
May 28, 2010

G50: Royals 12, Red Sox 5

Royals  - 002 700 120 - 12 20  0
Red Sox - 302 000 000 - 5 10 1
Here is everything you need to know about tonight's game:
Bill Hall pitched the only 1-2-3 inning for the Red Sox.
Wakefield was dismal: 3.2-12-9-3-1, 88. Fifteen baserunners and only 11 outs.

The Royals tied a club record against the Red Sox with 20 hits. The first time was on August 2, 1987, in a 13-5 Royals win. (The Royal team record is 26 hits, against the Tigers on September 9, 2004. It was the first game of a doubleheader in Detroit, and Kansas City won 26-5. The Tigers won the nightcap 8-0.)

One bright spot: Victor Martinez doubled and homered in his first two trips to the plate, driving in four runs.

AL East: The White Sox beat the Rays 5-2, the Yankees beat Cleveland 8-2, and the Blue Jays shut out the Orioles 5-0. And so we are back in fourth, 6.5 GB, with New York 3.5 and Toronto 5.5.
Kyle Davies / Tim Wakefield
Scutaro, SS
Pedroia, 2B
Ortiz, DH
Youkilis, 1B
Martinez, C
Drew, RF
Beltre, 3B
Hermida, LF
Cameron, CF
Jacoby Ellsbury is back on the DL. See below.

Spiders/Yankees, 7 PM
White Sox/Rays, 7 PM
Orioles/Blue Jays, 7 PM

The Mets finished a three-game "perfect" sweep of the Phillies: 8-0, 5-0, 3-0! Philadelphia has scored only three runs in its last five games. Runs scored in last nine games: 1, 1, 5, 5, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0.


  1. Joe Gerardi stalls to replace a pitcher.

    So replacing an injured pitcher requires a formal protest, but just stalling cause you didn't warm up your reliever yet is A-OK. gotch. IOKIFYAMFY.

  2. Girardi is an ass.

    Scott Podsednik LF
    Mike Aviles 2B
    David DeJesus RF
    Billy Butler 1B
    Jose Guillen DH
    Alberto Callaspo 3B
    Mitch Maier CF
    Yuniesky Betancourt SS
    Jason Kendall C

  3. Marco with the Baltimore dong.

  4. I'm gonna be pissed if we don't win the next two games.

  5. If you told me before the season that on May 28th, Pedroia and Ortiz would have the same average, I would be very confused.

  6. Hit it there every time.


  7. Didn't Girardi do some obvious stalling in one of the games in the opening series? It was Youk I think on 1B, and he was standing a step away from the bag, and they kept throwing over to first waiting for the reliever to be ready. That pissed me off with West's comments on that series, because he was letting them stall.

    I was at last night's game, and my question is, why was I the only one booing when West was announced?

  8. Millar is in John W. Henry's seats. Is he going to be giving Tito advice all night? He does know he's not on the team anymore, right?

  9. I saw West on NESN before I read your comment and I was thinking he must be sorry he ever opened his fat yap because he's likely hearing it wherever he goes from fans of both sides. ... Maybe not.

  10. LOL, I saw Cabin Mirror sitting there during the Papi at-bat. I type slowly and right after I hit "publish", they show him on NESN and Remy says, "Maybe that's why Tito's not in his usual seat - he doesn't want to listen to Millar's advice all night."

  11. OB actually being kind to Drew right there. Mentioning how he's played a lot of games.

  12. V-Mart doing is best Mike Lowell base running impression.

  13. I wonder if Lowell could beat Victor in a race right now.

  14. When was the last time Tek caught Wake? The 14th inning of '04 ALCS G5?

  15. I wonder if Lowell could beat Victor in a race right now.

    Let's get Sean Casey in there too and really make it interesting!

  16. Tek caught Wake in one game in 2008, according to Wake's B-Ref splits.

  17. Sorry, it was one inning in one game!

  18. 21.1 innings over 4 games in 2005.

  19. I await Bob Watson's announcement that Millar is forbidden to sit in that box and gab with the Red Sox during the game.

  20. CLE - 000
    MFY - 02

    CWS - 000 2*
    FKR - 001

    BAL - 00
    TOR - 30

    * still batting

  21. All right, that's enough now.

  22. I await Bob Watson's announcement that Millar is forbidden to sit in that box and gab with the Red Sox during the game.

