
November 22, 2010

Border Radio

We are driving to New Jersey today and will spend the Thanksgiving Week with Laura's family. Tala is coming with us. She will be mildly sedated in the car, but she may still bark for 10 straight hours.

Tomorrow is the one year anniversary of our first detention by the Department of Homeland Security. I fully expect us to be detained this morning -- which will be the fifth time in the last 12 months (for those of you scoring at home: November 23, 2009, April 12, 2010, June 4, 2010, and July 26, 2010). If there was truly any issue, it would have been resolved during our two-hour detention last November. This is simple harassment.

In late September, I applied to DHS's Travel Redress Inquiry Program (TRIP!), which helps people "seek redress for adverse screening experiences ... [or] situations where travellers believe they have been unfairly or incorrectly delayed."

The current status of my inquiry? DHS "has not yet received the required identification documents" and is "not able to process your application without this information". Mail from Canada to the US can be slow, but I don't think it should take two months for a letter or an email to reach its intended destination.

By the way, the post title makes little sense, but it gives me the opportunity to post some Blasters (with Billy Zoom!!!):


And for Thursday: The Last Waltz (I wrote this last year)


  1. I hope it goes smoothly this time, though given what is going on at airports, I doubt it. I am dreading flying next month and being sexually assaulted by some TSA agent.

  2. I hope you breeze through with a casual wave, a cheery smile, and a hearty: "Beautiful dog, enjoy your visit, folks, and have a great Thanksgiving!"

    Of course, I also hope that the Yankees stink next year, that the Red Sox are completely injury-free, and that everyone has a HOF/career-year.

  3. OMG! NO HARASSMENT! just the usual 3-4 questions we used to get asked.

    see wmtc.

  4. also 12 hours of car time and rest stop walks for tala - the greatest day of her life. and she gets to do it again in a few days!!!
