
October 11, 2013

Everyone Loves A Contest #13

ALCS Contest!

Prize: "How the Red Sox Explain New England" by Jon Chattman and Allie Tarantino (Triumph Books, 2013)

Guess: ALCS Results (e.g., Red Sox in 6)

Tiebreaker A: Total Runs Scored by Red Sox

Tiebreaker B: Total Runs Scored by Red Sox and Tigers

Rules: Email your guesses to me. Winning tiebreaker can be over or under actual amount(s).

Deadline: Tomorrow (Saturday), Noon.


  1. So far all my predictions have come through - all four teams in the ALCS and NLCS.

    Most of this year, I've thought the Red Sox would beat Detroit to get to the World Series, then play the Dodgers. Let's see if I'm a genius. ;)

  2. The question here is: Will anyone pick the Tigers?

  3. One year I made an honest playoff prediction that was non-Sox, and took a bit of grief for it! So maybe not.

    (This year my honest prediction and my wildly optimistic predictions are the same thing.)

  4. Not me! Sox in 5.

    This is going to be fun. Especially ragging on my Michigan cousins.

  5. The prize may not be good enough for that!

    My pick is in the post: Sox in Six.
