
August 26, 2010

My Eighth Year

Joy of Sox began seven years ago today -- August 26, 2003.

It used to look like this:Looking back, my first "bloggish" post -- rather than simply a recap of articles about Pedro -- was on March 1, 2003.


  1. Congratulations, Allan. Keep up the great work!

  2. Congratulations on the anniversary. JOS has been a part of my routine pretty much every day for several years and - even though we have never met - feel a certain kinship with you and L-girl. Keep up the great work.

    Also - one question - what is a "weebles alert"? I don't remember seeing that since I have been reading...

  3. Happy birthday, and thanks for this blog!

  4. Thanks for all the work Allan (and Laura). The games are more enjoyable when shared with a group of friends.

  5. Nice work! I've been following now since 2004 or so, commenting for a couple years now. One of only two Red Sox blogs I frequent (I think that and a nickel earns you... a nickel). ;-)

  6. Yeah, Congrats! (too both you and Laura). I remember being amazed at the time how a fellow Red Sox fan (and now fellow Canadian) was moving to Toronto along with his blog (and everything else). Your move just happened to coincide with some of the greatest Red Sox moments EVAH! Do you believe it??

  7. Yeah, what those other guys said goes double for me....

  8. I think I actually remember when the site looked like that (or something similar). Congrats, Allan, on 8 great years.

  9. Fantastic work, Redsock! Really. This is one of the funnest parts of the Red Sox day, win or lose. Here's to the next 20 years!

  10. I think I actually remember when the site looked like that (or something similar).

    I cannot remember when I changed the look. It might have been in 2006. It was post-05, for sure.

    "Weebles" should be in the Glossary. It has to do with Jimy Williams.

  11. As a blogger of just 3 and a bit years, I tip my hat. This has been a fun place to watch baseball with friends etc. and I hope to keep with it as long as Allan & Laura carry on with the slog of maintaining it.

    All the best, long may it continue...

  12. Although all these congrats and thank yous are generous and very nice, I must correct the impression that I have anything to do with the writing and maintenance of this blog. The only thing I do is moderate comments and help facilitate gamethreads.

    Although I believe the title of this post is a nod to some writing of mine.

  13. Congrats! Wish I had known about the blog back then. Of course, I didn't even know what a blog was back then! In fact, yours was the first one I started reading on a regular basis. I've only been around since some time in 07, but it's been great each season...even this one!
