
October 29, 2013

Mechanical Issues With Airplane Keep Cardinals Grounded In St. Louis

Derrick Goold, St. Louis Post-Dispatch:
The Cardinals' charter flight from St. Louis to Boston [on Tuesday] was delayed more than five hours by a mechanical issue that kept the plane grounded. The team waited for the glitch to be fixed, and eventually had to consider getting a new plane to make their way here for Game 6 of the World Series.

The Cardinals boarded the flight before 1 p.m St. Louis time.

By 6 p.m. it had not left.


  1. Some reporter tweeted a question about whether the Cardinals could get a postponement of the game because of the flight trouble. Ugh. No.

  2. Cards took off around 6 PM Central Time.

  3. Wasn't there something similar to this in reverse one postseason long ago? A westward flight where the other team's flight was held by ATC?

  4. Here's hoping Holladay remains grounded through the rest of WS play...
