
October 24, 2013

Newspapers: Game 1

Boston Herald:

Boston Globe:

Attleboro Sun Chronicle:

Cape Cod Times:

Fall River Herald News:

New York Daily News:

New Bedford Standard-Times

Taunton Daily Gazette:

Worcester Telegram & Gazette:

St. Louis Post Dispatch:



  1. Between this, Matheny's whining about not getting the benefit of a blown call, and their stellar defense, the Cardinals are just covering themselves in glory. Hoping the Sox can demolish another starter tonight.

  2. "the Cardinals are just covering themselves in glory."

    Their manager seems to be insufferable. Also, the post-game comments from their butterfinger shortstop were pretty sad too. Blaming the surface of Fenway's grass for him not catching a ball thrown through the air.

    In just one game, the Cardinals went from "neutral" to Rays-level "destroy them."

  3. Their fans are insufferable. Their incessant whining about the Dodgers supposed antics was comical.

    My favorite Cardinal fan story, though, dates back to 2005. I was at Busch Stadium for a Cards-Sox game in June, a game which St. Louis won handily. After the game, outside the stadium, a very drunk St. Louis fan yelled at me, "Boston sucks!" To which I responded, "I'd rather suck one night in June than four nights in October." All he could come up with was "eat my dick." Yeah. Stay classy, St. Louis.

  4. You know what? Fans of all teams are insufferable, when they're in your face and on the other side. Red Sox fans are no exception.

    Sorry, but it's true!

  5. "Red Sox fans are no exception"

    I listen to WEEI. I can vouch for this.

  6. "You know what? Fans of all teams are insufferable, when they're in your face and on the other side. Red Sox fans are no exception."

    Oh no doubt. I'm insulated living in Chicago. I don't encounter a lot of the other Boston fans, but when I'm at Fenway it's pretty obvious. What I do notice is how insufferable Chicago fans are. Which really just validates your point, Laura. Sports fans are insufferable. Period.

  7. Sports fans are insufferable. Period.

    We are all zealots and zealots are unquestionably insufferable when it comes to the "truth".

    But this is coming from the team's manager and the players. Which makes it worse, since they are supposed to be somewhat professional about it. We saw David Price whine about Ortiz in the ALDS and he knew he should apologize for what he had said. I would think Beltran would be similarly embarrassed by his comments about Puig and the Dodgers, but I was apparently wrong.

  8. We are all zealots and zealots are unquestionably insufferable when it comes to the "truth".

    A very insightful comment coming from my favourite zealot.
