
August 30, 2009

Matsuzaka Roughed Up In AA Start

Daisuke Matsuzaka needed 49 pitches to get through the first inning on Sunday in a start for Portland against Toronto's AA club.

Dice allowed four hits (including a leadoff home run) and walked three in the inning, allowing five runs. He came out for his second and final inning and retired the side on nine pitches.


  1. So, our postseason rotation seems to be shaping up as Beckett, Lester, Buchholz, Byrd...

    Yeah, we really need Wake to get back sooner rather than later.

  2. Ugh, Theo would've been better off taking 30 grand of that 100 million and sending it my way to pay off my student debt. I would then give him a couple satirical pieces of advice for the *small* fee.

  3. Pretty frippin depressing for fans--and I wonder how Dice is holding up under this.

  4. Oh, come on. There's a little humor in there. I find it more astonishing that he threw only 9 pitches to retire the side in the second after throwing 49 in the first.

    Unfortunately, it sounds like the same old Dice.

  5. Dice said he was working on stuff in the first inning, like spring training, though he did not expect to get hit so hard. He asked for another inning and they apparently said, okay another 10 pitches. He needed 9.

    So this is good news.


    Yep. Good news.

  6. You really are a glass half full kind of guy, huh, Allan? :)
