
March 31, 2013

2013 Red Sox W-L Contest Entries

Here are the entries for the 2013 W-L Contest:

                W-L    Lackey ERA    JBJ PA
Laura K       101-61      5.60         90
Justin M       99-63      2.81        500
Chris S        97-65      4.00        300
Ian R          97-65      4.35        220
Jeffrey M      94-68      4.39         29
Zack P         92-70      3.32         16
Jared T        92-70      3.89        150
Matt S         92-70      3.95        600
Ray P          92-70      4.18        386
Kristen C      92-70      4.44        333
Ed N           92-70      5.00        209
Ignacio C      91-71      4.05        190
Tim L          91-71      4.07        198
Philip H       91-71      4.32        353
Lance E        90-72      4.22         40
Rick F         90-72      4.35        435
Matthew K      90-72      4.45         62
Matthew B      89-73      3.85        260
Michael K      89-73      4.02         84
David M        89-73      4.13        375
Greg M         89-73      4.29         87
Jere S         89-73      4.44        444
Jeff L         89-73      4.85        125
Leigh B        88-74      3.48        175
John Q         88-74      3.65         65
Tom D          88-74      3.85        420
Matt K         88-74      4.78        234
Brian B        87-75      3.96        475
Jacob L        87-75      3.99        555
Lewis S        87-75      4.15        466
Mike K         87-75      4.17          -
Moshe K        87-75      4.23        287
Allan W        87-75      4.25        300
Jeff F         87-75      4.95         94
John G         86-76      3.75        500
Bradley R      86-76      3.75        177
James C        86-76      3.96        194
Timothy C      86-76      4.13        240
Andrew B       86-76      4.13         19
Alan C         86-76      4.44         66
Benjamin B     86-76      4.55        518
Kathryn L      86-76      5.89        172
Jeff A         85-77      4.00        300
Nick R         85-77      4.02        332
Rich G         84-78      3.77         78
Jeff R         84-78      4.12         52
Ernie P        83-79      4.13        175
Ben T          83-79      4.54        520
Jason H        83-79      4.76        153
Jess M         83-79      4.89        267
David F        82-80      4.18        119
Franco B       82-80      4.41        441
Peter L        82-80      4.95        161
Amy C          81-81      5.40        455
Timothy W      78-84      5.57        127

Jeff C         76-86      4.33        600

My picks are in red: "87 wins. WC. ... Then they get hot for 3 weeks."

If your entry is missing or has a typo, re-send your original email to me.

Right now, the prize is a copy of Ron Kaplan's "501 Baseball Books Fans Must Read Before They Die" (University of Nebraska Press), which I reviewed here. There might be a better prize announced this summer.


Dr. Jeff created some graphs to show the entries:


  1. Gotta love Laura's optimism! But then she already has ready access to the prize, so why not guess optimistically!

    I guess I am out of the mainstream on my guesses except for the Bradley PA guess. Like they say, hope for the best, but prepare for the worst!

    I'll be at work during the game, but will be secretly checking the score when I can.

    GO SOX!

  2. My goal is always to guess the most wins!

    If the super-special prize works out, I will miss having a shot at it. But the book... whatever. My philosophy now is "I'd rather be hopeful than right." :)

  3. Note: The W-L winner has to be exact. The tiebreakers are the closest guesses, either higher or lower.

  4. Record over last 24 games will lead to the following winners, assuming Lackey's ERA doesn't skyrocket:

    10-14: Zack P
    11-13: Zack P
    12-12: Jeffrey M(eier?)
    13-11: Jeffrey M(eier?)
    14-10: Chris S*
    15-9: Chris S
    16-8: Justin M
    17-7: Justin M
    18-6: Justin M
    19-5 or better: Laura K
    9-15 or worse: Winner will be last thing on my mind.

    *This is what we're on pace for right now

  5. Six games left.

    6-0, 5-1, or 4-2: Justin M
    3-3 or 2-4: Chris S
    1-5 or 0-6: Jeffrey M


  6. Note: The W-L winner has to be exact.
    April 1, 2013 at 11:50 AM

  7. I took that into consideration based on the assumption Lackey's ERA stays somewhere near where it is now. Or are you saying if nobody gets it exactly right there's no winner?

  8. Lackey's ERA is only a tiebreaker, if more than one person guesses the correct W-L record. If no one guesses W-L correctly, no one wins.

    That's my understanding from past contests.
