
July 8, 2009

What We Are

Are we an online community of Red Sox fans?


We are a little sewing circle!


  1. I'm not saying we should needle this troll, but ...

  2. Awwwwwww...I had a comment on that post! I feel like I'm a part of the sewing circle!! YAY!!

    Anywho...that was kind of a pointless little stop-by on his part, wasn't it? Apparently, calm intelligent comments about a pitcher's outing is how old ladies talk when they sew. Who knew?

    Thanks for comin' by, NJ-MFY. Don't let the screen door hitcha where the Good Lord splitcha.

  3. They stop by to comment on our little sewing circle before returning to their Yankee Circle Jerk.

  4. Shit, I'd better learn how to sew, stat!

    We can needle him, hem him in, tie him up in knots... I'm sure more will come to me later.

    Great graphic, btw.

  5. I missed that! Thanks for pulling it out of the thread and highlighting it. I love it!

  6. If a bunch of Sox fans get together to celebrate their team is called a "sewing circle", then what do we call a bunch of Yankees fans that get together to cry about their team?

    A "boohoorus"? A "murder of dorks"? (A group of crows is called a murder) Loser's Lane?

    Come on guys, I need help here! It's noon and I haven't had enough coffee!
