
September 30, 2009

Torii Hunter Blacks Out, Forgets 2008

Torii Hunter (my bold):
I don't want to hear about the history and any so-called Red Sox jinxes and hexes. I wasn't here for any of that. I know we can play with those guys, and that's the way every guy on this team feels.
Seems like Hunter has contracted a severe case of MFYitis, where you flat-out deny that anything bad has ever happened to you.

However, less than two weeks ago Hunter worried to the media about which of his teammates might be choking come playoff-time. Remember, Torii?
[I]f you do this in the regular season what's going to happen in the playoffs? ... It's not good, but it's good to see who's going to choke.
I can't say that I blame Hunter for his concern. The pattern is unmistakable.
2004: 1st in AL West; Lost LDS to Red Sox 0-3
2005: 1st in AL West; Won LDS vs MFY 3-2;
Lost LCS to White Sox 1-4
2006: 2nd in AL West
2007: 1st in AL West; Lost LDS to Red Sox 0-3
2008: 1st in AL West; Lost LDS to Red Sox 1-3
Because it never gets old:


  1. I'd forgotten that piece of video. So classic.

  2. We are now sitting in a suite at the first game in anaheim. So no tv coverage of me but i can text easier.

  3. "West Coast ALDS Correspondent"
