
October 23, 2009

Name The 2004 WS Roster In 6 Minutes

Give it a try.

Don't look at comments before you do, though.

Note: When you type in a correct last name, it will automatically be inserted into the roster; you don't have to hit enter or anything.

(Thanks to Tim for the link.)


  1. got 21 pretty much right off the bat, though I had to cheat and look up the correct spelling of Mientkiewicz.

    Was then a bit stuck, but got two more before the 3:00 mark (Millar and Roberts – yeesh!)

    Missed Leskanic (that "son of a bitch!") and Kapler.

  2. first time i did this was a week or so ago, did pretty terrible.

    cheated for meint as well, forgot kapler, leskanic, myers, BELLHORN!!!!! and arroyo. pretty sure dave roberts was the first one i got ;-)

    aced it today before posting the link in the other thread =)

  3. I'm not even trying. No way I'll be able to do it, too many holes in my swiss-cheese brain.

    Maybe Amy and I should do our own 20-minute version. Or maybe 3 days.

  4. I got 21 right but only had 20 "officially" correct because I misremembered how to spell Mientkiewicz's name.

    I missed Roberts (how?!?), Leskanic, Meuller (how?!?), and Myers.

  5. Missed Arroyo, Kapler, Myers. Not sure why Leskanic came into my brain before all of the SP!

  6. Mientkiewicz took five or six tries. Forgot Myers and Arroyo (unforgivable, given his role in the A-Rod slap play).

  7. I only got 14/25. Missed most of the bullpen (only one I could remember was Timlin, of all people). Also had to look up malphabet's spelling. Forgot Mueller...which is weird considering I got Millar. Kinda kicking myself over Mirabelli.

  8. Unrelated, but just saw this article about MLB switching the umps for the World Series due to so many blown calls.

  9. 19 right. I keep typing Mark Loretta until I finally realized it was BELLHORN - duh! I also couldn't spell Mientkiewicz properly (kept missing the "t"). Couldn't remember Foulke's name. Totally forgot about Youk.

    Thanks for the link, Redsock!

  10. If you knew Eyechart but couldn't get the spelling, it should still count. I learned how to spell it after the trade, but quickly forgot.

  11. I got 21 right but only had 20 "officially" correct because I misremembered how to spell Mientkiewicz's name.

    Same. I forgot Reese, Kapler, remembered who Embree was but for some reason could not remember his name, and I forgot Myers.

    Kept thinking Snow or Olerud was in there!

  12. Not sure why Leskanic came into my brain before all of the SP!

    Me, too! Must be the unusual name.

  13. Olerud was on the Yanks that year. He homered off Pedro in G2.

  14. I got 20 of 25 before I had to go digging. I forgot Kapler, Timlin, Myers, Youk, and Millar!


  15. I got only 18 of the 25 from 2007. It took me 5 minutes to remember the shortstop.

  16. Oops. I guess I should've put a spoiler alert on that post. I'll just delete it when it comes up.

  17. ***SPOILER ALERT***

    contains answers to the 2007 quiz.
    21/25 for the 07...Kielty wtf? Forgot about Jav-another ball 4 Lopez, Kyle Snyder and Babe Hinske.

    LOL to forgetting the shortstop, A. Took me awhile on that one as well.

  18. I think RS's comment fucked me up on the SS. I could not remember him. He was in the damn playoffs not a week ago, attracted so much attention, and I couldn't remember him.

    I forgot Snyder and could not spell Kielty, though I remember his red-haired ass hitting an important HR at some point.

  19. OK What is the list of players who have two rings?

  20. It's nice to see everyone remembered Timlin....I forgot Kapler and Arroyo as well..

  21. 2004: forgot Myers and Kapler.
    2007: forgot Kielty (could see him in my head, just had no idea what his name was), Hinske, Snyder.

  22. Well, that wasn't encouraging for my aging brain! Actually I did ok for me---16 out of 25. I could not retrieve Bellhorn's name and just got stuck trying to remember it! But I also forgot the entire bullpen except for Timlin. Even Foulke! Hitting my head against the wall for that one.

    I did remember Kapler, unlike most here. How could I not?

