
January 27, 2009

Varitek's Deadline Is Friday

Tony Massarotti, Globe:
... a baseball source indicated tonight that the player was given "one week" to make a decision in a letter both he and agent Scott Boras received from the club on Friday, Jan. 23.

According to the same source, the Red Sox dated and mailed the letter on Thursday, Jan. 22, raising the question of whether the Sox meant to establish the deadline on the night of Thursday, Jan. 29. However, all indications are that club factored in the delivery time of the letter, placing the deadline at the end of the current work week.
Mazz adds that if both parties are talking late on Friday, we might not have an answer until Saturday morning.


  1. what is there to chat about idiot, take the money now. haven't we already been here?

  2. I'm realizing that I would probably be psyched if he didn't accept.

  3. Patrick said...
    I'm realizing that I would probably be psyched if he didn't accept.

    Why? you have a better option?
    Please don't say Josh Bard or Saltamacchia or Teagarden, they are not much better and would cost a lot more in the long run.......

  4. Boras is seriously out there making calls trying to leverage the Boston deal with other teams. Why would he actually wait until Friday? What is there to wait for unless they are shopping around.

  5. How would Josh Bard cost more in the long run?

    Anyway, if Tek leaves we'd likely get a first round pick and a supplemental round pick. So if you can get Salty or Teagarden for a combination of prospects that is less valuable than a first round pick and a supplemental pick, then it's a no-brainer.

    Also, do you really not think Saltalamcchia or Teagarden is going to be better than Tek next year? How about 2010? 2011?

  6. Also, do you really not think Saltalamcchia or Teagarden is going to be better than Tek next year? How about 2010? 2011?

    Exactly. I think it's weird how so many people think Varitek will magically become a better player next year. That doesn't generally happen to aging catchers.
