
January 12, 2009

Rice Elected To Hall Of Fame

Jim Rice was elected to the Hall of Fame today by the BBWAA. He was listed on 412 ballots (76.4%), seven more than the minimum necessary. It was Rice's 15th and final chance at being elected by the BBWAA.

Unlike most Red Sox fans, I never cared very much if Rice was in the Hall or not. From what I've read over the years, his performance did not seem to warrant election, and most of the pro-Rice arguments tended to be more subjective and less fact-based. That is irrelevant now.

Rickey Henderson was also elected, with 511 (94.8%).


  1. Unlike most Red Sox fans, I never cared very much if Rice was in the Hall or not.

    Is there a poll (not just an online poll) out there measuring popular opinion on his HOF worthiness? There seems to be a substantial contingent online vociferously arguing against.

    (As for me, I recognize the arguments against induction and would be torn if I had an actual vote, but now that he's in, I'm just happy for the guy and for our team.)

  2. I'm glad to see Jim Rice in. I've read reasonable arguments both ways, but what tilted me in favor was meeting a former major league pitcher from the same era who told me Rice was the most feared hitter pitchers faced (in the AL) in his prime.

  3. meeting a former major league pitcher from the same era who told me Rice was the most feared hitter pitchers faced (in the AL) in his prime.

    Which goes to what Allan said about subjective vs fact-based arguments.

    I have no opinion either way, but I'd like to see a real poll like Phil mentions.

  4. Hey with all this Rice ballyhoo, don't forget that Rickey was a Red Sock too. :-)

  5. Good for Rice - I would not argue with those who say that he is a borderline Hall of Fame player (and, given the vote, it's an accurate statement), but it's good to see a Red Sox "lifer" get recognized for his efforts on the field of play.

    I see the Hit Dog only received six votes (1.1 percent) - I don't believe that's much of a surprise, is it?

  6. He's not the best choice, but I can't quite wrap my head around the very violent opposition that the baseballprospectus/SABR contingent has to it. He's a below-average hall of fame left fielder, but he's better than a number of left fielders, and he's one of the two or three best players at his position from his era. Honestly, I wouldn't vote for him, but I don't understand why people are so upset about it.

  7. Is there a poll (not just an online poll) out there measuring popular opinion on his HOF worthiness?

    I just checked out and there is a SportsNation poll which has Rice receiving 71% of the vote in favor of him making the Hall (based on over 5,000 entries). Another poll has Henderson receiving 79% of the vote in favor (based on over 20,000 entries).

    Go here...

    I don't know whether it is a good mark of popular opinion but... well, that's one.

  8. Having grow up watching him in his prime I am very happy to see him get in. I understand the argument against but I do think he is worthy. I agree with much that Tom Verducci had to say about it.

  9. Finally! I'm so happy for him.
    I'm just glad the Hallf of Fame didn't wait until after he was dead, like Buck O'Neil.

  10. Gabe Kapler should make a return to Fenway this season... as a member of the Rays.

  11. I thought you were gonna say Kapler should be in the Hall. Kap will have the best year ever. Mark my words. Best year for him.

  12. Geoff said "Having grow up watching him in his prime I am very happy to see him get in. "

    That about sums it up for me. I can't seperate the little boy I was from this process.

  13. Hmmm:

    Jim Rice was watching his soap operas on television this afternoon, like he always does.

    Hear that, NESN? Maybe you should have some daytime programming.
