
April 8, 2012

Red Sox Score 12 And Lose For Second Time Since 1933

Sunday's heartbreaking loss 13-12 to the Tigers was only the eighth* time in team history that the Red Sox scored at least 12 runs and lost. Before today, it had happened only once since 1933.

Baseball Reference has boxscores for seven of the eight games. (Thanks to Jere for the elusive 1903 linescore.)
July 29, 1903
NYH - 330 014 031 - 15 19  3
BOS - 101 233 004 - 14  6  8

September 17, 1920
BOS - 001 000 552 000 - 13  9  3
DET - 102 501 112 001 - 14 20  5

September 1, 1926
WAS - 202 501 221 - 14 17  0
BOS - 101 043 030 - 12 15  2

July 12, 1929
BOS - 020 303 310 - 12 16  1
DET - 110 015 014 - 13 15  2

July 31, 1930
NYY - 204 004 400 - 14 12  7
BOS - 301 023 121 - 13 17  6

September 23, 1933
NYY - 206 311 210 - 16 23  5
BOS - 001 314 021 - 12 16  3

May 31, 1970
CWS - 601 317 040 - 22 24  0
BOS - 200 412 112 - 13 16  3

April 8, 2012
BOS - 025 002 001 02 - 12 18  0
DET - 410 200 003 03 - 13 17  0
* - Peter Abraham of the Globe reported that it has happened seven times in team history, but the Baseball Reference search (which he might have used) includes games only as far back as 1918. You have to look at the 1901-17 seasons individually to get a true team history total.

While the Red Sox have scored 12 runs+ and lost seven times since 1918, both the Yankees and Tigers have done it nine times. It's happened to Cleveland 10 times and the White Sox 15 times. The poor Cubs have had it happen 23 times.


  1. Here's your linescore from the 7/29/1903 game:

    NY 330 014 031 - 15
    Bos 101 233 004 - 14

    4,155 showed up to see Chesbro against Cy Young.

  2. Was about to give up but I found more:

    NY 15 19 3
    Bos 14 6 8

    Young went all 9 for Boston. Chesbro was knocked out in the 6th and Howell finished for them. (The mini-box I'm looking at from the New London Day shows Howell pitching for the Sox but it's wrong, he was on NY.)

    Time: 2:10

  3. 29 runs in just over two hours? Those 8 errors can hurt you. 13 combined in the 1930 game. Is that an uncommon number of errors for the time period?

  4. Jere: I knew you'd dig it up!

    13 seems a bit high for the 1930s. but we've seen games now that have 5 or 6 combined, so they happen.

  5. Something I have not found and am eager to find: the number of time a team has blown multiple save opportunities in one game. I tried the PI from BBref and they do not appear to manage that statistic.

    I'm not sure whether this is more common than I think.

  6. It doesn't happen every day, but it is not rare. I am pretty sure there was a game either last year or 2010 in which a team had 3 blown saves!

  7. SoSH thread with a list of all games in which the Sox scored at least 12 and their opponents also scored at least 12. Boston's record in those games is 21-8-1.

    Also, yesterday was the first time the Red Sox ever blew multiple, 2+ run leads in the ninth inning or later.
