
June 27, 2011

"What The #@*& Was I Thinking?" #1

July 3, 2007:
He'll never grab my heart the way Pedro did, but I'm really starting to enjoying watching Dice pitch.


  1. Ooh this is going to be a good series. I hope you don't dig up anything embarrassing on me like that!

  2. At least you had this disclaimer:

    "Walks can still be a bit of a problem though."

  3. Hehe. The same thing we were all thinking. Little did we know...............

  4. Answer: You were thinking that you'd have to wait until 2008 to see him settle in and really start toying with hitters, but you were seeing it right then and there.

  5. No worries, we failed with this Japanese pitcher but we still have a highly regarded top Japanese prospect in the minors, ready to come in to the rotation and dominate ML hitting...wait what?

    fuck. nevermind.

  6. SoSock, I do not believe I EVER felt that way about DiceK. He was a disappointment from the start, and despite the fact that he did pitch a few good games along the way, I just never felt like he lived up to the hype and so was always disappointed.

  7. Did anybody watch the CWS last night.....What a game!

  8. Dice *was* pitching well at the time...

    Did anybody watch the CWS last night.....What a game!

    The White Sox were off last night. But they had a wild game last Friday.

  9. I'm going to continue blaming this failure on the World Baseball Classic. Dice-K never would have been great even without the stupid WBC, but I doubt he'd have been anywhere near this bad.

  10. Ooh this is going to be a good series. I hope you don't dig up anything embarrassing on me like that!

    Nah. Bad post title. I don't think I'll be scouring old posts for silly statements.

    (I could make a pretty good post about all the over-the-top hand-wringing that was going on in 2007, though.)

  11. I assume 9casey is referring to the College World Series game last night.

  12. Casey. Watched that game at the bar. 2 of the most awesome game-saving plays at the plate I've
    ever seen. And both in 1 game. SC could hardly lose after those.

  13. Did anyone in the Red Sox brass learn anything from this for future use? Are they taking an objective look at how Dice-k approached his conditioning during his formative years in Japan, how they changed it and the results? How both of them handled the change? What the different ball sizes did to his grip and command--if anything? How about cultural adjustments? Even purported loners need a buddy or two when they're constantly with the same group of people for 7 or 8 months at a stretch. Hopefully, the Sox brain-trust is trying to figure this out. Surely even JWH can't write off a 100 million as a simple "mistake".
    Japan is still producing baseball talent and it would be silly to get gun-shy about going there because of a "remember Dice-k" trope. Or maybe look at Tazawa from a fresh perspective.
    Dice did have his moments with the Sox--there was definitely lights-out stuff at times. Like Wily Mo Pena, I wonder what happened.

  14. Like, for instance, our reactions upon acquiring Eric Gagne.

  15. assume 9casey is referring to the College World Series game last night.


  16. Did anyone in the Red Sox brass learn anything from this for future use?

    Sounds like the Sox worked hard on all that stuff the entire time he was here. But Dice was not totally receptive, so what can you do but try to find a middle ground. No way the Sox are gun-shy - any more than they would be to sign another FA after having a previous FA disaster.

    Like Wily Mo Pena, I wonder what happened.


  17. Like, for instance, our reactions upon acquiring Eric Gagne.

    Heh. I was tremendously excited about that!

  18. I was speaking of he College World Series.

    and SoSock they had 3 gave saving plays the 2 grounders to 2b and the hit to left.

  19. "Curve balls?"
    Heh. That, and every fly ball hit to him looking like one, I guess.

    Re: Dice, I'm sure the truth is somewhere in the middle. Have you ever seen this:
    Although Bobby Valentine strikes me as one of those guys who always has his eye on his next job. The combo of he and a Cafardo interview is fraught with peril unless you were actually present.

  20. From Zenslinger on July 31, 2007 on Eric Gagne:

    a) they suspect Gabbard's good performances won't last;

    b) they don't want the Yanks to get Gagne; and

    c) they're really thinking World Series this year.

    And maybe they're thinking we have plenty of pitching prospects coming up?