    But some of those names don't ring a bell even AFTER seeing the answers. Leskanic? Mike Myers---isn't he the comic from SNL?

    Getting older sucks. I should have followed Laura's lead and not even tried.

  23. Two ring owners: Schilling, Varitek, Wakefield, Ortiz, Ramirez, Youkilis, Timlin. Anyone else?

  24. That is a great game. I too forgot Myers and Kapler, and couldn't spell either Minty or Leskanic. I find it really interesting that Kapler was a guy who got a lot of attention when he was here, was really liked by the fans, is fondly remembered, etc, etc, but in this random sample of above-average-interested Sox fans, he was so widely forgotten. Any thoughts? Did he like not play at all in the postseason or something?

  25. I should have followed Laura's lead and not even tried.

    Nah, you're just braver than me.

    I will say I remember everyone's name once I see them! Leskanic was nothing short of heroic in the WS. I hope I never forget him.

    Mike Myers is the knuckle-scraping submariner. I think he's been with the Sox on more than one go-round, plus NYY, Arizona, a bunch of other teams.

  26. I should say that I'm sure I could name The 25 eventually, given enough time and thought. I just couldn't do it in 6 minutes.

    I agree that spelling M____'s name is not part of the test. Remembering him is enough.

  27. I find it really interesting that Kapler was a guy who got a lot of attention when he was here, was really liked by the fans, is fondly remembered, etc, etc, but in this random sample of above-average-interested Sox fans, he was so widely forgotten. Any thoughts?

    Well, if I were truly paranoid, I'd say anti-Semitism, but I really know that's not the case here. Maybe because he was just a bench player? Got me. I sure remember him.

    I now recall Mike Myers---that side arm pitch is hard to forget. But I cannot for the life of me remember what Leskanic did to be a WS hero.

    I was proud that I remembered all the position players except Bellhorn and Mient...and I remembered Mark but not the last name for Bellhorn. And I remembered all the starting pitchers.

    But I did forget Mirabelli and almost the entire bullpen. I can't believe I forgot Arroyo because he was one of my favorites.

  28. Actually the first two guys I thought of were Mirabelli and Leskanic.

  29. Leskanic was the winning pitcher in Game 4.

    In the top of the 11th, he came in (with a shoulder held together by spit and chewing gum) with the bases loaded and 2 outs and retired Peanuthead. In the 12th, after a leadoff single to Dumbo, he got the next three.

    Then Manny and Flo got to work.

    (It was the final game of Leskanic's major league career.)

  30. The WSJ didn't play much in the 2004 post-season.

    I posted this link at SoSH and mabrowndog said: "A better game would be 60 minutes to name the 27 players NOT on the 2004 WS roster who received WS rings."

    Yikes! Good luck!


    mt8thsw9th posted: "This should be titled "Can You Spell Doug Mientkiewicz In 6 Minutes?""

  31. Thanks for the Leskanic link, Allan. It's all a blur to me. I just mostly remember euphoria at the end of each of those last four games, with the realization after 4,5 and 6 that we were not yet done.

  32. I can't believe I forgot Arroyo because he was one of my favorites.

    I was a big fan of his too. IIRC, he was my previous baseball crush. Although a mere dalliance compared to my feelings for LBJ.

  33. (It was the final game of Leskanic's major league career.)

    I didn't know that! What a way to go out. Wow.

    It was also continuing testament to the genius that is Playoff Assassin Francona.

  34. 21/25. I got Doug on first try, leading me to believe they DID allow it if you were close. I guess that means I got it right despite that I don't feel I could do it again right now if I tried.

    Was very late to think of Roberts which saddened me.

    Two of my faves are ones I missed--Arroyo and MILLAR! Other two I missed were Embree and Myers. Like some others here, Leskanic came right to mind.

  35. 2007: Forgot Snyder and Gagne (because I refuse to acknowledge his existence on that team).

  36. I couldn't think of Kapler because I was convinced the other player was Damian Jackson....

  37. Amy said...
    "Two ring owners: Schilling, Varitek, Wakefield, Ortiz, Ramirez, Youkilis, Timlin. Anyone else?"

    Wow, only seven players. I thought it was more. Good timing for those guys in terms of contracts etc.