    That's who he's on the phone with now.

  23. you can walk around if you like.

  24. 'tis easier to jog than to run.

  25. Yay! Vic-toe can take as long as he needs to run the bases this time!

  26. Dewey! In the booth with Don and Jerry...

    I hate when they have guests babbling in the booth, but I (heart) Dewey.

  27. not a good inning for wake


  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. 12 hits
    3 walks
    9 runs
    11 outs

  30. Are you kidding me? Millar got escorted out by security between innings? Seriously? WTF!?

  31. Yo, dudes, I leave for 20 minutes, and we go from 4 ahead to 4 behind.

    Work on that.

  32. C'mon, Papi, hit it outta here... and grab Bogar on your way by so it can tie the game.

  33. CLE - 000 100
    MFY - 020 002*

    CWS - 000 210 0
    FKR - 001 001

    BAL - 000 00
    TOR - 300 00

    * still batting

  34. dejesus is 4-for-4.
    8th career game with 4 hits.
    has never had 5.

  35. Re Cleveland/Yankees. A doctor in my practice is a huge Indians fan. He told me today that I better hope the Sox win this weekend b/c Cleveland can't beat anybody.

  36. Games in which Royals had at least 16 hits against Sox. LIST

    (only 4 since 1990)

    most hits: 20, august 2, 1987

  37. anybody multi-tasking and watching the Celtics?

  38. i am multi-tasking and listening at my job.

  39. Re Cleveland/Yankees. A doctor in my practice is a huge Indians fan. He told me today that I better hope the Sox win this weekend b/c Cleveland can't beat anybody.

    I said "my practice" like I own the place. I don't. And I'm not a doctor. Don't want to send out any misinformation.

  40. drew making difficult plays look easy.

  41. awesome redsock, ive been meaning to ask you but keep forgetting: are you going to check out the christian band i told you about?

  42. KCR has had 17+ hits in a game vs Sox 14 times. They have won all 14 of those games.

    Only 5 games with 18+ hits, though.

  43. I found an album or two, but have not listened to it/them closely. I will, though.

  44. mmmmm, getting ready to pull up GDGD, but after skimming thru here, not so sure I really want to. Alas, we're fans. So.....
    Still we watch

  45. okay kool, yeah i was just wondering if you already did and i missed it.

  46. How the hell are we losing to the Royals for the second night in a row after the roll we've been on lately? I understand that you lose a game here and there, even to the lowliest teams. But 2 straight? At home? The Royals?
    Oh yeah, we haven't actually lost this one yet, have we? :)
    So still we watch

  47. The Royals have always been the bad team that beats us for some reason.

  48. Having voiced my eternal optimism, I must say - If we don't lose this one, we sure have missed a damn good chance to lose one.
    WTF was up with Wake? No movement tonight?
    I wonder if he would blame it on the shift to non-starting duty, and therefore less of a rhythm?

  49. Clelevand was that team when I was a kid.

    Though, we went 5-3 against them last year and 6-1 in 2008.


    They are dicks.

  50. Good point meunier. That does seem to be the case now that you mention it.

  51. I believe a few years back we went thru a spell with Baltimore too. They would be in last place, us in first or second. But they would still give us fits every time.

  52. the royals *are* leading the AL in average, one point ahead of the mfy. that will likely go up tonight.

  53. Jason Kendall is not an attractive man.

  54. Jeemer - not good tonight.

    Seems to be a trend

  55. I don't think we have consistency from any of our relievers. Maybe MDC lately and Shakespeare?

  56. Just went away.
    I come back and Bill Hall is pitching.

  57. I love it when these non-pitchers come in and do better than the relief guys.

  58. 2 up, 2 down so far. Congratulations, Bill. You're our most consistent pitcher.

  59. Hall gets the only 1-2-3 inning of the game for Sox pitchers.

  60. Hall should get the start 5 days from now!

  61. OK, rally time! Let's get Bill Hall the win!

  62. Hrmph.
    Tito apparently has no faith in our ability to score 7 runs in 1 inning

  63. Or maybe he has a lot of faith in Bill Hall. Which seems to be justified right now

  64. Hall is also the emergency catcher, if I recall.

  65. Bill Hall? OK.

    WTF happened, Bosox?
