Cathy could drive to chemo treatments.

Tim's first email:
I got news I didn't want to hear this morning. We've known it was coming for almost 5 years now, but it still hits hard when you get it.

Suffice to say I've spent all day in an ICU room, and the rare moments away from her side have been spent calling family, and the closest friends, who have all congregated like a warm blanket here, and talking and hugging in the waiting room. I was kicked out of the room about 30 minutes ago and told to stay away until about 9 for shift change, etc. ...

With some private time I decided I needed to call a few more people who would be upset if I didn't. Oddly enough, after a couple of those calls, which can be very draining, the next person I thought should know was not a person, but a community. I looked through my address book and there lots of people I need to call, but at this point, none who have been more a part of my life recently than your group.

You should also know many times she has expressed her awe and appreciation at the response of this group when she was in need a while back. Almost every single time we got in that car, actually, she said "I just love my car so much. It's made life so much easier". So thanks for that as well.

And as I said, I don't expect or want anyone to be in a funk all night, I just had to express how much like family this group has come to feel and say thanks.

I'm not sure when I'll be back on-line. I guess that depends on how the night goes, but I will keep you posted when I can.

Allan, you've built a great, and tight, community here, and it's been a "joy" many a night. I have a feeling it will be a very important distraction in the coming months.
This morning we heard this:
We lost Cathy on Monday, Jan. 12.

We laid her to rest on Wednesday.

Please know and take comfort in the knowledge that her death was more than peaceful, it was downright beautiful. That may sound odd, but it's so far the only word I've been able to come up with.

She was moved [from the ICU] to a nice room with unlimited visitation shortly after and spent her last couple of days completely, and constantly, surrounded by those she loved, and there were a lot of them.

Part of me wants to sit here and write about it now, partly so you might understand, and partly because it seems to help. ...

Please also know that I am surrounded by an incredible force of loving, supporting, and also grieving souls, and that you and your communities have been a part of that support. I will be fine, eventually.

Most importantly, know that Cathy understood what kind of people you must be. Even though she rarely watched a game, much less participated in the blog, she saw and recognized the connection I felt, and feel, and was thankful for it. Damn girl always has worried more about me than herself. She was honestly excited about the possibility of meeting you some day. ...


  1. Heartbreaking. Even when you know it's coming, it still crushes.

  2. I hope that Tim can feel our hearts breaking along with and for him. If there is anything you think we as a community or individuals can do to help, please let us know.

    Tim/Sosock, if you are reading, may you find strength in your memories. We are all with you.

  3. A TV news story on Cathy from '07. Sorry to hear about this, SoSock.

  4. Wow.

    I'm so sorry to hear about this news Tim. My heart goes out to you, and as Amy said, here's to hoping you find strength in the memories you have.

  5. Her memory will live on through you.

  6. Please accept my condolences, too. May the memories of your life together forever bring a smile to your face.

  7. My deepest condolences also go out to Tim and his whole family. I've lost loved ones to similar diseases and I echo what Laura said. It's so true. But I'm happy for you, Tim, that you were all able to be with her. I think most of us would like to be with the ones we love most when our time comes.

  8. “A thing of beauty is a joy forever; its loveliness increases; it will never pass into nothingness”
    -John Keats

    My heart goes out to you Tim.

  9. So sorry to hear this very sad news. With deepest condolences...

  10. When I read this it felt like I got punched in the stomach.

    Tim to you and your family my deepest condolences.

  11. My reaction was much like 9casey's - even when you know a thing is inevitable, it's still wretched. All my love and condolences to you and yours SoSox. We're all right here for you.

  12. I just watched the video of Cathy that Jere linked to. It gave a face and a voice to this amazing woman whom I had never met nor seen.

    Her strength and her love for Tim in particular and for humanity shines through.

    I am so sorry.
