
April 18, 2012

Francona Will Attend 100th Anniversary Celebration!

Excellent news!

Terry Francona has changed his mind. He will attend the huge 100th anniversary celebration at Fenway Park on Friday afternoon.

Francona told ESPN on Wednesday that he believes he owes it to the fans to show up.
He's gonna get one hell of an ovation.


  1. I wonder what it took from management to make this happen. We'll never know, but I'm very curious.

  2. I am also curious about what made Terry change his mind. I am glad he will be there, and I hope the ovation is loud enough and long enough to make John Henry and his boys go hide in their luxury boxes. Along with Bobby V.

  3. Maybe he just realized it was the right thing to do.... Is that possible in this day and age...

  4. Yay! Great news. And Amy has a great idea.

  5. Carl Crawford went 1-for-3 (HR) in an extended spring game on Wednesday. ... Daisuke Matsuzaka is "close" to making a rehab start. ... Andrew Miller will pitch for PAW on Thursday and could replace Justin Thomas for the NYY series.

  6. WEEI: Why Bobby Valentine Doesn't Really Matter:

    "Here's all you need to know: The Red Sox are dead last in the major leagues in ERA (6.22), batting average against, hits per nine innings and 28th overall in WHIP."


  7. Tito says he owes it to us? Yeah because we've done so much for that guy and I can't think of anything he's done that's relevant to my life. ???????

  8. just bring back Tito. Bobby should open his steakhouse somewhere far away

  9. Tito says he owes it to us? Yeah because we've done so much for that guy and I can't think of anything he's done that's relevant to my life.

    I know, it's a funny concept, isn't it, that he owes us? When it's exactly the opposite. He's done all the work, he performed heroically, we just went along for the ride.

    I suppose what people (including Francona) mean when they say that is "because the fans want it".

  10. I hope they don't mess up Francona's entrance in some passive agressive belittling way.
    By that I mean I hope he comes out in a way that allows the crowd to really react to him, as opposed to having him come out as another generic cog in a whole group of "past players."

    That would be the one way that current management could mess this up, and the more I think of it, it seems almost likely they'll do it this way. That way Francona would technically still be there, but he wouldn't get an ovation that might make ownership look bad by contrast.

  11. I have always thought professional athletes and managers for that matter, never do anything for the fans.. They do things for themselves.

    Tito is a big part of the history of this team , he has to know that, and missing out on the day we celebrate that history, would have bothered him for a lifetime..

    They pretty much invited every player ever associated with the Red Sox, Darren Bragg , who runs a hitting club in my building was even invited and he is going..

    He performed heroically? L are those your words... .?

  12. I hope Terry Francona takes a quiet moment Friday, looks at the 2 flags posted under his watch and realizes how grateful I am. Because of those two flags my sports life has changed - the Yankee fans are silenced forever. Without his even handed guidance of some very difficult to manage players we would still be in agony. Let's appreciate what this man did for us and wish him a wonderful life going forward.

  13. He performed heroically?

    In the context of baseball, yes, absolutely. Not in the larger context of the fate of the world or saving lives, but I assumed we were only speaking in the context of the Red Sox here.

    There's an element of selfishness in everything we do - all of us - player, manager, fan, etc. You could say that every player's charity work is done for publicity purposes. But those acts are still charitable - they still help people. It's not either-or. There's no reason to make Tito's attendance on Friday look like some kind of cynical ploy.

  14. Horse, I understand your concern, but I'm going to bet they don't do anything like that. With everything they're doing to celebrate the Fenway's centennial, I don't see them screwing around that way.

  15. I'm really glad he changed his mind. And in a way, I know what he's saying. The fans, who almost to a one, showed support for him all along, obviously want him to be there, feel he is a big part of their history with the team, and would see his absence as a negative in what is supposed to be a "celebration". So while he was certainly not obligated, I can see a sense of "owing it".

  16. OK, not that I would do it if I was Tito but............if the sox were smart they'd go all King George and hire Billy Martin back, I mean Tito back. That would make sense to me.

  17. if the sox were smart they'd go all King George and hire Billy Martin back, I mean Tito back.

    Are you saying BV is a Lemon?

  18. "Bobby should open his steakhouse somewhere far away"

    This is kind of odd since the restaurant was there for decades already, and it's all the way in Stamford, CT anyway. (Plus the Texas locations.) Also, it's just a sports bar/restaurant--"steakhouse" makes it sound all fancy but it's not one of those, it's a place you can walk into in your ratty clothes, look at endless sports memorabilia and play Pop-a-shot, a good atmosphere. Check it out.

  19. "I hope he comes out in a way that allows the crowd to really react to him, as opposed to having him come out as another generic cog in a whole group of "past players." "

    Obviously Tito's gonna get a huge ovation any time he ever comes back. But tomorrow is about Fenway Park--I hope every player/coach gets the exact same treatment. It's not about celebrating the guys who won extra, it's about celebrating the team and the place.

    I hate how it's turned into "a cheer for Francona equals a boo for ownership," as if they have nothing to do with the championships.

  20. Did you see the throwback unis?


    Hope that worked

  22. Theo is not invited, or any past GMs? That is nuts.

    It's not about celebrating the guys who won extra, it's about celebrating the team and the place.

    True as that is, there's no way to separate feelings about Fenway and the Sox from 2004 and 2007. If Red Sox fans were still in their pre-2004 state, the whole thing would feel so different - it would be so different.

  23. As long as Curtis Leskanic is there , I am good...

  24. What time do the festivities start tomorrow, and will they be on NESN? I will be on the road, but would love to set my DVR. Help!

  25. Looks like it starts a little after 2 PM.

    It will also be carried live at

  26. As long as Curtis Leskanic is there , I am good..

    Leskanic, you SON OF A BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!

  27. Thanks, Allan. I will check the NESN schedule. I will be in the car, so watching it online is not an option.

  28. On April 11, 2005, Leskanic would return to Fenway Park to receive his World Series ring. He was received with a standing ovation, as did all members of the Boston Red Sox Johnny Pesky greeted him during the ring ceremony by saying,
    “Leskanic! You son of a bitch”

  29. When I think of the unsung heroes of October 2004, I always think of Leskanic first.

    (How could this not be on NESN?)

  30. just for props I ripped that from Surviving Grady..
