
February 27, 2009

The Youk-Fu

The Youk-Fu is not as bad as the facial hair of some major leaguers* ...

... but I'm not a fan.

Yook says he thought about going with the Lemmy Kilmister look, but was outvoted at home.

Boo, Enza (note: you coulda been Enzä!).

*: There has to be a blog/site that collects pictures of the worst facial hair in MLB, right? Some wacko who would DVR everything in sight and then grab screen shots. Where is it? ... Note: The 5th MLBer above is Toby Hall -- known in my house during his Devil Rays days as "Scrotum Chin".


  1. I left some links in this thread earlier in the week. The higher resolution photo of Youk's mustache is much better than the grainy one from Surviving Grady.

  2. Good blog post at the Times from last season about facial hair in baseball.

  3. Hilariously there is a web board devoted to facial hair named Beard Board. Their baseball discussions seem more focused on complaining when the beards get shaved off than when they get put on funny, however.

  4. FlashYourStache's Baseball Mustaches, because of course there's a mustache web board to go with the beard ones.

  5. Doesn't that picture of Youk make him look like Trot?

  6. I am a big fan of MLB's outburst of facial hair, just for the reason that the yakees ban most of it......

  7. Oh lordy. Are you trying to push me back to the Yankees?

    Allan, please write a lot of new posts so these atrocities move down on the page and away from sight.

  8. How awesome are these new team photos, with the strange desaturation and the super-shallow focus? They're really bizarre!

  9. I was rocking a fu-man this winter, so I have to say, I like it. It works with his chin.

    I'm making any girls I bring to Fenway wear a Youk-Fu.

  10. Here's an even higher resolution photo of Youk. You can see the individual bristles.

    Sox & Dawgs has all the 2009 photo day photos. Francona looks like he'll mess you up after teaching you your ABCs. I hope Jason Bay remembered to pack sunscreen.

  11. You can see the individual bristles.

    I'm a-scared to click that link.

  12. You forgot Trot, he was one of the all-time Fu rockers.
